dash-mpd 0.7.0

Parse, serialize, download an MPD manifest for MPEG-DASH or WebM-DASH media streaming
//! Support for downloading content from DASH MPD media streams.

use std::env;
use fs_err as fs;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::io::Write;
use std::io::{BufReader, BufWriter};
use std::thread;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Command;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use regex::Regex;
use url::Url;
use data_url::DataUrl;
use reqwest::header::RANGE;
use backoff::{future::retry_notify, ExponentialBackoff};
use crate::{MPD, Period, Representation, AdaptationSet, DashMpdError};
use crate::{parse, mux_audio_video};
use crate::{is_audio_adaptation, is_video_adaptation, is_subtitle_adaptation, subtitle_type, SubtitleType};

/// A `Client` from the `reqwest` crate, that we use to download content over HTTP.
pub type HttpClient = reqwest::Client;

// This doesn't work correctly on modern Android, where there is no global location for temporary
// files (fix needed in the tempfile crate)
fn tmp_file_path(prefix: &str) -> Result<String, DashMpdError> {
    let file = tempfile::Builder::new()
        .map_err(|e| DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("creating temporary file")))?;
    let s = file.path().to_str()

/// Receives updates concerning the progression of the download, and can display this information to
/// the user, for example using a progress bar.
pub trait ProgressObserver: Send + Sync {
    fn update(&self, percent: u32, message: &str);

/// Preference for retrieving media representation with highest quality (and highest file size) or
/// lowest quality (and lowest file size).
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum QualityPreference { Lowest, Highest }

impl Default for QualityPreference {
    fn default() -> Self { QualityPreference::Lowest }

/// The DashDownloader allows the download of streaming media content from a DASH MPD manifest. This
/// involves fetching the manifest file, parsing it, identifying the relevant audio and video
/// representations, downloading all the segments, concatenating them then muxing the audio and
/// video streams to produce a single video file including audio. This should work with both
/// MPEG-DASH MPD manifests (where the media segments are typically placed in MPEG-2 TS containers)
/// and for [WebM-DASH](http://wiki.webmproject.org/adaptive-streaming/webm-dash-specification).
pub struct DashDownloader {
    pub mpd_url: String,
    pub output_path: Option<PathBuf>,
    http_client: Option<HttpClient>,
    quality_preference: QualityPreference,
    language_preference: Option<String>,
    fetch_video: bool,
    fetch_audio: bool,
    fetch_subtitles: bool,
    keep_video: bool,
    keep_audio: bool,
    content_type_checks: bool,
    progress_observers: Vec<Arc<dyn ProgressObserver>>,
    sleep_between_requests: u8,
    verbosity: u8,
    record_metainformation: bool,
    pub ffmpeg_location: String,
    pub vlc_location: String,
    pub mkvmerge_location: String,

// Parse a range specifier, such as Initialization@range or SegmentBase@indexRange attributes, of
// the form "45-67"
fn parse_range(range: &str) -> Result<(u64, u64), DashMpdError> {
    let v: Vec<&str> = range.split_terminator('-').collect();
    if v.len() != 2 {
        return Err(DashMpdError::Parsing(format!("invalid range specifier: {range}")));
    let start: u64 = v[0].parse()
        .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Parsing(String::from("invalid start for range specifier")))?;
    let end: u64 = v[1].parse()
        .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Parsing(String::from("invalid end for range specifier")))?;
    Ok((start, end))

struct MediaFragment {
    url: Url,
    start_byte: Option<u64>,
    end_byte: Option<u64>,

// We don't want to test this code example on the CI infrastructure as it's too expensive
// and requires network access.
/// The DashDownloader follows the builder pattern to allow various optional arguments concerning
/// the download of DASH media content (preferences concerning bitrate/quality, specifying an HTTP
/// proxy, etc.).
/// Example
/// ```rust
/// use dash_mpd::fetch::DashDownloader;
/// let url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/shaka-demo-assets/heliocentrism/heliocentrism.mpd";
/// match DashDownloader::new(url)
///        .worst_quality()
///        .download()
///        .await
/// {
///    Ok(path) => println!("Downloaded to {path:?}"),
///    Err(e) => eprintln!("Download failed: {e}"),
/// }
/// ```
impl DashDownloader {
    /// Create a `DashDownloader` for the specified DASH manifest URL `mpd_url`.
    pub fn new(mpd_url: &str) -> DashDownloader {
        DashDownloader {
            mpd_url: String::from(mpd_url),
            output_path: None,
            http_client: None,
            quality_preference: QualityPreference::Lowest,
            language_preference: None,
            fetch_video: true,
            fetch_audio: true,
            fetch_subtitles: false,
            keep_video: false,
            keep_audio: false,
            content_type_checks: true,
            progress_observers: vec![],
            sleep_between_requests: 0,
            verbosity: 0,
            record_metainformation: true,
            ffmpeg_location: if cfg!(windows) { String::from("ffmpeg.exe") } else { String::from("ffmpeg") },
	    vlc_location: if cfg!(windows) { String::from("vlc.exe") } else { String::from("vlc") },
	    mkvmerge_location: if cfg!(windows) { String::from("mkvmerge.exe") } else { String::from("mkvmerge") },

    /// Specify the reqwest Client to be used for HTTP requests that download the DASH streaming
    /// media content. Allows you to specify a proxy, the user agent, custom request headers,
    /// request timeouts, etc.
    /// Example
    /// ```rust
    /// use dash_mpd::fetch::DashDownloader;
    /// let client = reqwest::Client::builder()
    ///      .user_agent("Mozilla/5.0")
    ///      .timeout(Duration::new(30, 0))
    ///      .gzip(true)
    ///      .build()
    ///      .expect("creating reqwest HTTP client");
    ///  let url = "https://cloudflarestream.com/31c9291ab41fac05471db4e73aa11717/manifest/video.mpd";
    ///  let out = PathBuf::from(env::temp_dir()).join("cloudflarestream.mp4");
    ///  DashDownloader::new(url)
    ///      .with_http_client(client)
    ///      .download_to(out)
    //       .await
    /// ```
    pub fn with_http_client(mut self, client: HttpClient) -> DashDownloader {
        self.http_client = Some(client);

    /// Add a observer implementing the ProgressObserver trait, that will receive updates concerning
    /// the progression of the download (allows implementation of a progress bar, for example).
    pub fn add_progress_observer(mut self, observer: Arc<dyn ProgressObserver>) -> DashDownloader {

    /// If the DASH manifest specifies several Adaptations with different bitrates (levels of
    /// quality), prefer the Adaptation with the highest bitrate (largest output file).
    pub fn best_quality(mut self) -> DashDownloader {
        self.quality_preference = QualityPreference::Highest;

    /// If the DASH manifest specifies several Adaptations with different bitrates (levels of
    /// quality), prefer the Adaptation with the lowest bitrate (smallest output file).
    pub fn worst_quality(mut self) -> DashDownloader {
        self.quality_preference = QualityPreference::Lowest;

    /// Preferred language when multiple audio streams with different languages are available. Must
    /// be in RFC 5646 format (eg. "fr" or "en-AU"). If a preference is not specified and multiple
    /// audio streams are present, the first one listed in the DASH manifest will be downloaded.
    pub fn prefer_language(mut self, lang: String) -> DashDownloader {
        self.language_preference = Some(lang);

    /// If the media stream has separate audio and video streams, only download the video stream.
    pub fn video_only(mut self) -> DashDownloader {
        self.fetch_audio = false;
        self.fetch_video = true;

