dbgen 0.8.0

Generate random test cases for databases
//! CLI driver of `dbgen`.

use crate::{
    eval::{CompileContext, Schema, State, Table},
    format::{CsvFormat, Format, SqlFormat},
    parser::{QName, Template},
    span::{Registry, ResultExt, SpanExt, S},
    value::{Value, TIMESTAMP_FORMAT},

use chrono::{NaiveDateTime, ParseResult, Utc};
use data_encoding::{DecodeError, DecodeKind, HEXLOWER_PERMISSIVE};
use flate2::write::GzEncoder;
use muldiv::MulDiv;
use pbr::{MultiBar, Units};
use rand::{
    rngs::{mock::StepRng, OsRng},
    Rng, RngCore, SeedableRng,
use rayon::{
    iter::{IntoParallelIterator, ParallelIterator},
use serde_derive::Deserialize;
use std::{
    fs::{create_dir_all, read_to_string, File},
    io::{self, sink, stdin, BufWriter, Read, Write},
    path::{Path, PathBuf},
    sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU64, Ordering},
    thread::{sleep, spawn},
use structopt::{
    clap::AppSettings::{NextLineHelp, UnifiedHelpMessage},
use xz2::write::XzEncoder;

pub(crate) type Seed = <rand_hc::Hc128Rng as SeedableRng>::Seed;

#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct RowArgs {
    /// Number of files to generate (*k*).
    files_count: u32,
    /// Number of INSERT statements per normal file (*n*).
    inserts_count: u32,
    /// Number of INSERT statements in the last file.
    last_file_inserts_count: u32,
    /// Number of rows per INSERT statement (*r*).
    rows_count: u32,
    /// Number of rows in the final INSERT statement in a normal file.
    final_insert_rows_count: u32,
    /// Number of rows in the final INSERT statement in the last file.
    last_file_final_insert_rows_count: u32,

    /// Number of rows per normal file (*R*).
    /// Must be same as `(n - 1) * r + final_insert_rows_count`.
    rows_per_file: u64,

    /// Total number of rows to generate (*N*).
    /// Must be same as `(k - 1) * R + (last_file_inserts_count - 1) * r + last_file_final_insert_rows_count`.
    total_count: u64,

/// Arguments to the `dbgen` CLI program.
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug, Deserialize)]
#[structopt(long_version(crate::FULL_VERSION), settings(&[NextLineHelp, UnifiedHelpMessage]))]
pub struct Args {
    /// Keep the qualified name when writing the SQL statements.
    pub qualified: bool,

    /// Override the table name.
    #[structopt(short, long, conflicts_with("schema-name"))]
    pub table_name: Option<String>,

    /// Override the schema name.
    pub schema_name: Option<String>,

    /// Output directory.
    #[structopt(short, long, parse(from_os_str))]
    pub out_dir: PathBuf,

    /// Number of files to generate.
    #[structopt(short = "k", long, default_value = "1")]
    pub files_count: u32,

    /// Number of INSERT statements per file.
    #[structopt(short = "n", long, default_value = "1")]
    pub inserts_count: u32,

    /// Number of rows per INSERT statement.
    #[structopt(short, long, default_value = "1")]
    pub rows_count: u32,

    /// Number of INSERT statements in the last file.
    pub last_file_inserts_count: Option<u32>,

    /// Number of rows of the last INSERT statement of the last file.
    pub last_insert_rows_count: Option<u32>,

    /// Total number of rows of all generated files.
    #[structopt(short = "N", long, conflicts_with_all(&["files-count", "last-file-inserts-count", "last-insert-rows-count"]))]
    pub total_count: Option<u64>,

    /// Number of rows per file.
    #[structopt(short = "R", long, conflicts_with_all(&["inserts-count"]))]
    pub rows_per_file: Option<u64>,

    /// Escape backslashes when writing a string.
    pub escape_backslash: bool,

    /// Generation template file.
    #[structopt(short = "i", long, parse(from_os_str))]
    pub template: PathBuf,

    /// Random number generator seed (should have 64 hex digits).
    #[structopt(short, long, parse(try_from_str = seed_from_str))]
    pub seed: Option<Seed>,

    /// Number of jobs to run in parallel, default to number of CPUs.
    #[structopt(short, long, default_value = "0")]
    pub jobs: usize,

    /// Random number generator engine
    #[structopt(long, possible_values(&["chacha", "hc128", "isaac", "isaac64", "xorshift", "pcg32", "step"]), default_value = "hc128")]
    pub rng: RngName,

