didyoumean 1.0.1

A cli spelling corrector
didyoumean-1.0.1 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: didyoumean-1.1.4

DidYouMean (or dym) is a command-line spelling corrector written in rust utilizing Levenshtein distance. DidYouMean is for those moments when you know what a word sounds like, but you're not quite sure how it's spelled.


Arch Linux

DidYouMean is available on the AUR as didyoumean-git. You can install it using any AUR helper. Using paru, the command would be as follows:

paru -S didyoumean-git

From binaries

Check out the Releases page for prebuilt versions of dym.

Build from source

Run the following command to build dym from source and install it in your home directory. Ensure that you have $CARGO_HOME/bin/ in your path.

cargo install didyoumean

Developer Installation

The build dependencies for this project are git, rust, rustc, and cargo. First, clone this repository, then run

cargo run -- <args>

where <args> are the command-line arguments you would pass the DidYouMean binary. Note that this is an unoptimized build contianing debug information so it runs much, much slower.