    /// If the media stream has separate audio and video streams, only download the audio stream.
    pub fn audio_only(mut self) -> DashDownloader {
        self.fetch_audio = true;
        self.fetch_video = false;

    /// Don't delete the file containing video once muxing is complete.
    pub fn keep_video(mut self) -> DashDownloader {
        self.keep_video = true;

    /// Don't delete the file containing audio once muxing is complete.
    pub fn keep_audio(mut self) -> DashDownloader {
        self.keep_audio = true;

    /// Fetch subtitles if they are available. If subtitles are available, download them to a file
    /// named with the same name as the media output and an appropriate extension (".vtt", ".ttml",
    /// ".srt", etc.).
    pub fn fetch_subtitles(mut self) -> DashDownloader {
        self.fetch_subtitles = true;

    /// Don't check that the content-type of downloaded segments corresponds to audio or video
    /// content (may be necessary with poorly configured HTTP servers).
    pub fn without_content_type_checks(mut self) -> DashDownloader {
        self.content_type_checks = false;

    /// Specify a number of seconds to sleep between network requests (default 0). This provides a
    /// primitive mechanism for throttling bandwidth consumption.
    pub fn sleep_between_requests(mut self, seconds: u8) -> DashDownloader {
        self.sleep_between_requests = seconds;

    /// Set the verbosity level of the download process. Possible values for level:
    /// - 0: no information is printed
    /// - 1: basic information on the number of Periods and bandwidth of selected representations
    /// - 2: information above + segment addressing mode
    /// - 3 or larger: information above + size of each downloaded segment
    pub fn verbosity(mut self, level: u8) -> DashDownloader {
        self.verbosity = level;

    /// If `record` is true, record metainformation concerning the media content (origin URL, title,
    /// source and copyright metainformation) if present in the manifest as extended attributes in the
    /// output file.
    pub fn record_metainformation(mut self, record: bool) -> DashDownloader {
        self.record_metainformation = record;

    /// Specify the location of the `ffmpeg` application, if not located in PATH.
    /// Example
    /// ```rust
    /// #[cfg(target_os = "unix")]
    /// let ddl = ddl.with_ffmpeg("/opt/ffmpeg-next/bin/ffmpeg");
    /// ```
    pub fn with_ffmpeg(mut self, ffmpeg_path: &str) -> DashDownloader {
        self.ffmpeg_location = ffmpeg_path.to_string();

    /// Specify the location of the VLC application, if not located in PATH.
    /// Example
    /// ```rust
    /// #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
    /// let ddl = ddl.with_vlc("C:/Program Files/VideoLAN/VLC/vlc.exe");
    /// ```
    pub fn with_vlc(mut self, vlc_path: &str) -> DashDownloader {
        self.vlc_location = vlc_path.to_string();

    /// Specify the location of the mkvmerge application, if not located in PATH.
    pub fn with_mkvmerge(mut self, mkvmerge_path: &str) -> DashDownloader {
        self.mkvmerge_location = mkvmerge_path.to_string();

    /// Download DASH streaming media content to the file named by `out`. If the output file `out`
    /// already exists, its content will be overwritten.
    /// Note that the media container format used when muxing audio and video streams depends on
    /// the filename extension of the path `out`. If the filename extension is `.mp4`, an MPEG-4
    /// container will be used; if it is `.mkv` a Matroska container will be used, and otherwise
    /// the heuristics implemented by ffmpeg will apply (e.g. an `.avi` extension will generate
    /// an AVI container).
    pub async fn download_to<P: Into<PathBuf>>(mut self, out: P) -> Result<PathBuf, DashMpdError> {
        self.output_path = Some(out.into());
        if self.http_client.is_none() {
            let client = reqwest::Client::builder()
                .timeout(Duration::new(30, 0))
                .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Network(String::from("building reqwest HTTP client")))?;
            self.http_client = Some(client);

    /// Download DASH streaming media content to a file in the current working directory and return
    /// the corresponding `PathBuf`. The name of the output file is derived from the manifest URL. The
    /// output file will be overwritten if it already exists.
    /// The downloaded media will be placed in an MPEG-4 container. To select another media container,
    /// see the `download_to` function.
    pub async fn download(mut self) -> Result<PathBuf, DashMpdError> {
        let cwd = env::current_dir()
            .map_err(|e| DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("obtaining current directory")))?;
        let filename = generate_filename_from_url(&self.mpd_url);
        let outpath = cwd.join(filename);
        self.output_path = Some(outpath);
        if self.http_client.is_none() {
            let client = reqwest::Client::builder()
                .timeout(Duration::new(30, 0))
                .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Network(String::from("building reqwest HTTP client")))?;
            self.http_client = Some(client);

fn generate_filename_from_url(url: &str) -> PathBuf {
    use sanitise_file_name::sanitise;

    let mut path = url;
    if let Some(p) = path.strip_prefix("http://") {
        path = p;
    } else if let Some(p) = path.strip_prefix("https://") {
        path = p;
    } else if let Some(p) = path.strip_prefix("file://") {
        path = p;
    if let Some(p) = path.strip_prefix("www.") {
        path = p;
    if let Some(p) = path.strip_prefix("ftp.") {
        path = p;
    if let Some(p) = path.strip_suffix(".mpd") {
        path = p;
    // We currently default to an MP4 container (could default to Matroska which is more flexible, but
    // perhaps less commonly supported).
    PathBuf::from(sanitise(path) + ".mp4")

fn is_absolute_url(s: &str) -> bool {
    s.starts_with("http://") ||
        s.starts_with("https://") ||

// From the DASH-IF-IOP-v4.0 specification, "If the value of the @xlink:href attribute is
// urn:mpeg:dash:resolve-to-zero:2013, HTTP GET request is not issued, and the in-MPD element shall
// be removed from the MPD."
fn fetchable_xlink_href(href: &str) -> bool {
    (!href.is_empty()) && href.ne("urn:mpeg:dash:resolve-to-zero:2013")

// Return true if the response includes a content-type header corresponding to audio. We need to
// allow "video/" MIME types because some servers return "video/mp4" content-type for audio segments
// in an MP4 container, and we accept application/octet-stream headers because some servers are
// poorly configured.
fn content_type_audio_p(response: &reqwest::Response) -> bool {
    match response.headers().get("content-type") {
        Some(ct) => {
            let ctb = ct.as_bytes();
            ctb.starts_with(b"audio/") ||
                ctb.starts_with(b"video/") ||
        None => false,

// Return true if the response includes a content-type header corresponding to video.
fn content_type_video_p(response: &reqwest::Response) -> bool {
    match response.headers().get("content-type") {
        Some(ct) => {
            let ctb = ct.as_bytes();
            ctb.starts_with(b"video/") ||
        None => false,

// Return a measure of the distance between this AdaptationSet's lang attribute and the language
// code specified by language_preference. If the AdaptationSet node has no lang attribute, return an
// arbitrary large distance.
fn adaptation_lang_distance(a: &AdaptationSet, language_preference: &str) -> u8 {
    if let Some(lang) = &a.lang {
        if lang.eq(language_preference) {
            return 0;
        if lang[0..2].eq(&language_preference[0..2]) {
            return 5;
    } else {