    /// Disable progress bar.
    #[structopt(short, long)]
    pub quiet: bool,

    /// Time zone used for timestamps
    #[structopt(long, default_value = "UTC")]
    pub time_zone: String,

    /// Directory containing the tz database.
    #[structopt(long, parse(from_os_str), default_value = "/usr/share/zoneinfo")]
    pub zoneinfo: PathBuf,

    /// Override the current timestamp (always in UTC), in the format "YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.fff".
    #[structopt(long, parse(try_from_str = now_from_str))]
    pub now: Option<NaiveDateTime>,

    /// Output format
    #[structopt(short, long, possible_values(&["sql", "csv"]), default_value = "sql")]
    pub format: FormatName,

    /// Include column names or headers in the output
    pub headers: bool,

    /// Compress data output
    #[structopt(short, long, possible_values(&["gzip", "gz", "xz", "zstd", "zst"]))]
    pub compression: Option<CompressionName>,

    /// Compression level (0-9 for gzip and xz, 1-21 for zstd)
    #[structopt(long, default_value = "6")]
    pub compress_level: u8,

    /// Do not generate schema files (the CREATE TABLE *.sql files)
    pub no_schemas: bool,

    /// Do not generate data files (only useful for benchmarking and fuzzing)
    #[structopt(long, hidden(true))]
    pub no_data: bool,

    /// Initializes the template with these global expressions.
    #[structopt(long, short = "D")]
    pub initialize: Vec<String>,

/// The default implementation of the argument suitable for *testing*.
impl Default for Args {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            qualified: false,
            table_name: None,
            schema_name: None,
            out_dir: PathBuf::default(),
            files_count: 1,
            inserts_count: 1,
            rows_count: 1,
            last_file_inserts_count: None,
            last_insert_rows_count: None,
            total_count: None,
            rows_per_file: None,
            escape_backslash: false,
            template: PathBuf::default(),
            seed: None,
            jobs: 0,
            rng: RngName::Hc128,
            quiet: true,
            time_zone: "UTC".to_owned(),
            zoneinfo: PathBuf::from("/usr/share/zoneinfo"),
            now: None,
            format: FormatName::Sql,
            headers: false,
            compression: None,
            compress_level: 6,
            no_schemas: false,
            no_data: false,
            initialize: Vec::new(),

fn div_rem_plus_one(n: u64, d: u64) -> (u64, u64) {
    let (div, rem) = (n / d, n % d);
    if rem == 0 {
        (div, d)
    } else {
        (div + 1, rem)

impl Args {
    /// Computes the row-related arguments.
    fn row_args(&self) -> RowArgs {
        let mut res = RowArgs {
            rows_count: self.rows_count,

        // compute the rows per file.
        let rows_count = u64::from(self.rows_count);
        if let Some(rows_per_file) = self.rows_per_file {
            let (inserts_count, final_insert_rows_count) = div_rem_plus_one(rows_per_file, rows_count);
            res.inserts_count = inserts_count.try_into().expect("--rows-per-file is too large");
            res.final_insert_rows_count = final_insert_rows_count.try_into().unwrap();
            res.rows_per_file = rows_per_file;
        } else {
            res.inserts_count = self.inserts_count;
            res.final_insert_rows_count = self.rows_count;
            res.rows_per_file = u64::from(self.inserts_count) * rows_count;

        // compute the total number of rows.
        if let Some(total_rows_count) = self.total_count {
            let (files_count, excess_rows_count) = div_rem_plus_one(total_rows_count, res.rows_per_file);
            res.files_count = files_count.try_into().expect("--total-count is too large");
            if excess_rows_count == res.rows_per_file {
                res.last_file_inserts_count = res.inserts_count;
                res.last_file_final_insert_rows_count = res.final_insert_rows_count;
            } else {
                let (inserts_count, final_insert_rows_count) = div_rem_plus_one(excess_rows_count, rows_count);
                res.last_file_inserts_count = inserts_count.try_into().expect("--rows-per-file is too large");
                res.last_file_final_insert_rows_count = final_insert_rows_count.try_into().unwrap();
            res.total_count = total_rows_count;
        } else {
            res.files_count = self.files_count;
            res.last_file_inserts_count = self.last_file_inserts_count.unwrap_or(res.inserts_count);
            res.last_file_final_insert_rows_count = self.last_insert_rows_count.unwrap_or(res.final_insert_rows_count);
            res.total_count = u64::from(res.files_count - 1) * res.rows_per_file
                + u64::from(res.last_file_inserts_count - 1) * rows_count
                + u64::from(res.last_file_final_insert_rows_count);


