ebml-iterable 0.6.2

This crate provides an iterator over EBML encoded data. The items provided by the iterator are Tags as defined in EBML. The iterator is spec-agnostic and requires a specification implementing specific traits to read files. Typically, you would only use this crate to implement a custom specification - most often you would prefer a crate providing an existing specification, like `webm-iterable`.
use ebml_iterable_specification::{EbmlSpecification, EbmlTag};
use std::convert::TryInto;
use crate::{tag_iterator_util::EBMLSize::{Known, Unknown}, spec_util::is_ended_by};

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum EBMLSize {

impl EBMLSize {
    pub fn new(size: u64, vint_length: usize) -> Self {
        match vint_length {
            1 => if size == ((1 << (7))     - 1) { return Unknown; },
            2 => if size == ((1 << (7 * 2)) - 1) { return Unknown; },
            3 => if size == ((1 << (7 * 3)) - 1) { return Unknown; },
            4 => if size == ((1 << (7 * 4)) - 1) { return Unknown; },
            5 => if size == ((1 << (7 * 5)) - 1) { return Unknown; },
            6 => if size == ((1 << (7 * 6)) - 1) { return Unknown; },
            7 => if size == ((1 << (7 * 7)) - 1) { return Unknown; },
            8 => if size == ((1 << (7 * 8)) - 1) { return Unknown; },
            _ => {},

        match size.try_into() {
            Ok(value) => Known(value),
            Err(_) => Unknown

    pub fn is_known(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(&self, &EBMLSize::Known(_))

    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the current variant is not EBMLSize::Known
    pub fn value(&self) -> usize {
        match &self {
            EBMLSize::Known(val) => *val,
            _ => panic!("Called EBMLSize::value() on an unknown size!"),

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ProcessingTag<TSpec>
    where TSpec: EbmlSpecification<TSpec> + EbmlTag<TSpec> + Clone
    pub tag: TSpec,
    pub size: EBMLSize,
    pub tag_start: usize,
    pub data_start: usize,

impl<TSpec> ProcessingTag<TSpec> where TSpec: EbmlSpecification<TSpec> + EbmlTag<TSpec> + Clone {
    pub fn is_ended_by(&self, id: u64) -> bool {
        is_ended_by::<TSpec>(self.tag.get_id(), id)

pub const DEFAULT_BUFFER_LEN: usize = 1024 * 64;

/// Used to relax rules on how strictly a [`TagIterator`](crate::TagIterator) should validate the read stream.
pub enum AllowableErrors {
    /// Causes the [`TagIterator`](crate::TagIterator) to produce "RawTag" binary variants for any unknown tag ids rather than throwing an error.

    /// Causes the [`TagIterator`](crate::TagIterator) to emit tags even if they appear outside of their defined parent element.

    /// Causes the [`TagIterator`](crate::TagIterator) to emit tags even if they exceed the length of a parent element.