// From https://dashif.org/docs/DASH-IF-IOP-v4.3.pdf:
// "For the avoidance of doubt, only %0[width]d is permitted and no other identifiers. The reason
// is that such a string replacement can be easily implemented without requiring a specific library."
// Instead of pulling in C printf() or a reimplementation such as the printf_compat crate, we reimplement
// this functionality directly.
// Example template: "$RepresentationID$/$Number%06d$.m4s"
fn resolve_url_template(template: &str, params: &HashMap<&str, String>) -> String {
    let mut result = template.to_string();
    for k in ["RepresentationID", "Number", "Time", "Bandwidth"] {
        // first check for simple case eg $Number$
        let ident = format!("${k}$");
        if result.contains(&ident) {
            if let Some(value) = params.get(k as &str) {
                result = result.replace(&ident, value);
        // now check for complex case eg $Number%06d$
        let re = format!("\\${k}%0([\\d])d\\$");
        let ident_re = Regex::new(&re).unwrap();
        if let Some(cap) = ident_re.captures(&result) {
            if let Some(value) = params.get(k as &str) {
                let width: usize = cap[1].parse::<usize>().unwrap();
                let count = format!("{value:0>width$}");
                let m = ident_re.find(&result).unwrap();
                result = result[..m.start()].to_owned() + &count + &result[m.end()..];

fn reqwest_error_transient_p(e: &reqwest::Error) -> bool {
    if e.is_timeout() || e.is_connect() {
        return true;
    if let Some(s) = e.status() {
        if s == reqwest::StatusCode::REQUEST_TIMEOUT ||
            s == reqwest::StatusCode::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS ||
            s == reqwest::StatusCode::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE ||
            s == reqwest::StatusCode::GATEWAY_TIMEOUT {
                return true;

fn categorize_reqwest_error(e: reqwest::Error) -> backoff::Error<reqwest::Error> {
    if reqwest_error_transient_p(&e) {
        backoff::Error::retry_after(e, Duration::new(5, 0))
    } else {

fn notify_transient<E: std::fmt::Debug>(err: E, dur: Duration) {
    log::info!("Transient error after {dur:?}: {err:?}");

fn network_error(why: &str, e: impl std::error::Error) -> DashMpdError {
    DashMpdError::Network(format!("{why}: {e}"))

fn parse_error(why: &str, e: impl std::error::Error) -> DashMpdError {
    DashMpdError::Parsing(format!("{why}: {e:#?}"))

async fn fetch_mpd(downloader: DashDownloader) -> Result<PathBuf, DashMpdError> {
    let client = &downloader.http_client.as_ref().unwrap();
    let output_path = &downloader.output_path.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
    let fetch = || async {
            .header("Accept", "application/dash+xml,video/vnd.mpeg.dash.mpd")
            .header("Accept-Language", "en-US,en")
            .header("Upgrade-Insecure-Requests", "1")
            .header("Sec-Fetch-Mode", "navigate")
    for observer in &downloader.progress_observers {
        observer.update(1, "Fetching DASH manifest");
    if downloader.verbosity > 0 {
        println!("Fetching the DASH manifest");
    // could also try crate https://lib.rs/crates/reqwest-retry for a "middleware" solution to retries
    // or https://docs.rs/again/latest/again/ with async support
    let response = retry_notify(ExponentialBackoff::default(), fetch, notify_transient)
        .map_err(|e| network_error("requesting DASH manifest", e))?;
    if !response.status().is_success() {
        let msg = format!("fetching DASH manifest (HTTP {})", response.status().as_str());
        return Err(DashMpdError::Network(msg));
    let mut redirected_url = response.url().clone();
    let xml = response.text()
        .map_err(|e| network_error("fetching DASH manifest", e))?;
    let mut mpd: MPD = parse(&xml)
        .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing DASH XML", e))?;
    // From the DASH specification: "If at least one MPD.Location element is present, the value of
    // any MPD.Location element is used as the MPD request". We make a new request to the URI and reparse.
    if !mpd.locations.is_empty() {
        let new_url = &mpd.locations[0].url;
        if downloader.verbosity > 0 {
            println!("Redirecting to new manifest <Location> {new_url}");
        let fetch = || async {
                .header("Accept", "application/dash+xml,video/vnd.mpeg.dash.mpd")
                .header("Accept-Language", "en-US,en")
                .header("Sec-Fetch-Mode", "navigate")
        let response = retry_notify(ExponentialBackoff::default(), fetch, notify_transient)
            .map_err(|e| network_error("requesting relocated DASH manifest", e))?;
        if !response.status().is_success() {
            let msg = format!("fetching DASH manifest (HTTP {})", response.status().as_str());
            return Err(DashMpdError::Network(msg));
        redirected_url = response.url().clone();
        let xml = response.text()
            .map_err(|e| network_error("fetching relocated DASH manifest", e))?;
        mpd = parse(&xml)
            .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing relocated DASH XML", e))?;
    if let Some(mpdtype) = mpd.mpdtype {
        if mpdtype.eq("dynamic") {
            // TODO: look at algorithm used in function segment_numbers at
            // https://github.com/streamlink/streamlink/blob/master/src/streamlink/stream/dash_manifest.py
            return Err(DashMpdError::UnhandledMediaStream("Don't know how to download dynamic MPD".to_string()));
    let mut toplevel_base_url = redirected_url.clone();
    // There may be several BaseURL tags in the MPD, but we don't currently implement failover
    if !mpd.base_url.is_empty() {
        if is_absolute_url(&mpd.base_url[0].base) {
            toplevel_base_url = Url::parse(&mpd.base_url[0].base)
                .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing BaseURL", e))?;
        } else {
            toplevel_base_url = redirected_url.join(&mpd.base_url[0].base)
                .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing BaseURL", e))?;
    let mut audio_fragments = Vec::new();
    let mut video_fragments = Vec::new();
    let mut have_audio = false;
    let mut have_video = false;
    if downloader.verbosity > 0 {
        println!("DASH manifest has {} Periods", mpd.periods.len());
    for mpd_period in &mpd.periods {
        let mut period = mpd_period.clone();
        // Resolve a possible xlink:href (though this seems in practice mostly to be used for ad
        // insertion, so perhaps we should implement an option to ignore these).
        if let Some(href) = &period.href {
            if fetchable_xlink_href(href) {
                let xlink_url = if is_absolute_url(href) {
                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing XLink URL", e))?
                } else {
                    // Note that we are joining against the original/redirected URL for the MPD, and
                    // not against the currently scoped BaseURL
                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining with XLink URL", e))?
                let xml = client.get(xlink_url)
                    .header("Accept", "application/dash+xml,video/vnd.mpeg.dash.mpd")
                    .header("Accept-Language", "en-US,en")
                    .header("Sec-Fetch-Mode", "navigate")
                    .map_err(|e| network_error("fetching XLink on Period element", e))?
                    .map_err(|e| network_error("fetching XLink on Period element", e))?
                    .map_err(|e| network_error("resolving XLink on Period element", e))?;
                let linked_period: Period = quick_xml::de::from_str(&xml)
                    .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing Period XLink XML", e))?;
        // The period_duration is specified either by the <Period> duration attribute, or by the
        // mediaPresentationDuration of the top-level MPD node.
        let mut period_duration_secs: f64 = 0.0;
        if let Some(d) = mpd.mediaPresentationDuration {
            period_duration_secs = d.as_secs_f64();
        if let Some(d) = &period.duration {
            period_duration_secs = d.as_secs_f64();
        if downloader.verbosity > 1 {
            println!("Period with duration {period_duration_secs:.3} seconds");
        let mut base_url = toplevel_base_url.clone();
        // A BaseURL could be specified for each Period
        if !period.BaseURL.is_empty() {
            let bu = &period.BaseURL[0];
            if is_absolute_url(&bu.base) {
                base_url = Url::parse(&bu.base)
                    .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing Period BaseURL", e))?;
            } else {
                base_url = base_url.join(&bu.base)
                    .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining with Period BaseURL", e))?;
        // Handle the AdaptationSet with audio content. Note that some streams don't separate out
        // audio and video streams.
        let maybe_audio_adaptation = if let Some(ref lang) = downloader.language_preference {
                .min_by_key(|a| adaptation_lang_distance(a, lang))
        } else {
            // returns the first audio adaptation found

