dbgen 0.8.0

Generate random test cases for databases
//! Template parser.

pub(crate) use self::derived::Rule;
use self::derived::TemplateParser;
use crate::{
    functions::{self, Function},
    span::{Registry, ResultExt, Span, SpanExt, S},

use pest::{iterators::Pairs, Parser};
use std::{cmp::Ordering, collections::HashMap, mem, ops::Range};

mod derived {
    use pest_derive::Parser;

    #[grammar = "parser.pest"]
    pub(super) struct TemplateParser;

/// A schema-qualified name with quotation marks still intact.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct QName {
    table_name_index: usize,
    qualified_name: String,
    unique_name: String,

impl QName {
    /// Creates a new qualified name from its components.
    pub fn new(database: Option<&str>, schema: Option<&str>, table: &str) -> Self {
        let estimated_joined_len =
            database.map_or(0, |s| s.len() + 1) + schema.map_or(0, |s| s.len() + 1) + table.len();

        let mut qualified_name = String::with_capacity(estimated_joined_len);
        let mut unique_name = String::with_capacity(estimated_joined_len);
        if let Some(db) = database {
            unescape_into(&mut unique_name, db, true);
        if let Some(schema) = schema {
            unescape_into(&mut unique_name, schema, true);
        let table_name_index = qualified_name.len();
        unescape_into(&mut unique_name, table, true);

        Self {

    fn from_pairs(pairs: Pairs<'_, Rule>, override_schema: [Option<&str>; 2]) -> Self {
        let (mut database, mut schema, mut table) = (None, None, None);
        for pair in pairs {
            database = schema;
            schema = table;
            table = Some(pair.as_str());
        if override_schema[1].is_some() {
            database = override_schema[0];
            schema = override_schema[1];
        Self::new(database, schema, table.expect("at least one name"))

    /// Parses a qualified name
    pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
        let mut pairs = TemplateParser::parse(Rule::qname, input)?;
        Ok(Self::from_pairs(pairs.next().unwrap().into_inner(), [None; 2]))

    /// Obtains the table name.
    /// When `qualified` is true, returns the qualified name connected with dots
    /// (`"db"."schema"."table"`). Otherwise just returns the unqualified name.
    pub fn table_name(&self, qualified: bool) -> &str {
        if qualified {
        } else {

    /// Obtains the unique name.
    /// This name is transformed from the qualified name with these changes:
    ///  - Unquoted names are all converted to lower case in the default
    ///     collation (`XyzÄbc` → `xyzäbc`). If the lowercasing results in
    ///     multiple characters (e.g. `İ` → `i̇`), only the first (`i`) will be
    ///     included.
    ///  - Quotation marks are removed (`"Hello ""world"""` → `Hello "world"`)
    ///  - Special characters including `.`, `-` and `/` are percent-encoded,
    ///     so the resulting string can be safely used as a filename.
    pub fn unique_name(&self) -> &str {

fn unescape_into(res: &mut String, ident: &str, do_percent_escape: bool) {
    use std::fmt::Write;

    let mut chars = ident.chars();
    let escape_char = match chars.next() {
        c @ Some('`') | c @ Some('\'') | c @ Some('"') => c,
        Some('[') => Some(']'),
        _ => {
            chars = ident.chars();
    let mut pass_through_escape_char = false;
    for mut c in chars {
        if pass_through_escape_char {
            pass_through_escape_char = false;
        } else if Some(c) == escape_char {
            pass_through_escape_char = true;
        } else if escape_char.is_none() {
            c = c.to_lowercase().next().unwrap();
        match c {
            '.' | '-' | '/' => {
                if do_percent_escape {
                    write!(res, "%{:02X}", u32::from(c)).unwrap();
            _ => {}

/// One single table.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct Table {
    /// The default table name.
    pub name: QName,

    /// The content of the CREATE TABLE statement.
    pub content: String,

    /// The ranges in `content` which column names appear.
    pub column_name_ranges: Vec<Range<usize>>,

    /// The expressions to populate the table.
    pub exprs: Vec<S<Expr>>,

    /// The indices of the derived tables, and the number of rows to generate.
    pub derived: Vec<(usize, S<Expr>)>,

