fluvio_ws_stream_wasm 0.7.0

A convenience library for using websockets in WASM
use crate::{import::*, notify, CloseEvent, WsErr, WsEvent, WsState, WsStream};

/// The meta data related to a websocket. Allows access to the methods on the WebSocket API.
/// This is split from the `Stream`/`Sink` so you can pass the latter to a combinator whilst
/// continuing to use this API.
/// A `WsMeta` instance is observable through the [`pharos::Observable`](https://docs.rs/pharos/0.4.3/pharos/trait.Observable.html)
/// trait. The type of event is [WsEvent]. In the case of a Close event, there will be additional information included
/// as a [CloseEvent].
/// When you drop this, the connection does not get closed, however when you drop [WsStream] it does.
/// Most of the methods on this type directly map to the web API. For more documentation, check the
/// [MDN WebSocket documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSocket/WebSocket).
pub struct WsMeta {
    ws: SendWrapper<Rc<WebSocket>>,
    pharos: SharedPharos<WsEvent>,

impl WsMeta {
    const OPEN_CLOSE: Filter<WsEvent> =
        Filter::Pointer(|evt: &WsEvent| evt.is_open() | evt.is_closed());

    /// Connect to the server. The future will resolve when the connection has been established with a successful WebSocket
    /// handshake.
    /// This returns both a [WsMeta] (allow manipulating and requesting meta data for the connection) and
    /// a [WsStream] (`Stream`/`Sink` over [WsMessage](crate::WsMessage)). [WsStream] can be wrapped to obtain
    /// `AsyncRead`/`AsyncWrite`/`AsyncBufRead` with [WsStream::into_io].
    /// ## Errors
    /// Browsers will forbid making websocket connections to certain ports. See this [Stack Overflow question](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4313403/why-do-browsers-block-some-ports/4314070).
    /// `connect` will return a [WsErr::ForbiddenPort].
    /// If the URL is invalid, a [WsErr::InvalidUrl] is returned. See the [HTML Living Standard](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/web-sockets.html#dom-websocket) for more information.
    /// When the connection fails (server port not open, wrong ip, wss:// on ws:// server, ... See the [HTML Living Standard](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/web-sockets.html#dom-websocket)
    /// for details on all failure possibilities), a [WsErr::ConnectionFailed] is returned.
    /// **Note**: Sending protocols to a server that doesn't support them will make the connection fail.
    pub async fn connect(
        url: impl AsRef<str>,
        protocols: impl Into<Option<Vec<&str>>>,
    ) -> Result<(Self, WsStream), WsErr> {
        let res = match protocols.into() {
            None => WebSocket::new(url.as_ref()),

            Some(v) => {
                let js_protos = v.iter().fold(Array::new(), |acc, proto| {

                WebSocket::new_with_str_sequence(url.as_ref(), &js_protos)

        // Deal with errors from the WebSocket constructor.
        let ws = match res {
            Ok(ws) => SendWrapper::new(Rc::new(ws)),

            Err(e) => {
                let de: &DomException = e.unchecked_ref();

                match de.code() {
                    DomException::SYNTAX_ERR => {
                        return Err(WsErr::InvalidUrl {
                            supplied: url.as_ref().to_string(),

                    _ => unreachable!(),

        // Create our pharos.
        let mut pharos = SharedPharos::default();
        let ph1 = pharos.clone();
        let ph2 = pharos.clone();
        let ph3 = pharos.clone();
        let ph4 = pharos.clone();

        // Setup our event listeners
        let on_open = Closure::wrap(Box::new(move || {
            // notify observers
            notify(ph1.clone(), WsEvent::Open)
        }) as Box<dyn FnMut()>);

        // TODO: is there no information at all in an error?
        let on_error = Closure::wrap(Box::new(move || {
            // notify observers.
            notify(ph2.clone(), WsEvent::Error)
        }) as Box<dyn FnMut()>);

        let on_close = Closure::wrap(Box::new(move |evt: JsCloseEvt| {
            let c = WsEvent::Closed(CloseEvent {
                code: evt.code(),
                reason: evt.reason(),
                was_clean: evt.was_clean(),

            notify(ph3.clone(), c)
        }) as Box<dyn FnMut(JsCloseEvt)>);


        // Listen to the events to figure out whether the connection opens successfully. We don't want to deal with
        // the error event. Either a close event happens, in which case we want to recover the CloseEvent to return it
        // to the user, or an Open event happens in which case we are happy campers.
        let mut evts = pharos
            .expect("we didn't close pharos");

        // If the connection is closed, return error
        if let Some(WsEvent::Closed(evt)) = evts.next().await {
            return Err(WsErr::ConnectionFailed { event: evt });

        // We don't handle Blob's

            Self {
                ws: ws.clone(),

    /// Close the socket. The future will resolve once the socket's state has become `WsState::CLOSED`.
    /// See: [MDN Documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSocket/close)
    pub async fn close(&self) -> Result<CloseEvent, WsErr> {
        match self.ready_state() {
            WsState::Closed => return Err(WsErr::ConnectionNotOpen),
            WsState::Closing => {}

            _ => {
                // This can not throw normally, because the only errors the API can return is if we use a code or
                // a reason string, which we don't.
                // See [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSocket/close#Exceptions_thrown).