        // TODO: we could perhaps factor out the treatment of the audio adaptation and video
        // adaptation into a common handle_adaptation() function
        if downloader.fetch_audio {
            if let Some(period_audio) = maybe_audio_adaptation {
                let mut audio = period_audio.clone();
                // Resolve a possible xlink:href on the AdaptationSet
                if let Some(href) = &audio.href {
                    if fetchable_xlink_href(href) {
                        let xlink_url = if is_absolute_url(href) {
                                .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing XLink URL on AdaptationSet", e))?
                        } else {
                            // Note that we are joining against the original/redirected URL for the MPD, and
                            // not against the currently scoped BaseURL
                                .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing XLink URL on AdaptationSet", e))?
                        let xml = client.get(xlink_url)
                            .header("Accept", "application/dash+xml,video/vnd.mpeg.dash.mpd")
                            .header("Accept-Language", "en-US,en")
                            .header("Sec-Fetch-Mode", "navigate")
                            .map_err(|e| network_error("fetching XLink URL for AdaptationSet", e))?
                            .map_err(|e| network_error("fetching XLink URL for AdaptationSet", e))?
                            .map_err(|e| network_error("resolving XLink on AdaptationSet element", e))?;
                        let linked_adaptation: AdaptationSet = quick_xml::de::from_str(&xml)
                            .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing XML for XLink AdaptationSet", e))?;
                // The AdaptationSet may have a BaseURL (eg the test BBC streams). We use a local variable
                // to make sure we don't "corrupt" the base_url for the video segments.
                let mut base_url = base_url.clone();
                if !audio.BaseURL.is_empty() {
                    let bu = &audio.BaseURL[0];
                    if is_absolute_url(&bu.base) {
                        base_url = Url::parse(&bu.base)
                            .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing AdaptationSet BaseURL", e))?;
                    } else {
                        base_url = base_url.join(&bu.base)
                            .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining with AdaptationSet BaseURL", e))?;
                // Start by resolving any xlink:href elements on Representation nodes, which we need to
                // do before the selection based on the @bandwidth attribute below.
                let mut representations = Vec::<Representation>::new();
                for r in audio.representations.iter() {
                    if let Some(href) = &r.href {
                        if fetchable_xlink_href(href) {
                            let xlink_url = if is_absolute_url(href) {
                                    .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing XLink URL for Representation", e))?
                            } else {
                                    .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining with XLink URL for Representation", e))?
                            let xml = client.get(xlink_url)
                                .header("Accept", "application/dash+xml,video/vnd.mpeg.dash.mpd")
                                .header("Accept-Language", "en-US,en")
                                .header("Sec-Fetch-Mode", "navigate")
                                .map_err(|e| network_error("fetching XLink URL for Representation", e))?
                                .map_err(|e| network_error("fetching XLink URL for Representation", e))?
                                .map_err(|e| network_error("resolving XLink URL for Representation", e))?;
                            let linked_representation: Representation = quick_xml::de::from_str(&xml)
                                .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing XLink XML for Representation", e))?;
                    } else {
                let maybe_audio_repr = if downloader.quality_preference == QualityPreference::Lowest {
                        .min_by_key(|x| x.bandwidth.unwrap_or(1_000_000_000))
                } else {
                        .max_by_key(|x| x.bandwidth.unwrap_or(0))
                if let Some(audio_repr) = maybe_audio_repr {
                    if downloader.verbosity > 0 {
                        if let Some(bw) = audio_repr.bandwidth {
                            println!("Selected audio representation with bandwidth {bw}");
                    // the Representation may have a BaseURL
                    let mut base_url = base_url;
                    if !audio_repr.BaseURL.is_empty() {
                        let bu = &audio_repr.BaseURL[0];
                        if is_absolute_url(&bu.base) {
                            base_url = Url::parse(&bu.base)
                                .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing Representation BaseURL", e))?;
                        } else {
                            base_url = base_url.join(&bu.base)
                                .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining with Representation BaseURL", e))?;
                    let mut opt_init: Option<String> = None;
                    let mut opt_media: Option<String> = None;
                    let mut opt_duration: Option<f64> = None;
                    let mut timescale = 1;
                    let mut start_number = 1;
                    // SegmentTemplate as a direct child of an Adaptation node. This can specify some common
                    // attribute values (media, timescale, duration, startNumber) for child SegmentTemplate
                    // nodes in an enclosed Representation node. Don't download media segments here, only
                    // download for SegmentTemplate nodes that are children of a Representation node.
                    if let Some(st) = &audio.SegmentTemplate {
                        if let Some(i) = &st.initialization {
                            opt_init = Some(i.to_string());
                        if let Some(m) = &st.media {
                            opt_media = Some(m.to_string());
                        if let Some(d) = st.duration {
                            opt_duration = Some(d);
                        if let Some(ts) = st.timescale {
                            timescale = ts;
                        if let Some(s) = st.startNumber {
                            start_number = s;
                    let rid = match &audio_repr.id {
                        Some(id) => id,
                        None => return Err(
                                "Missing @id on Representation node".to_string())),
                    let mut dict = HashMap::from([("RepresentationID", rid.to_string())]);
                    if let Some(b) = &audio_repr.bandwidth {
                        dict.insert("Bandwidth", b.to_string());
                    // Now the 6 possible addressing modes: (1) SegmentList,
                    // (2) SegmentTemplate+SegmentTimeline, (3) SegmentTemplate@duration,
                    // (4) SegmentTemplate@index, (5) SegmentBase@indexRange, (6) plain BaseURL
                    // Though SegmentBase and SegmentList addressing modes are supposed to be
                    // mutually exclusive, some manifests in the wild use both. So we try to work
                    // around the brokenness.
                    // Example: http://ftp.itec.aau.at/datasets/mmsys12/ElephantsDream/MPDs/ElephantsDreamNonSeg_6s_isoffmain_DIS_23009_1_v_2_1c2_2011_08_30.mpd
                    if let Some(sl) = &period_audio.SegmentList {
                        // (1) AdaptationSet>SegmentList addressing mode (can be used in conjunction
                        // with Representation>SegmentList addressing mode)
                        if downloader.verbosity > 1 {
                            println!("Using AdaptationSet>SegmentList addressing mode for audio representation");
                        let mut start_byte: Option<u64> = None;
                        let mut end_byte: Option<u64> = None;
                        if let Some(init) = &sl.Initialization {
                            if let Some(range) = &init.range {
                                let (s, e) = parse_range(range)?;
                                start_byte = Some(s);
                                end_byte = Some(e);
                            if let Some(su) = &init.sourceURL {
                                let path = resolve_url_template(su, &dict);
                                let init_url = if is_absolute_url(&path) {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing sourceURL", e))?
                                } else {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining with sourceURL", e))?
                                audio_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: init_url, start_byte, end_byte})
                            } else {
                                    MediaFragment{url: base_url.clone(), start_byte, end_byte})
                        for su in sl.segment_urls.iter() {
                            start_byte = None;
                            end_byte = None;
                            // we are ignoring SegmentURL@indexRange
                            if let Some(range) = &su.mediaRange {
                                let (s, e) = parse_range(range)?;
                                start_byte = Some(s);
                                end_byte = Some(e);
                            if let Some(m) = &su.media {
                                let u = base_url.join(m)
                                    .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining media with baseURL", e))?;
                                audio_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte, end_byte})
                            } else if !period_audio.BaseURL.is_empty() {
                                let bu = &period_audio.BaseURL[0];
                                let base_url = if is_absolute_url(&bu.base) {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing Representation BaseURL", e))?
                                } else {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining with Representation BaseURL", e))?
                                    MediaFragment{url: base_url.clone(), start_byte, end_byte})
                    if let Some(sl) = &audio_repr.SegmentList {
                        // (1) Representation>SegmentList addressing mode
                        if downloader.verbosity > 1 {
                            println!("Using Representation>SegmentList addressing mode for audio representation");
                        let mut start_byte: Option<u64> = None;
                        let mut end_byte: Option<u64> = None;
                        if let Some(init) = &sl.Initialization {
                            if let Some(range) = &init.range {
                                let (s, e) = parse_range(range)?;
                                start_byte = Some(s);
                                end_byte = Some(e);
                            if let Some(su) = &init.sourceURL {
                                let path = resolve_url_template(su, &dict);
                                let init_url = if is_absolute_url(&path) {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing sourceURL", e))?
                                } else {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining with sourceURL", e))?
                                audio_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: init_url, start_byte, end_byte})
                            } else {
                                    MediaFragment{url: base_url.clone(), start_byte, end_byte})
                        for su in sl.segment_urls.iter() {
                            start_byte = None;
                            end_byte = None;
                            // we are ignoring SegmentURL@indexRange
                            if let Some(range) = &su.mediaRange {