/// A parsed template.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct Template {
    /// The expressions shared among all tables and rows.
    /// These should be evaluated only once.
    pub global_exprs: Vec<S<Expr>>,

    /// Number of variables involved in the expressions (including globals).
    pub variables_count: usize,

    /// The tables to be written out.
    pub tables: Vec<Table>,

/// A parsed expression.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Expr {
    /// The `rownum` symbol.
    /// The `subrownum` symbol.
    /// The `current_timestamp` symbol.
    /// A constant value.
    /// Symbol of a local variable `@x`.
    /// A variable assignment expression `@x := y`.
    SetVariable(usize, Box<S<Expr>>),
    /// A function call.
    Function {
        /// The function.
        function: &'static dyn Function,
        /// Function arguments.
        args: Vec<S<Expr>>,
    /// A `CASE … WHEN` expression.
    CaseValueWhen {
        /// The expression to match against.
        value: Option<Box<S<Expr>>>,
        /// The conditions and their corresponding results.
        conditions: Vec<(S<Expr>, S<Expr>)>,
        /// The result when all conditions failed.
        otherwise: Option<Box<S<Expr>>>,

impl Default for Expr {
    fn default() -> Self {

fn is_ident_char(c: char) -> bool {
    c.is_alphanumeric() || c == '_' || c == '`' || c == '"' || c == '[' || c == ']'

impl Template {
    /// Parses a raw string into a structured template.
    pub fn parse(
        input: &str,
        init_globals: &[String],
        override_schema: Option<&str>,
        span_registry: &mut Registry,
    ) -> Result<Self, S<Error>> {
        let mut alloc = Allocator {
            override_schema: [None; 2],
            map: HashMap::new(),
        if let Some(schema) = override_schema {
        let mut template = Self {
            global_exprs: init_globals
                .map(|init_global_input| {
                    let pairs = TemplateParser::parse(Rule::stmt, init_global_input).span_err(Span::default())?;
                .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?,

        let pairs = TemplateParser::parse(Rule::create_table, input).span_err(Span::default())?;
        let mut table_map = HashMap::new();
        let mut expected_child_name = None::<S<QName>>;

        for pair in pairs {
            let span = pair.as_span();
            match pair.as_rule() {
                Rule::EOI => {}
                Rule::stmt => template.global_exprs.push(
                Rule::single_table => {
                    let table = alloc.table_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?;
                    let table_name = table.name.unique_name();
                    if let Some(child_name) = &expected_child_name {
                        if child_name.inner.unique_name() != &*table_name {
                            return Err(Error::DerivedTableNameMismatch {
                                for_each_row: child_name.inner.table_name(true).to_owned(),
                                create_table: table.name.table_name(true).to_owned(),
                    table_map.insert(table_name.to_owned(), template.tables.len());
                Rule::dependency_directive => {
                    // register the next table as derived from the specified parent table.
                    let child_index = template.tables.len();
                    let DependencyDirective { parent, child, count } =
                    if let Some(parent_index) = table_map.get(parent.inner.unique_name()) {
                        template.tables[*parent_index].derived.push((child_index, count));
                        expected_child_name = Some(child);
                    } else {
                        return Err(Error::UnknownParentTable {
                            parent: parent.inner.table_name(true).to_owned(),
                r => unreachable!("Unexpected rule {:?}", r),

        template.variables_count = alloc.map.len();

/// Local variable allocator. This structure keeps record of local variables `@x` and assigns a
/// unique number of each variable, so that they can be referred using a number instead of a string.
struct Allocator<'a> {
    override_schema: [Option<&'a str>; 2],
    map: HashMap<String, usize>,
    span_registry: &'a mut Registry,

struct DependencyDirective {
    parent: S<QName>,
    child: S<QName>,
    count: S<Expr>,

impl<'a> Allocator<'a> {
    fn set_schema_name(&mut self, schema: &'a str) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let pairs = TemplateParser::parse(Rule::qname, schema)?;
        for pair in pairs {
            self.override_schema = [self.override_schema[1], Some(pair.as_str())];

