dash-mpd 0.7.0

Parse, serialize, download an MPD manifest for MPEG-DASH or WebM-DASH media streaming
/// libav.rs
/// Muxing support, using libav (ffmpeg as a shared library) via the ac_ffmpeg crate. This support
/// is only compiled in if the "libav" feature is enabled, which is not the default (default is to
/// use ffmpeg as a commandline application, see file "ffmpeg.rs").
/// This use of libav via the library API is a little fiddly, because the ffmpeg commandline
/// application implements a number of checks and workarounds to fix invalid input streams that you
/// tend to encounter in the wild. We have implemented some of these workarounds here, but not all
/// those implemented in the ffmpeg commandline application.
/// Our code is adapted from the muxing example in the ac_ffmpeg crate
///    https://github.com/angelcam/rust-ac-ffmpeg/blob/master/examples/muxing.rs
/// and muxing examples in ffmpeg/libav in C
///    https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/doc/examples/muxing.c

use std::cmp::{min, max};
use std::fs::File;
use ac_ffmpeg::codec::CodecParameters;
use ac_ffmpeg::packet::Packet;
use ac_ffmpeg::time::Timestamp;
use ac_ffmpeg::format::io::IO;
use ac_ffmpeg::format::demuxer::Demuxer;
use ac_ffmpeg::format::demuxer::DemuxerWithStreamInfo;
use ac_ffmpeg::format::muxer::Muxer;
use ac_ffmpeg::format::muxer::OutputFormat;
use crate::DashMpdError;
use crate::fetch::DashDownloader;

fn libav_open_input(path: &str) -> Result<DemuxerWithStreamInfo<File>, DashMpdError> {
    let input = File::open(path)
        .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Muxing(String::from("opening libav input path")))?;
    let io = IO::from_seekable_read_stream(input);
        .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Muxing(String::from("building libav demuxer")))?
        .find_stream_info(Some(std::time::Duration::new(2, 0)))
        .map_err(|(_, _e)| DashMpdError::Muxing(String::from("building libav demuxer")))

fn libav_open_output(path: &str, elementary_streams: &[CodecParameters]) -> Result<Muxer<File>, DashMpdError> {
    let output_format = OutputFormat::guess_from_file_name(path)
        .or_else(|| OutputFormat::find_by_name("mp4"))
        .ok_or_else(|| DashMpdError::Muxing(String::from("guessing libav output format")))?;
    let output = File::create(path)
        .map_err(|e| DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("creating output file")))?;
    let io = IO::from_seekable_write_stream(output);
    let mut muxer_builder = Muxer::builder();
    for codec_parameters in elementary_streams {
            .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Muxing(String::from("adding libav stream to muxer")))?;
        // .interleaved(true)
        .build(io, output_format)
        .map_err(|e| DashMpdError::Muxing(
            format!("building libav muxer: {:?}", e)))

// The dts is always valid when the last_dts was null.
// The dts is invalid if it's non-monotonic.
fn has_invalid_timestamps(p: &Packet, last_dts: Timestamp) -> bool {
    !last_dts.is_null() && (p.dts().is_null() || p.dts() <= last_dts)

pub fn mux_audio_video(
    downloader: &DashDownloader,
    audio_path: &str,
    video_path: &str) -> Result<(), DashMpdError> {
    ac_ffmpeg::set_log_callback(|_count, msg: &str| log::info!("ffmpeg: {}", msg));
    let mut video_demuxer = libav_open_input(video_path)
        .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Muxing(String::from("opening input video stream")))?;
    let (video_pos, video_codec) = video_demuxer
        .find_map(|(pos, stream)| {
            let params = stream.codec_parameters();
            if params.is_video_codec() {
                return Some((pos, params));
        .ok_or_else(|| DashMpdError::Muxing(String::from("finding libav video codec")))?;
    let mut audio_demuxer = libav_open_input(audio_path)?;
    let (audio_pos, audio_codec) = audio_demuxer
        .find_map(|(pos, stream)| {
            let params = stream.codec_parameters();
            if params.is_audio_codec() {
                return Some((pos, params));
        .ok_or_else(|| DashMpdError::Muxing(String::from("finding libav audio codec")))?;

    let out = &downloader.output_path.as_ref().unwrap().to_str()
        .ok_or_else(|| DashMpdError::Muxing(String::from("converting output path")))?;
    let mut muxer = libav_open_output(out, &[video_codec, audio_codec])?;
    let mut last_dts: Timestamp = Timestamp::null();