                                let (s, e) = parse_range(range)?;
                                start_byte = Some(s);
                                end_byte = Some(e);
                            if let Some(m) = &su.media {
                                let u = base_url.join(m)
                                    .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining media with baseURL", e))?;
                                    MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte, end_byte})
                            } else if !audio_repr.BaseURL.is_empty() {
                                let bu = &audio_repr.BaseURL[0];
                                let base_url = if is_absolute_url(&bu.base) {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing Representation BaseURL", e))?
                                } else {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining with Representation BaseURL", e))?
                                    MediaFragment{url: base_url.clone(), start_byte, end_byte})
                    } else if audio_repr.SegmentTemplate.is_some() || audio.SegmentTemplate.is_some() {
                        // Here we are either looking at a Representation.SegmentTemplate, or a
                        // higher-level AdaptationSet.SegmentTemplate
                        let st;
                        if let Some(it) = &audio_repr.SegmentTemplate {
                            st = it;
                        } else if let Some(it) = &audio.SegmentTemplate {
                            st = it;
                        } else {
                        if let Some(i) = &st.initialization {
                            opt_init = Some(i.to_string());
                        if let Some(m) = &st.media {
                            opt_media = Some(m.to_string());
                        if let Some(ts) = st.timescale {
                            timescale = ts;
                        if let Some(sn) = st.startNumber {
                            start_number = sn;
                        if let Some(stl) = &st.SegmentTimeline {
                            // (2) SegmentTemplate with SegmentTimeline addressing mode (also called
                            // "explicit addressing" in certain DASH-IF documents)
                            if downloader.verbosity > 1 {
                                println!("Using SegmentTemplate+SegmentTimeline addressing mode for audio representation");
                            if let Some(init) = opt_init {
                                let path = resolve_url_template(&init, &dict);
                                let u = base_url.join(&path)
                                    .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining init with BaseURL", e))?;
                                audio_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte: None, end_byte: None})
                            if let Some(media) = opt_media {
                                let audio_path = resolve_url_template(&media, &dict);
                                let mut segment_time = 0;
                                let mut segment_duration;
                                let mut number = start_number;
                                for s in &stl.segments {
                                    // the URLTemplate may be based on $Time$, or on $Number$
                                    let dict = HashMap::from([("Time", segment_time.to_string()),
                                                              ("Number", number.to_string())]);
                                    let path = resolve_url_template(&audio_path, &dict);
                                    let u = base_url.join(&path)
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining media with BaseURL", e))?;
                                    audio_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte: None, end_byte: None});
                                    number += 1;
                                    if let Some(t) = s.t {
                                        segment_time = t;
                                    segment_duration = s.d;
                                    if let Some(r) = s.r {
                                        let mut count = 0i64;
                                        // FIXME perhaps we also need to account for startTime?
                                        let end_time = period_duration_secs * timescale as f64;
                                        loop {
                                            count += 1;
                                            // Exit from the loop after @r iterations (if @r is
                                            // positive). A negative value of the @r attribute indicates
                                            // that the duration indicated in @d attribute repeats until
                                            // the start of the next S element, the end of the Period or
                                            // until the next MPD update.
                                            if r >= 0 {
                                                if count > r {
                                            } else if segment_time as f64 > end_time {
                                            segment_time += segment_duration;
                                            let dict = HashMap::from([("Time", segment_time.to_string()),
                                                                      ("Number", number.to_string())]);
                                            let path = resolve_url_template(&audio_path, &dict);
                                            let u = base_url.join(&path)
                                                .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining media with BaseURL", e))?;
                                                MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte: None, end_byte: None});
                                            number += 1;
                                    segment_time += segment_duration;
                            } else {
                                return Err(DashMpdError::UnhandledMediaStream(
                                    "SegmentTimeline without a media attribute".to_string()));
                        } else { // no SegmentTimeline element
                            // (3) SegmentTemplate@duration addressing mode or (4)
                            // SegmentTemplate@index addressing mode (also called "simple
                            // addressing" in certain DASH-IF documents)
                            if downloader.verbosity > 1 {
                                println!("Using SegmentTemplate addressing mode for audio representation");
                            if let Some(init) = opt_init {
                                let path = resolve_url_template(&init, &dict);
                                let u = base_url.join(&path)
                                    .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining init with BaseURL", e))?;
                                audio_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte: None, end_byte: None})
                            if let Some(media) = opt_media {
                                let audio_path = resolve_url_template(&media, &dict);
                                let timescale = st.timescale.unwrap_or(timescale);
                                let mut segment_duration: f64 = -1.0;
                                if let Some(d) = opt_duration {
                                    // it was set on the Period.SegmentTemplate node
                                    segment_duration = d;
                                if let Some(std) = st.duration {
                                    segment_duration = std / timescale as f64;
                                if segment_duration < 0.0 {
                                    return Err(DashMpdError::UnhandledMediaStream(
                                        "Audio representation is missing SegmentTemplate @duration attribute".to_string()));
                                let total_number: u64 = (period_duration_secs / segment_duration).ceil() as u64;
                                let mut number = start_number;
                                for _ in 1..=total_number {
                                    let dict = HashMap::from([("Number", number.to_string())]);
                                    let path = resolve_url_template(&audio_path, &dict);
                                    let u = base_url.join(&path)
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining media with BaseURL", e))?;
                                    audio_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte: None, end_byte: None});
                                    number += 1;
                    } else if let Some(sb) = &audio_repr.SegmentBase {
                        // (5) SegmentBase@indexRange addressing mode
                        if downloader.verbosity > 1 {
                            println!("Using SegmentBase@indexRange addressing mode for audio representation");
                        // The SegmentBase@indexRange attribute points to a byte range in the media
                        // file that contains index information (an sidx box for MPEG files, or a
                        // Cues entry for a DASH-WebM stream). To be fully compliant, we should
                        // download and parse these (for example using the sidx crate) then download
                        // the referenced content segments. In practice, it seems that the
                        // indexRange information is mostly provided by DASH encoders to allow
                        // clients to rewind and fast-foward a stream, and is not necessary if we
                        // download the full content specified by BaseURL.
                        // Our strategy: if there is a SegmentBase > Initialization > SourceURL
                        // node, download that first, respecting the byte range if it is specified.
                        // Otherwise, download the full content specified by the BaseURL for this
                        // segment (ignoring any indexRange attributes).
                        let mut start_byte: Option<u64> = None;
                        let mut end_byte: Option<u64> = None;
                        if let Some(init) = &sb.initialization {
                            if let Some(range) = &init.range {
                                let (s, e) = parse_range(range)?;
                                start_byte = Some(s);
                                end_byte = Some(e);
                            if let Some(su) = &init.sourceURL {
                                let path = resolve_url_template(su, &dict);
                                let u = if is_absolute_url(&path) {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing sourceURL", e))?
                                } else {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining with sourceURL", e))?
                                audio_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte, end_byte});
                        audio_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: base_url.clone(), start_byte: None, end_byte: None});
                    } else if audio_fragments.is_empty() && !audio_repr.BaseURL.is_empty() {
                        // (6) plain BaseURL addressing mode
                        if downloader.verbosity > 1 {
                            println!("Using BaseURL addressing mode for audio representation");
                        let u = if is_absolute_url(&audio_repr.BaseURL[0].base) {
                            .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing BaseURL", e))?
                        } else {
                                .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining Representation BaseURL", e))?
                        audio_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte: None, end_byte: None})
                    if audio_fragments.is_empty() {
                        return Err(DashMpdError::UnhandledMediaStream(
                            "no usable addressing mode identified for audio representation".to_string()));