    /// Allocates a local variable index given the name.
    fn allocate(&mut self, raw_var_name: &str) -> usize {
        let mut var_name = String::with_capacity(raw_var_name.len());
        unescape_into(&mut var_name, raw_var_name, false);
        let count = self.map.len();

    fn register(&mut self, span: pest::Span<'_>) -> Span {

    /// Creates a single table.
    fn table_from_pairs(&mut self, pairs: Pairs<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Table, S<Error>> {
        let mut table = Table::default();
        let mut previous_end_line = 0;
        let mut column_name_range = 0..0;
        let mut column_name_is_expired = true;

        for pair in pairs {
            let span = pair.as_span();
            let end_line = span.end_pos().line_col().0;
            let s = span.as_str();
            match pair.as_rule() {
                Rule::kw_create | Rule::kw_table => {}
                Rule::qname => table.name = QName::from_pairs(pair.into_inner(), self.override_schema),
                Rule::open_paren | Rule::close_paren => {
                Rule::op_comma => {
                    column_name_is_expired = true;
                r @ Rule::any_text | r @ Rule::ident => {
                    let start_line = span.start_pos().line_col().0;
                    if previous_end_line != start_line {
                        // insert an indented '\n' if the whitespace we skipped included it.
                        table.content.push_str("\n    ");
                    } else if table.content.ends_with(is_ident_char) && s.starts_with(is_ident_char) {
                        // insert a space if needed to ensure word boundaries
                        table.content.push(' ');
                    let table_content_len = table.content.len();
                    if column_name_is_expired && r == Rule::ident {
                        column_name_range = table_content_len..table.content.len();
                        column_name_is_expired = false;
                Rule::stmt => {
                    column_name_is_expired = true;
                    column_name_range = 0..0;
                r => unreachable!("Unexpected rule {:?}", r),
            previous_end_line = end_line;


    /// Parses a dependency directive.
    fn dependency_directive_from_pairs(&mut self, pairs: Pairs<'_, Rule>) -> Result<DependencyDirective, S<Error>> {
        let mut res = DependencyDirective::default();
        let mut is_parent = true;

        for pair in pairs {
            let span = pair.as_span();
            match pair.as_rule() {
                Rule::kw_for | Rule::kw_each | Rule::kw_rows | Rule::kw_of | Rule::kw_generate => {}
                Rule::expr => res.count = self.expr_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?.span(self.register(span)),
                Rule::qname => {
                    let target = if is_parent {
                        is_parent = false;
                        &mut res.parent
                    } else {
                        &mut res.child
                    *target = QName::from_pairs(pair.into_inner(), self.override_schema).span(self.register(span));
                r => unreachable!("Unexpected rule {:?}", r),


    /// Creates a statement expression `a; b; c`.
    fn stmt_from_pairs(&mut self, mut pairs: Pairs<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Expr, S<Error>> {

    /// Creates an assignment expression `@x := @y := z`.
    fn expr_from_pairs(&mut self, pairs: Pairs<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Expr, S<Error>> {
        let mut indices = Vec::new();

        for pair in pairs {
            match pair.as_rule() {
                Rule::ident => {
                Rule::expr_or => {
                    let span = pair.as_span();
                    let mut expr = self.expr_binary_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?;
                    if !indices.is_empty() {
                        let span = self.register(span);
                        for i in indices.into_iter().rev() {
                            expr = Expr::SetVariable(i, Box::new(expr.span(span)));
                    return Ok(expr);
                r => unreachable!("Unexpected rule {:?}", r),

        unreachable!("Pairs exhausted without finding the inner expression");

    /// Creates any expression involving a binary operator `x + y`, `x * y`, etc.
    fn expr_binary_from_pairs(&mut self, pairs: Pairs<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Expr, S<Error>> {
        let mut args = Vec::with_capacity(1);
        let mut op = None;

