evtx 0.3.2

A Fast (and safe) parser for the Windows XML Event Log (EVTX) format

Build Status crates.io


This is a parser for the Windows EVTX format.

Supported rust version is latest stable rust (minimum 1.34) or nightly.


Python bindings are available as well at https://github.com/omerbenamram/pyevtx-rs (and at PyPi https://pypi.org/project/evtx/)


  • Implemented using 100% safe rust - and works on all platforms supported by rust (that have stdlib).
  • Multi-threaded.
  • Supports XML and JSON outputs, both being zero-copy and independent of each other (JSON documents are being built directly from the inner representation of the binary xml token tree, no xml2json is performed!)
  • Supports some basic recovery of missing records/chunks!

Installation (associated binary utility):

  • Download latest executable release from https://github.com/omerbenamram/evtx/releases
    • Releases are automatically built for for Windows, macOS, and Linux. (64-bit executables only)
  • Build from sources using cargo install evtx

Example usage (associated binary utility):

  • run evtx_dump <evtx_file> to dump contents of evtx records as xml.
  • run evtx_dump -o json <evtx_file> to dump contents of evtx records as JSON.

Note: by default, the library will try to utilize multithreading, this means that the records may be returned out of order.

To force single threaded usage (which will also ensure order), -t 1 can be passed.

Example usage (as library):

use evtx::EvtxParser;
use std::path::PathBuf;

fn main() {
    // Change this to a path of your .evtx sample. 
    let fp = PathBuf::from(format!("{}/samples/security.evtx", std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap())); 
    let mut parser = EvtxParser::from_path(fp).unwrap();
    for record in parser.records() {
        match record {
            Ok(r) => println!("Record {}\n{}", r.event_record_id, r.data),
            Err(e) => eprintln!("{}", e),

The parallel version is enabled when compiling with feature "multithreading" (enabled by default).


Initial benchmarking I've performed indicate that this implementation is probably the fastest available 🍺.

I'm using a real world, 30MB sample which contains ~62K records.

This is benchmarked on my 2017 MBP.

Comparison with other libraries:

  • python-evtx (https://github.com/williballenthin/python-evtx)

    With CPython this is quite slow

    time -- python3 ~/Workspace/python-evtx/scripts/evtx_dump.py ./samples/security_big_sample.evtx > /dev/null                                                                      Mon Apr  1 19:41:16 2019
          363.83 real       356.26 user         2.17 sys

    With PyPy (tested with pypy3.5, 7.0.0), it's taking just less than a minute (a 6x improvement!)

    time -- pypy3 ~/Workspace/python-evtx/scripts/evtx_dump.py ./samples/security_big_sample.evtx > /dev/null                                                                      Mon Apr  1 19:41:16 2019
          59.30 real        58.10 user         0.51 sys
  • libevtx (https://github.com/libyal/libevtx)

    This library is written in C, so I initially expected it to be faster than my implementation.

    It clocks in about 6x faster than PyPy.

    time -- ~/Workspace/libevtx/dist/bin/evtxexport -f xml ./samples/security_big_sample.evtx > /dev/null
           11.30 real        10.77 user         0.41 sys

    Note: libevtx does have multi-threading support planned (according to the readme), but isn't implemented as of writing this (April 2019).

  • evtx (this library!)

    When using a single thread, this implementation is about 2.8x faster than C

    time -- ./target/release/main -t 1 ./samples/security_big_sample.evtx > /dev/null                                                                                     
            4.04 real         3.90 user         0.11 sys

    With multi-threading enabled, it blazes through the file in just 1.3 seconds:

    time -- ./target/release/main ./samples/security_big_sample.evtx > /dev/null                                                                                 
            1.30 real         6.10 user         0.29 sys


  • Currently unimplemented:
    • PI/cdata nodes.
    • entity/character refs.
    • EVTHandle node type.

If the parser errors on any of these nodes, feel free to open an issue or drop me an email with a sample.


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at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.