        // Handle the AdaptationSet which contains video content
        if downloader.fetch_video {
            let maybe_video_adaptation = period.adaptations.iter().find(is_video_adaptation);
            if let Some(period_video) = maybe_video_adaptation {
                let mut video = period_video.clone();
                // Resolve a possible xlink:href.
                if let Some(href) = &video.href {
                    if fetchable_xlink_href(href) {
                        let xlink_url = if is_absolute_url(href) {
                                .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing XLink URL", e))?
                        } else {
                            // Note that we are joining against the original/redirected URL for the MPD, and
                            // not against the currently scoped BaseURL
                                .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining XLink URL with BaseURL", e))?
                        let xml = client.get(xlink_url)
                            .header("Accept", "application/dash+xml,video/vnd.mpeg.dash.mpd")
                            .header("Accept-Language", "en-US,en")
                            .header("Sec-Fetch-Mode", "navigate")
                            .map_err(|e| network_error("fetching XLink URL for video Adaptation", e))?
                            .map_err(|e| network_error("fetching XLink URL for video Adaptation", e))?
                            .map_err(|e| network_error("resolving XLink URL for video Adaptation", e))?;
                        let linked_adaptation: AdaptationSet = quick_xml::de::from_str(&xml)
                            .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing XML for XLink AdaptationSet", e))?;
                // the AdaptationSet may have a BaseURL (eg the test BBC streams)
                if !video.BaseURL.is_empty() {
                    let bu = &video.BaseURL[0];
                    if is_absolute_url(&bu.base) {
                        base_url = Url::parse(&bu.base)
                            .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing BaseURL", e))?;
                    } else {
                        base_url = base_url.join(&bu.base)
                            .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining base with BaseURL", e))?;
                // Start by resolving any xlink:href elements on Representation nodes, which we need to
                // do before the selection based on the @bandwidth attribute below.
                let mut representations = Vec::<Representation>::new();
                for r in video.representations.iter() {
                    if let Some(href) = &r.href {
                        if fetchable_xlink_href(href) {
                            let xlink_url = if is_absolute_url(href) {
                                    .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing XLink on Representation element", e))?
                            } else {
                                    .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining XLink on Representation element", e))?
                            let xml = client.get(xlink_url)
                                .header("Accept", "application/dash+xml,video/vnd.mpeg.dash.mpd")
                                .header("Accept-Language", "en-US,en")
                                .header("Sec-Fetch-Mode", "navigate")
                                .map_err(|e| network_error("fetching XLink URL for video Representation", e))?
                                .map_err(|e| network_error("fetching XLink URL for video Representation", e))?
                                .map_err(|e| network_error("resolving XLink URL for video Representation", e))?;
                            let linked_representation: Representation = quick_xml::de::from_str(&xml)
                                .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing XLink XML for Representation", e))?;
                    } else {
                let maybe_video_repr = if downloader.quality_preference == QualityPreference::Lowest {
                        .min_by_key(|x| x.bandwidth.unwrap_or(1_000_000_000))
                } else {
                        .max_by_key(|x| x.bandwidth.unwrap_or(0))
                if let Some(video_repr) = maybe_video_repr {
                    if downloader.verbosity > 0 {
                        if let Some(bw) = video_repr.bandwidth {
                            println!("Selected video representation with bandwidth {bw}");
                    if !video_repr.BaseURL.is_empty() {
                        let bu = &video_repr.BaseURL[0];
                        if is_absolute_url(&bu.base) {
                            base_url = Url::parse(&bu.base)
                                .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing BaseURL", e))?;
                        } else {
                            base_url = base_url.join(&bu.base)
                                .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining base with BaseURL", e))?;
                    let rid = match &video_repr.id {
                        Some(id) => id,
                        None => return Err(DashMpdError::UnhandledMediaStream(
                            "Missing @id on Representation node".to_string())),
                    let mut dict = HashMap::from([("RepresentationID", rid.to_string())]);
                    if let Some(b) = &video_repr.bandwidth {
                        dict.insert("Bandwidth", b.to_string());
                    let mut opt_init: Option<String> = None;
                    let mut opt_media: Option<String> = None;
                    let mut opt_duration: Option<f64> = None;
                    let mut timescale = 1;
                    let mut start_number = 1;
                    // SegmentTemplate as a direct child of an Adaptation node. This can specify some common
                    // attribute values (media, timescale, duration, startNumber) for child SegmentTemplate
                    // nodes in an enclosed Representation node. Don't download media segments here, only
                    // download for SegmentTemplate nodes that are children of a Representation node.
                    if let Some(st) = &video.SegmentTemplate {
                        if let Some(i) = &st.initialization {
                            opt_init = Some(i.to_string());
                        if let Some(m) = &st.media {
                            opt_media = Some(m.to_string());
                        if let Some(d) = st.duration {
                            opt_duration = Some(d);
                        if let Some(ts) = st.timescale {
                            timescale = ts;
                        if let Some(s) = st.startNumber {
                            start_number = s;
                    // Now the 6 possible addressing modes: (1) SegmentList,
                    // (2) SegmentTemplate+SegmentTimeline, (3) SegmentTemplate@duration,
                    // (4) SegmentTemplate@index, (5) SegmentBase@indexRange, (6) plain BaseURL
                    if let Some(sl) = &period_video.SegmentList {
                        // (1) AdaptationSet>SegmentList addressing mode
                        if downloader.verbosity > 1 {
                            println!("Using AdaptationSet>SegmentList addressing mode for video representation");
                        let mut start_byte: Option<u64> = None;
                        let mut end_byte: Option<u64> = None;
                        if let Some(init) = &sl.Initialization {
                            if let Some(range) = &init.range {
                                let (s, e) = parse_range(range)?;
                                start_byte = Some(s);
                                end_byte = Some(e);
                            if let Some(su) = &init.sourceURL {
                                let path = resolve_url_template(su, &dict);
                                let u = if is_absolute_url(&path) {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing sourceURL", e))?
                                } else {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining sourceURL with BaseURL", e))?
                                video_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte, end_byte});
                            } else {
                                video_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: base_url.clone(), start_byte, end_byte});
                        for su in sl.segment_urls.iter() {
                            start_byte = None;
                            end_byte = None;
                            // we are ignoring @indexRange
                            if let Some(range) = &su.mediaRange {
                                let (s, e) = parse_range(range)?;
                                start_byte = Some(s);
                                end_byte = Some(e);
                            if let Some(m) = &su.media {
                                let u = base_url.join(m)
                                    .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining media with BaseURL", e))?;
                                video_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte, end_byte});
                            } else if !period_video.BaseURL.is_empty() {
                                let bu = &period_video.BaseURL[0];
                                let base_url = if is_absolute_url(&bu.base) {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing BaseURL", e))?
                                } else {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining with BaseURL", e))?
                                video_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: base_url.clone(), start_byte, end_byte});
                    if let Some(sl) = &video_repr.SegmentList {
                        // (1) Representation>SegmentList addressing mode
                        if downloader.verbosity > 1 {
                            println!("Using Representation>SegmentList addressing mode for video representation");
                        let mut start_byte: Option<u64> = None;
                        let mut end_byte: Option<u64> = None;
                        if let Some(init) = &sl.Initialization {
                            if let Some(range) = &init.range {
                                let (s, e) = parse_range(range)?;
                                start_byte = Some(s);
                                end_byte = Some(e);
                            if let Some(su) = &init.sourceURL {
                                let path = resolve_url_template(su, &dict);
                                let u = if is_absolute_url(&path) {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing sourceURL", e))?
                                } else {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining sourceURL with BaseURL", e))?
                                video_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte, end_byte});
                            } else {
                                    MediaFragment{url: base_url.clone(), start_byte, end_byte});
                        for su in sl.segment_urls.iter() {
                            start_byte = None;
                            end_byte = None;
                            // we are ignoring @indexRange
                            if let Some(range) = &su.mediaRange {
                                let (s, e) = parse_range(range)?;
                                start_byte = Some(s);
                                end_byte = Some(e);
                            if let Some(m) = &su.media {
                                let u = base_url.join(m)
                                    .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining media with BaseURL", e))?;
                                video_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte, end_byte});
                            } else if !video_repr.BaseURL.is_empty() {
                                let bu = &video_repr.BaseURL[0];
                                let base_url = if is_absolute_url(&bu.base) {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing BaseURL", e))?
                                } else {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining with BaseURL", e))?
                                    MediaFragment{url: base_url.clone(), start_byte, end_byte});
                    } else if video_repr.SegmentTemplate.is_some() || video.SegmentTemplate.is_some() {
                        // Here we are either looking at a Representation.SegmentTemplate, or a
                        // higher-level AdaptationSet.SegmentTemplate
                        let st;
                        if let Some(it) = &video_repr.SegmentTemplate {
                            st = it;
                        } else if let Some(it) = &video.SegmentTemplate {
                            st = it;
                        } else {
                        if let Some(i) = &st.initialization {
                            opt_init = Some(i.to_string());
                        if let Some(m) = &st.media {
                            opt_media = Some(m.to_string());
                        if let Some(ts) = st.timescale {
                            timescale = ts;
                        if let Some(sn) = st.startNumber {
                            start_number = sn;