        for pair in pairs {
            let rule = pair.as_rule();
            let span = pair.as_span();
            match rule {
                Rule::expr_bit_or | Rule::expr_bit_and | Rule::expr_and | Rule::expr_add | Rule::expr_mul => args.push(
                Rule::expr_not => args.push(self.expr_not_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?.span(self.register(span))),
                Rule::expr_unary => args.push(self.expr_unary_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?.span(self.register(span))),
                Rule::expr => args.push(self.expr_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?.span(self.register(span))),
                | Rule::kw_and
                | Rule::is_not
                | Rule::kw_is
                | Rule::op_le
                | Rule::op_ge
                | Rule::op_lt
                | Rule::op_gt
                | Rule::op_eq
                | Rule::op_ne
                | Rule::op_add
                | Rule::op_sub
                | Rule::op_concat
                | Rule::op_mul
                | Rule::op_float_div
                | Rule::op_bit_and
                | Rule::op_bit_or
                | Rule::op_bit_xor
                | Rule::op_semicolon => {
                    match op {
                        Some(o) if o != rule => {
                            args = vec![Expr::Function {
                                function: function_from_rule(o),
                        _ => {}
                    op = Some(rule);
                r => unreachable!("Unexpected rule {:?}", r),

        Ok(if let Some(o) = op {
            Expr::Function {
                function: function_from_rule(o),
        } else {
            debug_assert_eq!(args.len(), 1);

    /// Creates a NOT expression `NOT NOT NOT x`.
    fn expr_not_from_pairs(&mut self, pairs: Pairs<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Expr, S<Error>> {
        let mut has_not = false;
        for pair in pairs {
            match pair.as_rule() {
                Rule::kw_not => {
                    has_not = !has_not;
                Rule::expr_cmp => {
                    let span = pair.as_span();
                    let expr = self.expr_binary_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?;
                    return Ok(if has_not {
                        Expr::Function {
                            function: &functions::ops::Not,
                            args: vec![expr.span(self.register(span))],
                    } else {
                r => unreachable!("Unexpected rule {:?}", r),
        unreachable!("Pairs exhausted without finding the inner expression");

    /// Creates a primary expression.
    fn expr_primary_from_pairs(&mut self, mut pairs: Pairs<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Expr, S<Error>> {
        let pair = pairs.next().unwrap();
        Ok(match pair.as_rule() {
            Rule::kw_rownum => Expr::RowNum,
            Rule::kw_subrownum => Expr::SubRowNum,
            Rule::kw_current_timestamp => Expr::CurrentTimestamp,
            Rule::kw_null => Expr::Value(Value::Null),
            Rule::kw_true => Expr::Value(1_u64.into()),
            Rule::kw_false => Expr::Value(0_u64.into()),
            Rule::expr_group => self.expr_group_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?,
            Rule::expr_timestamp => self.expr_timestamp_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?,
            Rule::expr_interval => self.expr_interval_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?,
            Rule::expr_get_variable => self.expr_get_variable_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?,
            Rule::expr_array => self.expr_array_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?,
            Rule::expr_function => self.expr_function_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?,
            Rule::expr_substring_function => self.expr_substring_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?,
            Rule::expr_overlay_function => self.expr_overlay_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?,
            Rule::expr_case_value_when => self.expr_case_value_when_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?,

            Rule::number => match parse_number(pair.as_str()) {
                Ok(v) => Expr::Value(v),
                Err(e) => return Err(e.span(self.register(pair.as_span()))),

            Rule::single_quoted => {
                let mut string = String::with_capacity(pair.as_str().len());
                unescape_into(&mut string, pair.as_str(), false);

            r => unreachable!("Unexpected rule {:?}", r),

    /// Creates a function call expression `x.y.z(a, b, c)`.
    fn expr_function_from_pairs(&mut self, pairs: Pairs<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Expr, S<Error>> {
        let mut function: &dyn Function = &functions::ops::Last;
        let mut args = Vec::new();

        for pair in pairs {
            let span = pair.as_span();
            match pair.as_rule() {
                Rule::qname => {
                    let q_name = QName::from_pairs(pair.into_inner(), [None; 2]);
                    match function_from_name(q_name.unique_name()) {
                        Ok(f) => function = f,
                        Err(e) => return Err(e.span(self.register(span))),
                Rule::expr => args.push(self.expr_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?.span(self.register(span))),
                r => unreachable!("Unexpected rule {:?}", r),

        Ok(Expr::Function { function, args })

