Crate ezio

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ezio - an easy IO library for Rust

ezio offers an easy to use IO API for reading and writing to files and stdio. ezio includes utilities for generating random numbers and other IO-like functionality. Performance and idiomatic error handling are explicit non-goals, so ezio is probably not suitable for production use. It is better suited for education, experimentation, and prototyping.

ezio wraps the standard library’s IO APIs and other well-established crates, and is designed to interoperate with them, so ezio should be compatible with most upstream libraries.

The easiest way to use ezio is to include the prelude:

use ezio::prelude::*;

You can then either use reader and writer objects, or read/write free functions, each are defined in the modules for specific IO kinds.

ezio has its own Read and Write traits which you can use for generic programming.


use ezio::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // Read a line from stdin
    let _ = stdio::read_line();

    // Iterate lines in a file
    for line in file::reader("path/to/file.txt") {
        // ...

    // Read a while file
    let _ = file::read("path/to/file.txt");

    // Write to a file
    file::write_str("path/to/file.txt", "Some text");

    // Write multiple things to a file
    let mut w = file::writer("path/to/file.txt");
    w.write_str("Some text\n");
    w.write_str("Some more text");

    // Generates a random u32
    let _ = random::u32();


File IO.

Re-exports of ezio’s modules, traits, and some functions and types.

Generate random numbers (and bools) using the rand crate.

IO using stdin, stdout, and stderr. Used for terminal IO, etc.

Implementation of ezio traits for strings. Useful for mocking and other test usage of ezio in tests.


A trait for objects which can read data.

A trait for objects which can write out data.