erg_compiler 0.6.8-nightly.3

Centimetre: the Erg compiler
.Float: ClassType
    the real part of a complex number
    Real: Float
    the imaginary part of a complex number
    Imag: Float
    Return a hexadecimal representation of a floating-point number.
    assert (100.0).hex() == "0x1.9000000000000p+6"
    assert (12.34).hex() == "0x1.8ae147ae147aep+3"
    hex: (self: .Float) -> Str
    Return integer ratio.

    Return a pair of integers, whose ratio is exactly equal to the original float
    and with a positive denominator.

    Raise `OverflowError` on infinities and a `ValueError` on NaNs.
    assert (10.0).as_integer_ratio() == (10, 1)
    assert (0.0).as_integer_ratio() == (0, 1)
    assert (-.25).as_integer_ratio() == (-1, 4)
    as_integer_ratio: (self: .Float) -> (Int, Int)
    Return `self`, the complex conjugate of any float.
    assert (1.0).conjugate() == 1.0
    conjugate: (self: .Float) -> .Float
    Create a floating-point number from a hexadecimal string.
    assert Float.fromhex("0x1.ffffp10") == 2047.984375
    assert Float.fromhex("-0x1p-1074") == -5e-324
    fromhex: (string: Str) -> .Float
    Return a hexadecimal representation of a floating-point number.
    assert (-0.1).hex() == "-0x1.999999999999ap-4"
    assert 3.14159.hex() == "0x1.921f9f01b866ep+1"
    hex: (self: .Float) -> Str
    Return `True` if the float is an integer.
    assert (1.0).is_integer()
    assert not (1.1).is_integer()
    is_integer: (self: .Float) -> Bool