/// Parses a 64-digit hex string into an RNG seed.
pub(crate) fn seed_from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Seed, DecodeError> {
    let mut seed = Seed::default();

    if HEXLOWER_PERMISSIVE.decode_len(s.len())? != seed.len() {
        return Err(DecodeError {
            position: s.len(),
            kind: DecodeKind::Length,
    match HEXLOWER_PERMISSIVE.decode_mut(s.as_bytes(), &mut seed) {
        Ok(_) => Ok(seed),
        Err(e) => Err(e.error),

fn now_from_str(s: &str) -> ParseResult<NaiveDateTime> {
    NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(s, TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)

/// Extension trait for `Result` to annotate it with a file path.
trait PathResultExt {
    type Ok;
    fn with_path(self, action: &'static str, path: &Path) -> Result<Self::Ok, S<Error>>;

impl<T> PathResultExt for io::Result<T> {
    type Ok = T;
    fn with_path(self, action: &'static str, path: &Path) -> Result<T, S<Error>> {
        self.map_err(|source| {
            Error::Io {
                path: path.to_owned(),

/// Indicator whether all tables are written. Used by the progress bar thread to break the loop.
static WRITE_FINISHED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
/// Counter of number of rows being written.
static WRITE_PROGRESS: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(0);
/// Counter of number of bytes being written.
static WRITTEN_SIZE: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(0);

/// Reads the template file
fn read_template_file(path: &Path) -> Result<String, S<Error>> {
    if path == Path::new("-") {
        let mut buf = String::new();
        stdin().read_to_string(&mut buf).map(move |_| buf)
    } else {
    .with_path("read template", path)

/// Runs the CLI program.
pub fn run(args: Args, span_registry: &mut Registry) -> Result<(), S<Error>> {
    let row_args = args.row_args();
    let input = read_template_file(&args.template)?;
    let mut template = Template::parse(&input, &args.initialize, args.schema_name.as_deref(), span_registry)?;

    let pool = ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(args.jobs).build().no_span_err()?;

    if let Some(override_table_name) = &args.table_name {
        if template.tables.len() != 1 {
            return Err(Error::CannotUseTableNameForMultipleTables.no_span());
        template.tables[0].name = QName::parse(override_table_name).no_span_err()?;

    let mut ctx = CompileContext::new(template.variables_count);
    ctx.zoneinfo = args.zoneinfo;
    ctx.time_zone = ctx.parse_time_zone(&args.time_zone).no_span_err()?;
    ctx.current_timestamp = args.now.unwrap_or_else(|| Utc::now().naive_utc());
    let tables = template
        .map(|t| ctx.compile_table(t))
        .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;

    create_dir_all(&args.out_dir).with_path("create output directory", &args.out_dir)?;

    let compress_level = args.compress_level;
    let env = Env {
        out_dir: args.out_dir,
        file_num_digits: args.files_count.to_string().len(),
        qualified: args.qualified,
        rows_count: args.rows_count,
        escape_backslash: args.escape_backslash,
        headers: args.headers,
        format: args.format,
        compression: args.compression.map(|c| (c, compress_level)),
        no_data: args.no_data,

    if !args.no_schemas {

    let meta_seed = args.seed.unwrap_or_else(|| OsRng.gen());
    let show_progress = !args.quiet;
    if show_progress {
        println!("Using seed: {}", HEXLOWER_PERMISSIVE.encode(&meta_seed));
    let mut seeding_rng = rand_hc::Hc128Rng::from_seed(meta_seed);

    let rng_name = args.rng;

    // Evaluate the global expressions if necessary.
    if !template.global_exprs.is_empty() {
        let row_gen = ctx.compile_row(template.global_exprs)?;
        let mut state = State::new(0, rng_name.create(&mut seeding_rng), ctx);
        row_gen.eval(&mut state)?;
        ctx = state.into_compile_context();

    let progress_bar_thread = spawn(move || {
        if show_progress {

    let iv = (0..row_args.files_count)
        .map(move |i| {
            let file_index = i + 1;
                rng_name.create(&mut seeding_rng),
                FileInfo {
                    inserts_count: if file_index == row_args.files_count {
                    } else {
                    last_insert_rows_count: if file_index == row_args.files_count {
                    } else {
                u64::from(i) * row_args.rows_per_file + 1,
    let res = pool.install(move || {
        iv.into_par_iter().try_for_each(|(seed, file_info, row_num)| {
            let mut state = State::new(row_num, seed, ctx.clone());
            env.write_data_file(&file_info, &mut state)

