erg_compiler 0.6.8-nightly.3

Centimetre: the Erg compiler
.Int: ClassType
    Real: Float
    Imag: Float
    Denominator: Nat
    Numerator: Int
    assert 1.abs() == 1
    assert -1.abs() == 1
    abs: (self: .Int) -> Nat
    as_integer_ratio: (self: .Int) -> (Int, Int)
    Number of ones in the binary representation of the absolute value of self.

    Also known as the population count.

    assert bin(13) == "0b1101"
    assert 13.bit_count() == 3
    assert bin(13) == "0b1101"
    assert (13).bit_count() == 3
    bit_count: (self: .Int) -> Nat
    Number of bits necessary to represent self in binary.
    assert bin(37) == "0b100101"
    assert 37.bit_length() == 6
    assert bin(37) == "0b100101"
    assert (37).bit_length() == 6
    bit_length: (self: .Int) -> Nat
    conjugate: (self: .Int) -> .Int
    from_bytes: (bytes: Bytes, byteorder := {"big", "little"}, signed := Bool) -> .Int
    Predecessor of `self` (`self -1`).
    assert 1.pred() == 0
    pred: (self: .Int) -> .Int
    Successor of `self` (`self + 1`).
    assert 1.succ() == 2
    succ: (self: .Int) -> .Int
    to_bytes: (self: .Int, length := Nat, byteorder := {"big", "little"}, signed := Bool) -> Bytes