    // wonder about memory consumption here, should we interleave the pushes?
    while let Some(mut pkt) = video_demuxer.take()
        .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Muxing(String::from("fetching video packet from libav demuxer")))? {
        if pkt.stream_index() == video_pos {
            // We try to work around malformed media streams with fluctuating dts (decompression timestamp).
            // The dts must be strictly increasing according to av_write_frame(), but some streams (eg
            // Vevo) have buggy inputs. There is special handling in ffmpeg.c around line 814 to avoid
            // the error "Application provided invalid, non monotonically increasing dts to muxer", and
            // also in videostreamer (see patch
            // https://github.com/horgh/videostreamer/commit/c2aa2d30b59332a7257e4c0c57a09bc8a0358b96 )
            // We rewrite the dts in this situation.
            if has_invalid_timestamps(&pkt, last_dts) {
                let next_dts = Timestamp::new(last_dts.timestamp() + 1, last_dts.time_base());
                if !pkt.pts().is_null() && pkt.pts() > pkt.dts() {
                    // we can't use std::cmp::max because only partial order available on Timestamp
                    let mut max = next_dts;
                    if pkt.pts() > max {
                        max = pkt.pts();
                    pkt = pkt.with_pts(max);
                if pkt.pts().is_null() {
                    pkt = pkt.with_pts(next_dts);
                pkt = pkt.with_dts(next_dts);
            // Here a workaround for invalid media streams where dts is sometimes larger than pts.
            // Reproducing workaround from this patch to ffmpeg.c
            // http://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=commitdiff;h=22844132069ebd2c0b2ac4e7b41c93c33890bfb9
            if !pkt.pts().is_null() && !pkt.dts().is_null() && pkt.dts() > pkt.pts() {
                log::info!("Fixing invalid DTS (dts > pts) in DASH video stream");
                let pts_ts = pkt.pts().timestamp();
                let dts_ts = pkt.dts().timestamp();
                let next_ts = last_dts.timestamp() + 1;
                let fixed_dts_ts = pts_ts + dts_ts + next_ts
                    - min(pts_ts, min(dts_ts, next_ts))
                    - max(pts_ts, max(dts_ts, next_ts));
                let fixed_dts = Timestamp::new(fixed_dts_ts, last_dts.time_base());
                pkt = pkt.with_dts(fixed_dts).with_pts(fixed_dts);
            last_dts = pkt.dts();
                .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Muxing(String::from("pushing video packet to libav muxer")))?;
        .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Muxing(String::from("flushing libav muxer")))?;
    last_dts = Timestamp::null();
    while let Some(mut pkt) = audio_demuxer.take()
        .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Muxing(String::from("fetching audio packet from libav demuxer")))? {
        if pkt.stream_index() == audio_pos {
            // See comments concerning workarounds for invalid media streams in the code for the
            // video stream, above.
            if has_invalid_timestamps(&pkt, last_dts) {
                let next_dts = Timestamp::new(last_dts.timestamp() + 1, last_dts.time_base());
                if !pkt.pts().is_null() && (pkt.pts() > pkt.dts()) {
                    let mut max = next_dts;
                    if pkt.pts() > max {
                        max = pkt.pts();
                    pkt = pkt.with_pts(max);
                if pkt.pts().is_null() {
                    pkt = pkt.with_pts(next_dts);
                pkt = pkt.with_dts(next_dts);
            if !pkt.pts().is_null() && !pkt.dts().is_null() && pkt.dts() > pkt.pts() {
                log::info!("Fixing invalid DTS (dts > pts) in DASH audio stream");
                let pts_ts = pkt.pts().timestamp();
                let dts_ts = pkt.dts().timestamp();
                let next_ts = last_dts.timestamp() + 1;
                let fixed_dts_ts = pts_ts + dts_ts + next_ts
                    - min(pts_ts, min(dts_ts, next_ts))
                    - max(pts_ts, max(dts_ts, next_ts));
                let fixed_dts = Timestamp::new(fixed_dts_ts, last_dts.time_base());
                pkt = pkt.with_dts(fixed_dts).with_pts(fixed_dts);
            last_dts = pkt.dts();
                .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Muxing(String::from("pushing audio packet to libav muxer")))?;
        .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Muxing(String::from("flushing libav muxer")))?;
        .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Muxing(String::from("closing libav muxer")))?;