    WRITE_FINISHED.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed);


/// Names of random number generators supported by `dbgen`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Deserialize)]
pub enum RngName {
    /// ChaCha12
    /// ChaCha20
    /// HC-128
    /// ISAAC
    /// ISAAC-64
    /// Xorshift
    /// PCG32
    /// Mock RNG which steps by a constant.

impl FromStr for RngName {
    type Err = Error;
    fn from_str(name: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
        Ok(match name {
            "chacha12" => Self::ChaCha12,
            "chacha" | "chacha20" => Self::ChaCha20,
            "hc128" => Self::Hc128,
            "isaac" => Self::Isaac,
            "isaac64" => Self::Isaac64,
            "xorshift" => Self::XorShift,
            "pcg32" => Self::Pcg32,
            "step" => Self::Step,
            _ => {
                return Err(Error::UnsupportedCliParameter {
                    kind: "RNG",
                    value: name.to_owned(),

impl RngName {
    /// Creates an RNG engine given the name. The RNG engine instance will be seeded from `src`.
    fn create(self, src: &mut rand_hc::Hc128Rng) -> Box<dyn RngCore + Send> {
        match self {
            Self::ChaCha12 => Box::new(rand_chacha::ChaCha12Rng::from_seed(src.gen())),
            Self::ChaCha20 => Box::new(rand_chacha::ChaCha20Rng::from_seed(src.gen())),
            Self::Hc128 => Box::new(rand_hc::Hc128Rng::from_seed(src.gen())),
            Self::Isaac => Box::new(rand_isaac::IsaacRng::from_seed(src.gen())),
            Self::Isaac64 => Box::new(rand_isaac::Isaac64Rng::from_seed(src.gen())),
            Self::XorShift => Box::new(rand_xorshift::XorShiftRng::from_seed(src.gen())),
            Self::Pcg32 => Box::new(rand_pcg::Pcg32::from_seed(src.gen())),
            Self::Step => Box::new(StepRng::new(src.next_u64(), src.next_u64() | 1)),

/// Names of output formats supported by `dbgen`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Deserialize)]
pub enum FormatName {
    /// SQL
    /// Csv

impl FromStr for FormatName {
    type Err = Error;
    fn from_str(name: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
        Ok(match name {
            "sql" => Self::Sql,
            "csv" => Self::Csv,
            _ => {
                return Err(Error::UnsupportedCliParameter {
                    kind: "output format",
                    value: name.to_owned(),

impl FormatName {
    /// Obtains the file extension when using this format.
    fn extension(self) -> &'static str {
        match self {
            Self::Sql => "sql",
            Self::Csv => "csv",

    /// Creates a formatter writer given the name.
    fn create(self, escape_backslash: bool, headers: bool) -> Box<dyn Format> {
        match self {
            Self::Sql => Box::new(SqlFormat {
            Self::Csv => Box::new(CsvFormat {

/// Names of the compression output formats supported by `dbgen`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Deserialize)]
pub enum CompressionName {
    /// Compress as gzip format (`*.gz`).
    /// Compress as xz format (`*.xz`).
    /// Compress as Zstandard format (`*.zst`).

impl FromStr for CompressionName {
    type Err = Error;
    fn from_str(name: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
        Ok(match name {
            "gzip" | "gz" => Self::Gzip,
            "xz" => Self::Xz,
            "zstd" | "zst" => Self::Zstd,
            _ => {
                return Err(Error::UnsupportedCliParameter {
                    kind: "compression format",
                    value: name.to_owned(),

impl CompressionName {
    /// Obtains the file extension when using this format.
    fn extension(self) -> &'static str {
        match self {
            Self::Gzip => "gz",
            Self::Xz => "xz",
            Self::Zstd => "zst",

    /// Wraps a writer with a compression layer on top.
    fn wrap<'a, W: Write + 'a>(self, inner: W, level: u8) -> Box<dyn Write + 'a> {
        match self {
            Self::Gzip => Box::new(GzEncoder::new(inner, flate2::Compression::new(level.into()))),
            Self::Xz => Box::new(XzEncoder::new(inner, level.into())),
            Self::Zstd => Box::new(
                zstd::Encoder::new(inner, level.into())
                    .expect("valid zstd encoder")

