dl_api 0.3.1

The easiest, simplest and safest way to load dynamic (shared object) libraries from Rust!


Build Status

The easiest, simplest and safest way to load dynamic (shared object) libraries from Rust!


  • Macro to create a structure that dynamically loads a C API
  • Works on Unix and Windows

Roadmap to 1.0 (Future Features)

  • Make it easier to load parts of API at any time (modular loading from same .so file).
  • Support some other obscure OS's.
  • Different loading macro for Rust ABI / other ABIS (possible ABI parameter to the macro?)
  • Make sure it's perfect.

Getting Started: Example

The code inside of the curly braces for link!() matches exactly with code inside of the curly braces for extern "C". This makes it easy for you to turn your extern "C"s into link!()s.

// Shared object: either "libmylibrary.so.1", "mylibrary-1.dll" or "libMyLibrary.dylib"
dl_api::link!(MyApi, "libmylibrary.so.1", {
	fn cFunction(param_name: ParamType) -> ReturnType;

fn main() {
	let api = MyApi::new().unwrap(); // unwrap the `Result`.

	let rtn: ReturnType = unsafe {


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