enigo 0.1.3

Enigo lets you control your mouse and keyboard in an abstract way on different operating systems (currently only Linux, macOS, Win – Redox and *BSD planned)
version = "0.3"
optional = true
version = "1.0"

optional = true
version = "1.0"
version = "0.20"

version = "2.3"

version = "0.8"

with_serde = ["serde", "serde_derive"]

authors = ["Dustin Bensing <dustin.bensing@googlemail.com>"]
build = "build.rs"
categories = ["development-tools::testing", "api-bindings", "hardware-support"]
description = "Enigo lets you control your mouse and keyboard in an abstract way on different operating systems (currently only Linux, macOS, Win – Redox and *BSD planned)"
documentation = "https://docs.rs/enigo/"
edition = "2021"
exclude = [".github", ".vscode", "examples", ".gitignore", "rustfmt.toml"]
homepage = "https://github.com/enigo-rs/enigo"
keywords = ["input", "mouse", "testing", "keyboard", "automation"]
license = "MIT"
name = "enigo"
readme = "README.md"
repository = "https://github.com/enigo-rs/enigo"
rust-version = "1.64"
version = "0.1.3"
[target."cfg(target_os = \"linux\")".dependencies.libc]
version = "0.2"
[target."cfg(target_os = \"macos\")".dependencies.core-graphics]
features = ["highsierra"]
version = "0.23"

[target."cfg(target_os = \"macos\")".dependencies.objc]
version = "0.2"
[target."cfg(target_os = \"windows\")".dependencies.windows]
features = ["Win32_Foundation", "Win32_UI_WindowsAndMessaging", "Win32_UI_Input_KeyboardAndMouse"]
version = "0.51"