/// A [`Writer`] which counts how many bytes are written.
struct FormatWriter<'a> {
    writer: BufWriter<Box<dyn Write>>,
    count: u64,
    path: PathBuf,
    format: &'a dyn Format,
impl<'a> FormatWriter<'a> {
    /// Creates a new [`WriteWrapper`] by wrapping another [`Write`].
    fn new(writer: Box<dyn Write>, path: PathBuf, format: &'a dyn Format) -> Self {
        Self {
            writer: BufWriter::new(writer),
            count: 0,

    /// Commits the number of bytes written into the [`WRITTEN_SIZE`] global variable, and resets
    /// the byte count of all iterated `WriteCountWrapper` instances to zero.
    fn commit_bytes_written<'b>(instances: impl Iterator<Item = &'b mut Self>)
        'a: 'b,
        let total = instances.map(|w| mem::take(&mut w.count)).sum();
        WRITTEN_SIZE.fetch_add(total, Ordering::Relaxed);

impl Write for FormatWriter<'_> {
    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
        let bytes_written = self.writer.write(buf)?;
        self.count += bytes_written as u64;
    fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {

impl writer::Writer for FormatWriter<'_> {
    fn write_value(&mut self, value: &Value) -> Result<(), S<Error>> {
            .write_value(self, value)
            .with_path("write value", &self.path)
    fn write_file_header(&mut self, schema: &Schema<'_>) -> Result<(), S<Error>> {
            .write_file_header(self, schema)
            .with_path("write value", &self.path)
    fn write_header(&mut self, schema: &Schema<'_>) -> Result<(), S<Error>> {
            .write_header(self, schema)
            .with_path("write value", &self.path)
    fn write_value_separator(&mut self) -> Result<(), S<Error>> {
            .with_path("write value", &self.path)
    fn write_row_separator(&mut self) -> Result<(), S<Error>> {
            .with_path("write value", &self.path)
    fn write_trailer(&mut self) -> Result<(), S<Error>> {
        self.format.write_trailer(self).with_path("write value", &self.path)

/// The environmental data shared by all data writers.
#[allow(clippy::struct_excessive_bools)] // the booleans aren't used as state-machines.
struct Env {
    out_dir: PathBuf,
    file_num_digits: usize,
    tables: Vec<Table>,
    qualified: bool,
    rows_count: u32,
    escape_backslash: bool,
    headers: bool,
    format: FormatName,
    compression: Option<(CompressionName, u8)>,
    no_data: bool,

/// Information specific to a file and its derived tables.
struct FileInfo {
    file_index: u32,
    inserts_count: u32,
    last_insert_rows_count: u32,

impl Env {
    /// Writes the `CREATE TABLE` schema files.
    fn write_schema(&self) -> Result<(), S<Error>> {
        for table in &self.tables {
            let path = self.out_dir.join(format!("{}-schema.sql", table.name.unique_name()));
            let mut file = BufWriter::new(File::create(&path).with_path("create schema file", &path)?);
                "CREATE TABLE {} {}",
            .with_path("write schema file", &path)?;

    fn open_data_file(&self, path: &mut PathBuf) -> Result<Box<dyn Write>, S<Error>> {
        Ok(if self.no_data {
        } else if let Some((compression, level)) = self.compression {
            let mut path_string = mem::take(path).into_os_string();
            *path = PathBuf::from(path_string);
            compression.wrap(File::create(&path).with_path("create data file", &path)?, level)
        } else {
            Box::new(File::create(&path).with_path("create data file", &path)?)

    /// Writes the data file.
    fn write_data_file(&self, info: &FileInfo, state: &mut State) -> Result<(), S<Error>> {
        let path_suffix = format!(
        let format = self.format.create(self.escape_backslash, self.headers);

        let mut fwe = writer::Env::new(&self.tables, state, self.qualified, |table| {
            let mut path = self.out_dir.join([table.name.unique_name(), &path_suffix].concat());
            let inner_writer = self.open_data_file(&mut path)?;
            Ok(FormatWriter::new(inner_writer, path, &*format))

        for i in 0..info.inserts_count {
            let rows_count = if i == info.inserts_count - 1 {
            } else {
            for _ in 0..rows_count {