    /// Creates an array expression `ARRAY[a, b, c]`.
    fn expr_array_from_pairs(&mut self, pairs: Pairs<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Expr, S<Error>> {
        let mut args = Vec::new();

        for pair in pairs {
            match pair.as_rule() {
                Rule::kw_array => {}
                Rule::expr => {
                    let span = pair.as_span();
                r => unreachable!("Unexpected rule {:?}", r),

        Ok(Expr::Function {
            function: &functions::array::Array,

    /// Creates a group expression `(x)`.
    fn expr_group_from_pairs(&mut self, mut pairs: Pairs<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Expr, S<Error>> {

    /// Creates a local variable expression `@x`.
    // allow clippy::unnecessary_wraps for consistency with other similarly named functions.
    fn expr_get_variable_from_pairs(&mut self, mut pairs: Pairs<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Expr, S<Error>> {
        let pair = pairs.next().unwrap();

    /// Creates any expression involving a unary operator `+x`, `-x`, `x[i]`, etc.
    fn expr_unary_from_pairs(&mut self, pairs: Pairs<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Expr, S<Error>> {
        let mut op_stack = Vec::<(&dyn Function, pest::Span<'_>)>::new();
        let mut base = Expr::default();
        let mut base_span = pest::Span::new("", 0, 0).unwrap();
        for pair in pairs {
            let span = pair.as_span();
            match pair.as_rule() {
                Rule::op_add => {}
                Rule::op_sub => op_stack.push((&functions::ops::Neg, span)),
                Rule::op_bit_not => op_stack.push((&functions::ops::BitNot, span)),
                Rule::expr_primary => {
                    base = self.expr_primary_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?;
                    base_span = span;
                Rule::expr => {
                    base = Expr::Function {
                        function: &functions::array::Subscript,
                        args: vec![
                    base_span = span;
                r => unreachable!("Unexpected rule {:?}", r),

        for (function, function_span) in op_stack.into_iter().rev() {
            base = Expr::Function {
                args: vec![base.span(self.register(base_span.clone()))],
            base_span = pest::Position::span(&function_span.start_pos(), &base_span.end_pos());

    /// Creates a `CASE … WHEN` expression.
    fn expr_case_value_when_from_pairs(&mut self, pairs: Pairs<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Expr, S<Error>> {
        let mut value = None;
        let mut pattern = S::default();
        let mut conditions = Vec::with_capacity(2);
        let mut otherwise = None;

        for pair in pairs {
            let rule = pair.as_rule();
            let span = pair.as_span();
            match rule {
                Rule::kw_case | Rule::kw_when | Rule::kw_then | Rule::kw_else | Rule::kw_end => {}
                Rule::case_value_when_value | Rule::case_value_when_pattern => {
                    let expr = self.expr_group_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?.span(self.register(span));
                    match rule {
                        Rule::case_value_when_value => value = Some(Box::new(expr)),
                        Rule::case_value_when_pattern => pattern = expr,
                        _ => unreachable!(),
                Rule::case_value_when_result | Rule::case_value_when_else => {
                    let expr = self.stmt_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?.span(self.register(span));
                    match rule {
                        Rule::case_value_when_result => conditions.push((mem::take(&mut pattern), expr)),
                        Rule::case_value_when_else => otherwise = Some(Box::new(expr)),
                        _ => unreachable!(),
                r => unreachable!("Unexpected rule {:?}", r),

        Ok(Expr::CaseValueWhen {

    /// Creates a `TIMESTAMP` expression.
    fn expr_timestamp_from_pairs(&mut self, pairs: Pairs<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Expr, S<Error>> {
        let mut function: &dyn Function = &functions::time::Timestamp;
        for pair in pairs {
            match pair.as_rule() {
                Rule::kw_timestamp => {}
                Rule::kw_with | Rule::kw_time | Rule::kw_zone => {
                    function = &functions::time::TimestampWithTimeZone;
                Rule::expr_primary => {
                    let span = pair.as_span();
                    return Ok(Expr::Function {
                        args: vec![self
                r => unreachable!("Unexpected rule {:?}", r),

        unreachable!("Pairs exhausted without finding the inner expression");

