fasteval 0.1.6

Fast evaluation of algebraic expressions


Fast evaluation of algebraic expressions

// TODO: // [x] Port all tests // [x] NaN, inf, -inf are valid. problem? no because my parser thinks they're vars. // [x] e() pi() ... or should i prefer variables? Provide a default layer of variables? Vars don't work well with TV symbols. // [x] Profile, boost critical sections. // [x] optimize the peek/read process -- be able to read N bytes if we peek successfully. // [x] optimize after parse // [x] custom functions (i.e. Variables With Arguments) // [x] REPL Example with Variables // [x] Copy smart tests from other libs. // [x] Reduce work: Parser obj --> functions. EvalNS --> BTreeMap. // [x] #[inline] last, using profile as a guide. // [ ] Remove panics. // [ ] Review #[inline]s -- can I convert to macros? // [ ] More examples: UnsafeVar. Callbacks with user-defined vars and functions + mutation with RefCell. // [ ] Readme // [ ] Documentation // // [ ] sprintf. Fake it for now: %s, %#.#f