ez-ezio 0.0.6

internal fork of ezio. not stable.
//! ezio - an easy IO library for Rust
//! ezio offers an easy to use IO API for reading and writing to files and stdio.
//! ezio includes utilities for generating random numbers and other IO-like functionality.
//! Performance and idiomatic error handling are explicit non-goals, so ezio is
//! probably not suitable for production use. It is better suited for education,
//! experimentation, and prototyping.
//! ezio wraps the standard library's IO APIs and other well-established crates, and is designed
//! to interoperate with them, so ezio should be compatible with most upstream libraries.
//! The easiest way to use ezio is to include the prelude:
//! ```
//! use ezio::prelude::*;
//! ```
//! You can then either use reader and writer objects, or read/write free functions,
//! each are defined in the modules for specific IO kinds.
//! ezio has its own [`Read`] and [`Write`] traits which you can use for generic
//! programming.
//! ## Examples
//! ```no_run
//! use ezio::prelude::*;
//! fn main() {
//!     // Read a line from stdin
//!     let _ = stdio::read_line();
//!     // Iterate lines in a file
//!     for line in file::reader("path/to/file.txt") {
//!         // ...
//!     }
//!     // Read a while file
//!     let _ = file::read("path/to/file.txt");
//!     // Write to a file
//!     file::write_str("path/to/file.txt", "Some text");
//!     // Write multiple things to a file
//!     let mut w = file::writer("path/to/file.txt");
//!     w.write_str("Some text\n");
//!     w.write_str("Some more text");
//!     // Generates a random u32
//!     let _ = random::u32();
//! }
//! ```

/// Re-exports of ezio's modules, traits, and some functions and types.
/// Import using:
/// ```
/// use ezio::prelude::*;
/// ```
pub mod prelude {
    pub use super::{
        file, random,
        stdio::{self, stderr, stdin, stdout, Stderr, Stdin, Stdout},

pub use read::Read;
pub use write::Write;

/// Defines ezio's `Read` trait and iterators for reading.
mod read;

/// Defines ezio's `Write` trait.
mod write {
    use ez::try_throws;

    /// A trait for objects which can write out data.
    pub trait Write: std::io::Write {
        /// Write a string to self.
        /// How the string is written will depend on the implementation.
        /// Panics if the string cannot be written.
        fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str);

        /// Write any data which implements `ToString` to self.
        /// Panics if the string cannot be written.
        fn write_any(&mut self, o: impl ToString)
            Self: Sized,

    macro_rules! impl_inherent_write {
        ($type:ty) => {
            impl $type {
                pub fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) {
                    crate::Write::try_write_str(self, s)?;

                pub fn write_any(&mut self, o: impl std::fmt::Display) {
                    crate::Write::try_write_any(self, o)?;

                pub fn write(&mut self, b: &[u8]) -> usize {
                    std::io::Write::write(self, b)?

                pub fn flush(&mut self) {

/// File IO.
pub mod file;
/// Generate random numbers (and bools) using the rand crate.
pub mod random;
/// IO using stdin, stdout, and stderr. Used for terminal IO, etc.
pub mod stdio;
/// Implementation of ezio traits for strings. Useful for mocking and other
/// test usage of ezio in tests.
pub mod string;