                // Notify Observers
                notify(self.pharos.clone(), WsEvent::Closing)

        let mut evts = match self
            Ok(events) => events,
            Err(e) => unreachable!("{:?}", e), // only happens if we closed it.

        // We promised the user a CloseEvent, so we don't have much choice but to unwrap this. In any case, the stream will
        // never end and this will hang if the browser fails to send a close event.
        let ce = evts.next().await.expect_throw("receive a close event");

        if let WsEvent::Closed(e) = ce {
        } else {

    /// Close the socket. The future will resolve once the socket's state has become `WsState::CLOSED`.
    /// See: [MDN Documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSocket/close)
    pub async fn close_code(&self, code: u16) -> Result<CloseEvent, WsErr> {
        match self.ready_state() {
            WsState::Closed => return Err(WsErr::ConnectionNotOpen),
            WsState::Closing => {}

            _ => {
                match self.ws.close_with_code(code) {
                    // Notify Observers
                    Ok(_) => notify(self.pharos.clone(), WsEvent::Closing),

                    Err(_) => {
                        return Err(WsErr::InvalidCloseCode { supplied: code });

        let mut evts = match self
            Ok(events) => events,
            Err(e) => unreachable!("{:?}", e), // only happens if we closed it.

        let ce = evts.next().await.expect_throw("receive a close event");

        if let WsEvent::Closed(e) = ce {
        } else {

    /// Close the socket. The future will resolve once the socket's state has become `WsState::CLOSED`.
    /// See: [MDN Documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSocket/close)
    pub async fn close_reason(
        code: u16,
        reason: impl AsRef<str>,
    ) -> Result<CloseEvent, WsErr> {
        match self.ready_state() {
            WsState::Closed => return Err(WsErr::ConnectionNotOpen),
            WsState::Closing => {}

            _ => {
                if reason.as_ref().len() > 123 {
                    return Err(WsErr::ReasonStringToLong);

                match self.ws.close_with_code_and_reason(code, reason.as_ref()) {
                    // Notify Observers
                    Ok(_) => notify(self.pharos.clone(), WsEvent::Closing),

                    Err(_) => return Err(WsErr::InvalidCloseCode { supplied: code }),

        let mut evts = match self
            Ok(events) => events,
            Err(e) => unreachable!("{:?}", e), // only happens if we closed it.

        let ce = evts.next().await.expect_throw("receive a close event");

        if let WsEvent::Closed(e) = ce {
        } else {

    /// Verify the [WsState] of the connection.
    pub fn ready_state(&self) -> WsState {
            // This can't throw unless the browser gives us an invalid ready state.
            .expect_throw("Convert ready state from browser API")

    /// Access the wrapped [web_sys::WebSocket](https://docs.rs/web-sys/0.3.25/web_sys/struct.WebSocket.html) directly.
    /// _ws_stream_wasm_ tries to expose all useful functionality through an idiomatic rust API, so hopefully
    /// you won't need this, however if I missed something, you can.
    /// ## Caveats
    /// If you call `set_onopen`, `set_onerror`, `set_onmessage` or `set_onclose` on this, you will overwrite
    /// the event listeners from `ws_stream_wasm`, and things will break.
    pub fn wrapped(&self) -> &WebSocket {

    /// The number of bytes of data that have been queued but not yet transmitted to the network.
    /// **NOTE:** that this is the number of bytes buffered by the underlying platform WebSocket
    /// implementation. It does not reflect any buffering performed by _ws_stream_wasm_.
    pub fn buffered_amount(&self) -> u32 {

    /// The extensions selected by the server as negotiated during the connection.
    /// **NOTE**: This is an untested feature. The back-end server we use for testing (_tungstenite_)
    /// does not support Extensions.
    pub fn extensions(&self) -> String {

    /// The name of the sub-protocol the server selected during the connection.
    /// This will be one of the strings specified in the protocols parameter when
    /// creating this WsMeta instance.
    pub fn protocol(&self) -> String {

    /// Retrieve the address to which this socket is connected.
    pub fn url(&self) -> String {

impl fmt::Debug for WsMeta {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "WsMeta for connection: {}", self.url())

impl Observable<WsEvent> for WsMeta {
    type Error = PharErr;

    fn observe(&mut self, options: ObserveConfig<WsEvent>) -> Observe<'_, WsEvent, Self::Error> {