ez-ezio 0.0.6

internal fork of ezio. not stable.


This is an exercise testing out the macros from the ez crate, and potential changes for ezio. Nobody should use this directly. If this has any good ideas, we'll see about upstreaming them instead.

Changes from Upstream

  • Trait implementations are wrapped with inherent methods, so the traits don't need to be imported and are no longer included in the prelude.
  • The .write method was renamed .write_str to disambiguate it in case both write traits are imported at once.
  • Most panicking methods have fallible try_ alternatives added (though in most) cases we're just throwing an eyre::Report instead of anything more specific.

ezio - a crate for easy IO

ezio offers an easy to use IO API for reading and writing to files and stdio. ezio includes utilities for generating random numbers and other IO-like functionality. Performance and idiomatic error handling are explicit non-goals, so ezio is probably not suitable for production use. It is better suited for education, experimentation, and prototyping.

ezio wraps the standard library's IO APIs and other well-established crates, and is designed to interoperate with them, so ezio should be compatible with most upstream libraries.


use ezio::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // Read a line from stdin
    let _ = stdio::read_line();

    // Iterate lines in a file
    for line in file::reader("path/to/file.txt") {
        // ...

    // Read a whole file
    let _ = file::read("path/to/file.txt");

    // Write to a file
    file::write("path/to/file.txt", "Some text");

    // Write multiple things to a file
    let mut w = file::writer("path/to/file.txt");
    w.write("Some text\n");
    w.write("Some more text");

    // Generates a random u32
    let _ = random::u32();

Design principals

(ezio is work in progress, so these may still be aspirational)

  • Easy to use!
  • Easy to import - provide a prelude and most users will not need anything else
  • Simple module hierarchy
  • String-based, not byte-based by default
  • Panic-happy: panic by default, try_ versions of functions where you really need an error
  • Allocation-happy: returns Strings, etc rather than taking buffers
  • Compatible and interoperable with std IO so programs can gradually migrate from ezio to std::io
  • Just because we're doing unsophisticated IO, doesn't mean the rest of the program is unsophisticated. Therefore:
    • should be idiomatic Rust
    • should support generics and trait objects, etc