enigo 0.1.3

Enigo lets you control your mouse and keyboard in an abstract way on different operating systems (currently only Linux, macOS, Win – Redox and *BSD planned)
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# enigo

Cross platform input simulation in Rust!

- [x] Linux (X11) mouse
- [x] Linux (X11) text
- [ ] Linux (Wayland) mouse
- [ ] Linux (Wayland) text
- [x] MacOS mouse
- [x] MacOS text
- [x] Win mouse
- [x] Win text
- [x] Custom Parser

let mut enigo = Enigo::new();

enigo.mouse_move_to(500, 200);
enigo.key_sequence_parse("{+CTRL}a{-CTRL}{+SHIFT}Hello World{-SHIFT}");

For more look at examples

## Runtime dependencies

Linux users may have to install `libxdo-dev`. For example, on Debian-based distros:

apt-get install libxdo-dev

On Arch:

pacman -S xdotool

On Fedora:

dnf install libX11-devel libxdo-devel

On Gentoo:

emerge -a xdotool

## Migrating from a previous version

Please have a look at our [changelog](CHANGES.md) to find out what you have to do, if you used a previous version.