dsp-chain 0.4.6

Provides a Node trait and a Graph type for chaining together audio generators/processors in a dsp graph.
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A simple library for chaining together multiple audio dsp processors/generators, written in Rust!


Here are two examples of using dsp-chain to create a very basic synth.

Other use cases for dsp-chain include:

  • Designing effects.
  • Creating an audio mixer.
  • Making a sampler.
  • Writing a dsp backend for a DAW.
  • Any kind of modular audio synthesis/processing.

Add dsp-chain to your Cargo.toml dependencies like so:

dsp-chain = "*"

More Details

There are two primary modules of interest within this library, both of which are unrelated and are designed to be used separately.

  1. node.rs and the Node trait.
  2. graph.rs and the Graph type.

The Node trait offers a DSP chaining design via its inputs method. It is slightly simpler to use than the Graph type however also slightly more limited. Using the Node trait, it is impossible for two nodes to reference the same input Node making it difficult to perform tasks like complex "bussing" and "side-chaining".

The Graph type constructs a directed, acyclic graph of DSP nodes. It is the recommended approach for more advanced DSP chains that involve things like "bussing", "side-chaining" or more DAW-esque behaviour. The Graph type requires its nodes to have implemented the Dsp trait (a slightly simplified version of the Node trait, though entirely unrelated). Internally, Graph uses bluss's petgraph crate.


dsp-chain uses PortAudio as a cross-platform audio backend. The rust-portaudio dependency will first try to find an already installed version on your system before trying to download it and build PortAudio itself.


MIT - Same license as PortAudio.