do-not-use-testing-rclrs 0.4.1

A ROS 2 client library for developing robotics applications in Rust
Changelog for package rclrs

* Service clients now support service_is_ready to check if a service server is present ahead of calling (`#399 <>`_)

0.3 (2022-07-22)
* Loaned messages (zero-copy) (`#212 <>`_)
* Graph queries (`#234 <>`_)
* Guard conditions (`#249 <>`_)

0.2 (2022-07-21)
* First release
* Build based on `colcon-ros-cargo`
* Message generation packages `rosidl_generator_rs` and `rosidl_runtime_rs`
* Publisher, Subscription, Client and Service
* Tunable QoS settings