dsp-chain 0.3.1

Provides a trait for chaining together audio elements in a node-system.
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A simple library for chaining together multiple audio dsp processors/generators, written in Rust!


Here's an example of using dsp-chain to create a very basic synth.

Other use cases for dsp-chain include:

  • Designing effects.
  • Creating an audio mixer.
  • Making a sampler.
  • Any kind of modular audio synthesis/processing.


Add dsp-chain to your Cargo.toml dependencies like so:

dsp-chain = "*"


dsp-chain uses PortAudio as a cross-platform audio backend. The rust-portaudio dependency will first try to find an already installed version on your system before trying to download it and build PortAudio itself.


MIT - Same license as PortAudio.