    /// Creates an `INTERVAL` expression.
    fn expr_interval_from_pairs(&mut self, pairs: Pairs<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Expr, S<Error>> {
        let mut unit = 1;
        let mut span = pest::Span::new("", 0, 0).unwrap();
        let mut expr = S::default();

        for pair in pairs {
            span = pair.as_span();
            match pair.as_rule() {
                Rule::kw_interval => {}
                Rule::expr => {
                    expr = self
                Rule::kw_week => unit = 604_800_000_000,
                Rule::kw_day => unit = 86_400_000_000,
                Rule::kw_hour => unit = 3_600_000_000,
                Rule::kw_minute => unit = 60_000_000,
                Rule::kw_second => unit = 1_000_000,
                Rule::kw_millisecond => unit = 1_000,
                Rule::kw_microsecond => unit = 1,
                r => unreachable!("Unexpected rule {:?}", r),

        Ok(Expr::Function {
            function: &functions::ops::Arith::Mul,
            args: vec![expr, Expr::Value(Value::Interval(unit)).span(self.register(span))],

    /// Creates a `substring` function expression.
    fn expr_substring_from_pairs(&mut self, pairs: Pairs<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Expr, S<Error>> {
        use functions::string::{Substring, Unit};

        let mut function = &Substring(Unit::Characters);
        let mut input = S::default();
        let mut from = None;
        let mut length = None;

        for pair in pairs {
            let rule = pair.as_rule();
            match rule {
                Rule::kw_substring | Rule::kw_from | Rule::kw_for | Rule::kw_using => {}
                Rule::kw_octets => function = &Substring(Unit::Octets),
                Rule::kw_characters => function = &Substring(Unit::Characters),
                Rule::substring_input | Rule::substring_from | Rule::substring_for => {
                    let span = pair.as_span();
                    let expr = self.expr_group_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?.span(self.register(span));
                    match rule {
                        Rule::substring_input => input = expr,
                        Rule::substring_from => from = Some(expr),
                        Rule::substring_for => length = Some(expr),
                        _ => unreachable!(),
                r => unreachable!("Unexpected rule {:?}", r),

        let mut args = vec![
            from.unwrap_or_else(|| Expr::Value(1.into()).span(Span::default())),
        if let Some(length) = length {
        Ok(Expr::Function { function, args })

    /// Creates an `overlay` function expression.
    fn expr_overlay_from_pairs(&mut self, pairs: Pairs<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Expr, S<Error>> {
        use functions::string::{Overlay, Unit};

        let mut function = &Overlay(Unit::Characters);
        let mut input = S::default();
        let mut placing = S::default();
        let mut from = S::default();
        let mut length = None;

        for pair in pairs {
            let rule = pair.as_rule();
            match rule {
                Rule::kw_overlay | Rule::kw_placing | Rule::kw_from | Rule::kw_for | Rule::kw_using => {}
                Rule::kw_octets => function = &Overlay(Unit::Octets),
                Rule::kw_characters => function = &Overlay(Unit::Characters),
                Rule::substring_input | Rule::substring_from | Rule::substring_for | Rule::overlay_placing => {
                    let span = pair.as_span();
                    let expr = self.expr_group_from_pairs(pair.into_inner())?.span(self.register(span));
                    match rule {
                        Rule::substring_input => input = expr,
                        Rule::substring_from => from = expr,
                        Rule::substring_for => length = Some(expr),
                        Rule::overlay_placing => placing = expr,
                        _ => unreachable!(),
                r => unreachable!("Unexpected rule {:?}", r),

        let mut args = vec![input, placing, from];
        if let Some(length) = length {
        Ok(Expr::Function { function, args })

/// Parses a number (integer or floating-point number) into a value.
fn parse_number(input: &str) -> Result<Value, Error> {
    match input.get(..2) {
        Some("0x") | Some("0X") => {
            let number = u64::from_str_radix(&input[2..], 16).map_err(|_| Error::IntegerOverflow(input.to_owned()))?;
            return Ok(number.into());
        _ => {}

    Ok(match input.parse::<u64>() {
        Ok(number) => number.into(),
        Err(_) => Value::from_finite_f64(input.parse::<f64>().unwrap()),

/// Obtains a function from its name.
fn function_from_name(name: &str) -> Result<&'static dyn Function, Error> {
    use functions::{array, debug, ops, rand, string};