            FormatWriter::commit_bytes_written(fwe.tables().map(|p| p.1));
            WRITE_PROGRESS.fetch_add(rows_count.into(), Ordering::Relaxed);

/// Runs the progress bar thread.
/// This function will loop and update the progress bar every 0.5 seconds, until [`WRITE_FINISHED`]
/// becomes `true`.
fn run_progress_thread(total_rows: u64) {
    const TICK_FORMAT: &str = "🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕🕖🕗🕘🕙🕚🕛";

    let mb = MultiBar::new();

    let mut pb = mb.create_bar(total_rows);

    let mut speed_bar = mb.create_bar(0);
    speed_bar.show_percent = false;
    speed_bar.show_time_left = false;
    speed_bar.show_tick = true;
    speed_bar.show_bar = false;

    pb.message("Progress ");
    speed_bar.message("Size     ");

    let mb_thread = spawn(move || mb.listen());

    while !WRITE_FINISHED.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
        let rows_count = WRITE_PROGRESS.load(Ordering::Relaxed);

        let written_size = WRITTEN_SIZE.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
        if rows_count != 0 {
            speed_bar.total = written_size
                .mul_div_round(total_rows, rows_count)



mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_row_args() {
        let test_cases = vec![
                Args {
                    files_count: 11,
                    inserts_count: 181,
                    rows_count: 97,
                RowArgs {
                    files_count: 11,
                    inserts_count: 181,
                    last_file_inserts_count: 181,
                    rows_count: 97,
                    final_insert_rows_count: 97,
                    last_file_final_insert_rows_count: 97,
                    rows_per_file: 17_557,
                    total_count: 193_127,
                Args {
                    files_count: 11,
                    inserts_count: 181,
                    rows_count: 97,
                    last_file_inserts_count: Some(151),
                    last_insert_rows_count: Some(53),
                RowArgs {
                    files_count: 11,
                    inserts_count: 181,
                    last_file_inserts_count: 151,
                    rows_count: 97,
                    final_insert_rows_count: 97,
                    last_file_final_insert_rows_count: 53,
                    rows_per_file: 17_557,
                    total_count: 190_173,
                Args {
                    files_count: 11,
                    rows_per_file: Some(18_013),
                    rows_count: 97,
                RowArgs {
                    files_count: 11,
                    inserts_count: 186,
                    last_file_inserts_count: 186,
                    rows_count: 97,
                    final_insert_rows_count: 68,
                    last_file_final_insert_rows_count: 68,
                    rows_per_file: 18_013,
                    total_count: 198_143,
                Args {
                    files_count: 11,
                    rows_per_file: Some(17_557),
                    rows_count: 97,
                    last_file_inserts_count: Some(151),
                    last_insert_rows_count: Some(53),
                RowArgs {
                    files_count: 11,
                    inserts_count: 181,
                    last_file_inserts_count: 151,
                    rows_count: 97,
                    final_insert_rows_count: 97,
                    last_file_final_insert_rows_count: 53,
                    rows_per_file: 17_557,
                    total_count: 190_173,
                Args {
                    total_count: Some(190_173),
                    rows_per_file: Some(17_557),
                    rows_count: 97,
                RowArgs {
                    files_count: 11,
                    inserts_count: 181,
                    last_file_inserts_count: 151,
                    rows_count: 97,
                    final_insert_rows_count: 97,
                    last_file_final_insert_rows_count: 53,
                    rows_per_file: 17_557,
                    total_count: 190_173,
                Args {
                    total_count: Some(198_143),
                    rows_per_file: Some(18_013),
                    rows_count: 97,
                RowArgs {
                    files_count: 11,
                    inserts_count: 186,
                    last_file_inserts_count: 186,
                    rows_count: 97,
                    final_insert_rows_count: 68,
                    last_file_final_insert_rows_count: 68,
                    rows_per_file: 18_013,
                    total_count: 198_143,
                Args {
                    total_count: Some(199_909),
                    rows_per_file: Some(18_013),
                    rows_count: 97,
                RowArgs {
                    files_count: 12,
                    inserts_count: 186,
                    last_file_inserts_count: 19,
                    rows_count: 97,
                    final_insert_rows_count: 68,
                    last_file_final_insert_rows_count: 20,
                    rows_per_file: 18_013,
                    total_count: 199_909,

        for (args, row_args) in test_cases {
            assert_eq!(args.row_args(), row_args);