evtx 0.2.4

A Fast (and safe) parser for the Windows XML Event Log (EVTX) format

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This is a parser for the Windows EVTX format.

This parser is implemented using 100% safe rust.

The parser supports XML and JSON outputs, both being zero-copy and independent of each other.

For JSON this means that no conversion to textual XML is done. The JSON object is being directly built from the inner representation of the binary xml token tree.

Supported rust version is latest stable rust (minimum 1.34) or nightly.


Python bindings are available as well at https://github.com/omerbenamram/pyevtx-rs (still experimental, will publish to PyPi soon)

Example usage (associated binary utility):

  • cargo install evtx
  • run evtx_dump <evtx_file> to dump contents of evtx records as xml.
  • run evtx_dump -o json <evtx_file> to dump contents of evtx records as JSON.

Note: by default, the library will try to utilize multithreading, this means that the records may be printed out of order.

To force single threaded usage (which will also ensure order), -t 1 can be passed.

Example usage (as library):

use evtx::EvtxParser;
use std::path::PathBuf;

fn main() {
    // Change this to a path of your .evtx sample. 
    let fp = PathBuf::from(format!("{}/samples/security.evtx", std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap())); 
    let mut parser = EvtxParser::from_path(fp).unwrap();
    for record in parser.records() {
        match record {
            Ok(r) => println!("Record {}\n{}", r.event_record_id, r.data),
            Err(e) => eprintln!("{}", e),

The parallel version is enabled when compiling with feature "multithreading" (enabled by default).


Initial benchmarking I've performed indicate that this implementation is probably the fastest available 🍺.

I'm using a real world, 30MB sample which contains ~62K records.

This is benchmarked on my 2017 MBP.

Comparison with other libraries:

  • python-evtx (https://github.com/williballenthin/python-evtx)

    With CPython this is quite slow

    time -- python3 ~/Workspace/python-evtx/scripts/evtx_dump.py ./samples/security_big_sample.evtx > /dev/null                                                                      Mon Apr  1 19:41:16 2019
          363.83 real       356.26 user         2.17 sys

    With PyPy (tested with pypy3.5, 7.0.0), it's taking just less than a minute (a 6x improvement!)

    time -- pypy3 ~/Workspace/python-evtx/scripts/evtx_dump.py ./samples/security_big_sample.evtx > /dev/null                                                                      Mon Apr  1 19:41:16 2019
          59.30 real        58.10 user         0.51 sys
  • libevtx (https://github.com/libyal/libevtx)

    This library is written in C, so I initially expected it to be faster than my implementation.

    It clocks in about 6x faster than PyPy.

    time -- ~/Workspace/libevtx/dist/bin/evtxexport -f xml ./samples/security_big_sample.evtx > /dev/null
           11.30 real        10.77 user         0.41 sys

    Note: libevtx does have multi-threading support planned (according to the readme), but isn't implemented as of writing this (April 2019).

  • evtx (this library!)

    When using a single thread, this implementation is about 2.8x faster than C

    time -- ./target/release/main -t 1 ./samples/security_big_sample.evtx > /dev/null                                                                                     
            4.04 real         3.90 user         0.11 sys

    With multi-threading enabled, it blazes through the file in just 1.3 seconds:

    time -- ./target/release/main ./samples/security_big_sample.evtx > /dev/null                                                                                 
            1.30 real         6.10 user         0.29 sys


  • I haven't implemented any sort of recovery/carving of records (available in some other implementations).

  • Currently unimplemented:

    • ANSI encoded nodes (codepage selection).
    • cdata nodes.
    • entity/character refs.
    • EVTHandle node type.

If the parser errors out on any of these nodes, feel free to open an issue or drop me an email with a sample.


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