                        if let Some(stl) = &st.SegmentTimeline {
                            // (2) SegmentTemplate with SegmentTimeline addressing mode
                            if downloader.verbosity > 1 {
                                println!("Using SegmentTemplate+SegmentTimeline addressing mode for video representation");
                            if let Some(init) = opt_init {
                                let path = resolve_url_template(&init, &dict);
                                let u = base_url.join(&path)
                                    .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining init with BaseURL", e))?;
                                video_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte: None, end_byte: None});
                            if let Some(media) = opt_media {
                                let video_path = resolve_url_template(&media, &dict);
                                let mut segment_time = 0;
                                let mut segment_duration;
                                let mut number = start_number;
                                for s in &stl.segments {
                                    // the URLTemplate may be based on $Time$, or on $Number$
                                    let dict = HashMap::from([("Time", segment_time.to_string()),
                                                              ("Number", number.to_string())]);
                                    let path = resolve_url_template(&video_path, &dict);
                                    let u = base_url.join(&path)
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining media with BaseURL", e))?;
                                    video_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte: None, end_byte: None});
                                    number += 1;
                                    if let Some(t) = s.t {
                                        segment_time = t;
                                    segment_duration = s.d;
                                    if let Some(r) = s.r {
                                        let mut count = 0i64;
                                        // FIXME perhaps we also need to account for startTime?
                                        let end_time = period_duration_secs * timescale as f64;
                                        loop {
                                            count += 1;
                                            // Exit from the loop after @r iterations (if @r is
                                            // positive). A negative value of the @r attribute indicates
                                            // that the duration indicated in @d attribute repeats until
                                            // the start of the next S element, the end of the Period or
                                            // until the next MPD update.
                                            if r >= 0 {
                                                if count > r {
                                            } else if segment_time as f64 > end_time {
                                            segment_time += segment_duration;
                                            let dict = HashMap::from([("Time", segment_time.to_string()),
                                                                      ("Number", number.to_string())]);
                                            let path = resolve_url_template(&video_path, &dict);
                                            let u = base_url.join(&path)
                                                .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining media with BaseURL", e))?;
                                                MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte: None, end_byte: None});
                                            number += 1;
                                    segment_time += segment_duration;
                            } else {
                                return Err(DashMpdError::UnhandledMediaStream(
                                    "SegmentTimeline without a media attribute".to_string()));
                        } else { // no SegmentTimeline element
                            // (3) SegmentTemplate@duration addressing mode or (4) SegmentTemplate@index addressing mode
                            if downloader.verbosity > 1 {
                                println!("Using SegmentTemplate addressing mode for video representation");
                            if let Some(init) = opt_init {
                                let path = resolve_url_template(&init, &dict);
                                let u = base_url.join(&path)
                                    .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining init with BaseURL", e))?;
                                video_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte: None, end_byte: None});
                            if let Some(media) = opt_media {
                                let video_path = resolve_url_template(&media, &dict);
                                let timescale = st.timescale.unwrap_or(timescale);
                                let mut segment_duration: f64 = -1.0;
                                if let Some(d) = opt_duration {
                                    // it was set on the Period.SegmentTemplate node
                                    segment_duration = d;
                                if let Some(std) = st.duration {
                                    segment_duration = std / timescale as f64;
                                if segment_duration < 0.0 {
                                    return Err(DashMpdError::UnhandledMediaStream(
                                        "Video representation is missing SegmentTemplate @duration attribute".to_string()));
                                let total_number: u64 = (period_duration_secs / segment_duration).ceil() as u64;
                                let mut number = start_number;
                                for _ in 1..=total_number {
                                    let dict = HashMap::from([("Number", number.to_string())]);
                                    let path = resolve_url_template(&video_path, &dict);
                                    let u = base_url.join(&path)
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining media with BaseURL", e))?;
                                    video_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte: None, end_byte: None});
                                    number += 1;
                    } else if let Some(sb) = &video_repr.SegmentBase {
                        // (5) SegmentBase@indexRange addressing mode
                        if downloader.verbosity > 1 {
                            println!("Using SegmentBase@indexRange addressing mode for video representation");
                        let mut start_byte: Option<u64> = None;
                        let mut end_byte: Option<u64> = None;
                        if let Some(init) = &sb.initialization {
                            if let Some(range) = &init.range {
                                let (s, e) = parse_range(range)?;
                                start_byte = Some(s);
                                end_byte = Some(e);
                            if let Some(su) = &init.sourceURL {
                                let path = resolve_url_template(su, &dict);
                                let u = if is_absolute_url(&path) {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing sourceURL", e))?
                                } else {
                                        .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining with sourceURL", e))?
                                video_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte, end_byte});
                        video_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: base_url.clone(), start_byte: None, end_byte: None});
                    } else if video_fragments.is_empty() && !video_repr.BaseURL.is_empty() {
                        // (6) BaseURL addressing mode
                        if downloader.verbosity > 1 {
                            println!("Using BaseURL addressing mode for video representation");
                        let u = if is_absolute_url(&video_repr.BaseURL[0].base) {
                            .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing BaseURL", e))?
                        } else {
                                .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining Representation BaseURL", e))?
                        video_fragments.push(MediaFragment{url: u, start_byte: None, end_byte: None});
                    if video_fragments.is_empty() {
                        return Err(DashMpdError::UnhandledMediaStream(
                            "no usable addressing mode identified for video representation".to_string()));
                } else {
                    // FIXME we aren't correctly handling manifests without a Representation node
                    // eg https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zencoder/go-dash/master/mpd/fixtures/newperiod.mpd
                    return Err(DashMpdError::UnhandledMediaStream(
                        "Couldn't find lowest bandwidth video stream in DASH manifest".to_string()));
        // now check for subtitles
        let maybe_subtitle_adaptation = if let Some(ref lang) = downloader.language_preference {
                .min_by_key(|a| adaptation_lang_distance(a, lang))
        } else {
            // returns the first subtitle adaptation found
        if let Some(sta) = maybe_subtitle_adaptation {
            for rep in sta.representations.iter() {
                // TODO: handle a possible XLink reference (non-empty href attribute)
                for st_bu in rep.BaseURL.iter() {
                    let st_url = if is_absolute_url(&st_bu.base) {
                            .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing subtitle BaseURL", e))?
                    } else {
                            .map_err(|e| parse_error("joining subtitle BaseURL", e))?
                    let subs = client.get(st_url.clone())
                        .header("Referer", redirected_url.to_string())
                        .map_err(|e| network_error("fetching subtitles", e))?
                        .map_err(|e| network_error("fetching subtitles", e))?
                        .map_err(|e| network_error("retrieving subtitles", e))?;
                    let mut subs_path = output_path.clone();
                    let subtype = subtitle_type(&sta);
                    match subtype {
                        SubtitleType::Vtt => subs_path.set_extension("vtt"),
                        SubtitleType::Srt => subs_path.set_extension("srt"),
                        SubtitleType::Ttml => subs_path.set_extension("ttml"),
                        SubtitleType::Sami => subs_path.set_extension("sami"),
                        SubtitleType::Wvtt => subs_path.set_extension("wvtt"),
                        SubtitleType::Stpp => subs_path.set_extension("stpp"),
                        _ => subs_path.set_extension("sub"),
                    let mut subs_file = File::create(subs_path.clone())
                        .map_err(|e| DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("creating subtitle file")))?;
                    if downloader.verbosity > 2 {
                        println!("Subtitle {st_url} -> {} octets", subs.len());
                    match subs_file.write_all(&subs) {
                        Ok(()) => {
                            if downloader.verbosity > 0 {
                                println!("Downloaded subtitles ({subtype:?}) to {}", subs_path.display());
                        Err(e) => {
                            log::error!("Unable to write subtitle file: {e:?}");
                            return Err(DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("writing subtitle data")));
                    if subtype == SubtitleType::Wvtt {
                        let mut out = subs_path.clone();
                        let mp4box = Command::new("MP4Box")
                            .args(["-srt", "1", "-out", &out.to_string_lossy(), &subs_path.to_string_lossy()])
                            .map_err(|e| DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("spawning MP4Box subprocess")))?;
                        let msg = String::from_utf8_lossy(&mp4box.stdout);
                        if msg.len() > 0 {
                            log::info!("MP4Box stdout: {msg}");
                        let msg = String::from_utf8_lossy(&mp4box.stderr);
                        if msg.len() > 0 {
                            log::info!("MP4Box stderr: {msg}");
                        if mp4box.status.success() {
                            log::info!("Converted WVTT subtitles to SRT");
                        } else {
                            log::warn!("Error running MP4Box to convert WVTT subtitles");
    let tmppath_audio = tmp_file_path("dashmpd-audio")?;
    let tmppath_video = tmp_file_path("dashmpd-video")?;
    if downloader.verbosity > 0 {
        println!("Preparing to fetch {} audio and {} video segments",
    let mut download_errors = 0;
    // The additional +2 is for our initial .mpd fetch action and final muxing action
    let segment_count = audio_fragments.len() + video_fragments.len() + 2;
    let mut segment_counter = 0;

