didyoumean 1.1.0

A cli spelling corrector
didyoumean-1.1.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: didyoumean-1.1.4

DidYouMean (or dym) is a command-line spelling corrector written in rust utilizing Levenshtein distance. DidYouMean is for those moments when you know what a word sounds like, but you're not quite sure how it's spelled.


Arch Linux (and derivatives)

DidYouMean is available on the AUR as didyoumean-git. You can install it using any AUR helper. Using paru, the command would be as follows:

paru -S didyoumean-git


evanjs very kindly packaged didyoumean for NixOS. The command to install is as follows:

nix-env install -iA nixpkgs.didyoumean

Build from source

Run the following command to build dym from source and install it in your home directory. Ensure that you have $CARGO_HOME/bin/ in your path.

cargo install didyoumean

Developer Installation

The build dependencies for this project are git, rust, rustc, and cargo. First, clone this repository, then run

cargo run -- <args>

where <args> are the command-line arguments you would pass the DidYouMean binary. Note that this is an unoptimized build contianing debug information so it runs much, much slower.