    Ok(match name {
        "rand.regex" => &rand::Regex,
        "rand.range" => &rand::Range,
        "rand.range_inclusive" => &rand::RangeInclusive,
        "rand.uniform" => &rand::Uniform,
        "rand.uniform_inclusive" => &rand::UniformInclusive,
        "rand.zipf" => &rand::Zipf,
        "rand.log_normal" => &rand::LogNormal,
        "rand.bool" => &rand::Bool,
        "rand.finite_f32" => &rand::FiniteF32,
        "rand.finite_f64" => &rand::FiniteF64,
        "rand.u31_timestamp" => &rand::U31Timestamp,
        "rand.shuffle" => &rand::Shuffle,
        "rand.uuid" => &rand::Uuid,
        "greatest" => &ops::Extremum {
            order: Ordering::Greater,
        "least" => &ops::Extremum { order: Ordering::Less },
        "round" => &ops::Round,
        "div" => &ops::Div,
        "mod" => &ops::Mod,
        "char_length" | "character_length" => &string::CharLength,
        "octet_length" => &string::OctetLength,
        "coalesce" => &ops::Coalesce,
        "generate_series" => &array::GenerateSeries,
        "debug.panic" => &debug::Panic,
        _ => return Err(Error::UnknownFunction),

/// Obtains a function from the parser rule.
fn function_from_rule(rule: Rule) -> &'static dyn Function {
    match rule {
        Rule::op_lt => &functions::ops::Compare {
            lt: true,
            eq: false,
            gt: false,
        Rule::op_eq => &functions::ops::Compare {
            lt: false,
            eq: true,
            gt: false,
        Rule::op_gt => &functions::ops::Compare {
            lt: false,
            eq: false,
            gt: true,
        Rule::op_le => &functions::ops::Compare {
            lt: true,
            eq: true,
            gt: false,
        Rule::op_ne => &functions::ops::Compare {
            lt: true,
            eq: false,
            gt: true,
        Rule::op_ge => &functions::ops::Compare {
            lt: false,
            eq: true,
            gt: true,
        Rule::op_add => &functions::ops::Arith::Add,
        Rule::op_sub => &functions::ops::Arith::Sub,
        Rule::op_mul => &functions::ops::Arith::Mul,
        Rule::op_float_div => &functions::ops::Arith::FloatDiv,
        Rule::op_semicolon => &functions::ops::Last,
        Rule::op_concat => &functions::string::Concat,
        Rule::kw_is => &functions::ops::Identical { eq: true },
        Rule::is_not => &functions::ops::Identical { eq: false },
        Rule::kw_and => &functions::ops::Logic { identity: true },
        Rule::kw_or => &functions::ops::Logic { identity: false },
        Rule::op_bit_and => &functions::ops::Bitwise::And,
        Rule::op_bit_or => &functions::ops::Bitwise::Or,
        Rule::op_bit_xor => &functions::ops::Bitwise::Xor,
        r => unreachable!("Unexpected operator rule {:?}", r),

fn test_parse_template_error() {
    let mut registry = Registry::default();
    let test_cases = [
        "create table a ({{ 4 = 4 = 4 }});",
        "create table a ({{ 4 is 4 is 4 }});",
        "create table a ({{ 4 <> 4 <> 4 }});",
        "create table a ({{ 4 is not 4 is not 4 }});",
        "create table a ({{ 4 < 4 < 4 }});",
        "create table a ({{ 4 <= 4 <= 4 }});",
        "create table a ({{ 4 > 4 > 4 }});",
        "create table a ({{ 4 >= 4 >= 4 }});",
        "create table a (); {{ 1 }}",
        "create table a (); {{ 1 }} create table b ();",
        "create table a (); {{ for each row of x generate 1 row of b }} create table b ();",
        "create table a (); {{ for each row of a generate 1 row of c }} create table b ();",
        "create table a (); {{ for each row of b generate 1 row of a }} create table b ();",
        "create table a (); {{ for each row of a generate (*) rows of b }} create table b ();",
    for tc in &test_cases {
        let res = Template::parse(tc, &[], None, &mut registry);
        assert!(res.is_err(), "unexpected for case {}:\n{:#?}", tc, res);