evtx 0.1.0

A Fast (and safe) parser for the Windows XML Event Log (EVTX) format


This is a parser for the Windows EVTX format.

Note that it is complete as in the sense that it successfully parses a wide variety of samples, but I've yet to implement the full specification.

This uses almost 100% safe rust, the only exception being memory mapping input files to gain seek ergonomics. But otherwise the entire parser is safe!

Example usage:

    use evtx::EvtxParser;
    fn main() {
        let parser = EvtxParser::from_path(fp).unwrap();
        for record in parser.records() {
            match record {
                Ok(r) => println!("Record {}\n{}", r.event_record_id, r.data),
                Err(e) => eprintln!("{}", e),


Initial benchmarking that I've performed indicates that this implementation is very fast.

It crunches through a 30MB .evtx file (around 227K records) in around 21 milliseconds.


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