ebml-iterable 0.6.2

This crate provides an iterator over EBML encoded data. The items provided by the iterator are Tags as defined in EBML. The iterator is spec-agnostic and requires a specification implementing specific traits to read files. Typically, you would only use this crate to implement a custom specification - most often you would prefer a crate providing an existing specification, like `webm-iterable`.
use std::io::Cursor;
use ebml_iterable_specification::{EbmlSpecification, EbmlTag};
use futures::{AsyncRead, AsyncReadExt, Stream};
use crate::error::TagIteratorError;
use crate::TagIterator;

/// This can be transformed into a [`Stream`] using [`into_stream`][TagIteratorAsync::into_stream], or consumed directly by calling [`.next().await`] in a loop.
/// The struct can be created with the [`new()`][TagIteratorAsync::new] function on any source that implements the [`futures::AsyncRead`] trait.
pub struct TagIteratorAsync<R: AsyncRead + Unpin, TSpec>
        TSpec: EbmlSpecification<TSpec> + EbmlTag<TSpec> + Clone
    source: R,
    buffer: Box<[u8]>,
    iterator: TagIterator<Cursor<Vec<u8>>, TSpec>

impl<R: AsyncRead + Unpin, TSpec> TagIteratorAsync<R, TSpec>
        TSpec: EbmlSpecification<TSpec> + EbmlTag<TSpec> + Clone

    pub fn new(source: R, tags_to_buffer: &[TSpec]) -> Self {
        let buffer = vec![0u8; 1024 * 64];
        Self {
            buffer: buffer.into_boxed_slice(), 
            iterator: TagIterator::new(Cursor::new(Vec::new()), tags_to_buffer)

    pub async fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<TSpec, TagIteratorError>> {
        match self.source.read(&mut self.buffer).await {
            Ok(len) => {
                self.iterator.get_mut().get_mut().append(&mut self.buffer[..len].to_vec());
            Err(e) => {
                Some(Err(TagIteratorError::ReadError { source: e }))

    pub fn into_stream(self) -> impl Stream<Item=Result<TSpec, TagIteratorError>> {
        futures::stream::unfold(self, |mut read| async {
            let next = read.next().await;
            next.map(move |it| (it, read))