    // Concatenate the audio segments to a file.
    // FIXME: in DASH, the first segment contains headers that are necessary to generate a valid MP4
    // file, so we should always abort if the first segment cannot be fetched. However, we could
    // tolerate loss of subsequent segments.
    if downloader.fetch_audio {
        let tmpfile_audio = File::create(tmppath_audio.clone())
            .map_err(|e| DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("creating audio tmpfile")))?;
        let mut tmpfile_audio = BufWriter::new(tmpfile_audio);
        for frag in &audio_fragments {
            // Update any ProgressObservers
            segment_counter += 1;
            let progress_percent = (100.0 * segment_counter as f32 / segment_count as f32).ceil() as u32;
            for observer in &downloader.progress_observers {
                observer.update(progress_percent, "Fetching audio segments");
            let url = &frag.url;
            A manifest may use a data URL (RFC 2397) to embed media content such as the
            initialization segment directly in the manifest (recommended by YouTube for live
            streaming, but uncommon in practice).
            if url.scheme() == "data" {
                let us = &url.to_string();
                let du = DataUrl::process(us)
                    .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Parsing(String::from("parsing data URL")))?;
                if du.mime_type().type_ != "audio" {
                    return Err(DashMpdError::UnhandledMediaStream(
                        String::from("expecting audio content in data URL")));
                let (body, _fragment) = du.decode_to_vec()
                    .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Parsing(String::from("decoding data URL")))?;
                if downloader.verbosity > 2 {
                    println!("Audio segment data URL -> {} octets", body.len());
                if let Err(e) = tmpfile_audio.write_all(&body) {
                    log::error!("Unable to write DASH audio data: {e:?}");
                    return Err(DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("writing DASH audio data")));
                have_audio = true;
            } else {
                // We could download these segments in parallel, but that might upset some servers.
                let fetch = || async {
                    // Don't use only "audio/*" in Accept header because some web servers
                    // (eg. media.axprod.net) are misconfigured and reject requests for
                    // valid audio content (eg .m4s)
                    let mut req = client.get(url.clone())
                        .header("Accept", "audio/*;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.5")
                        .header("Referer", redirected_url.to_string())
                        .header("Sec-Fetch-Mode", "navigate");
                    if let Some(sb) = &frag.start_byte {
                        if let Some(eb) = &frag.end_byte {
                            req = req.header(RANGE, format!("bytes={sb}-{eb}"));
                let response = retry_notify(ExponentialBackoff::default(), fetch, notify_transient)
                    .map_err(|e| network_error("fetching DASH audio segment", e))?;
                if response.status().is_success() {
                    if !downloader.content_type_checks || content_type_audio_p(&response) {
                        let dash_bytes = response.bytes()
                            .map_err(|e| network_error("fetching DASH audio segment bytes", e))?;
                        if downloader.verbosity > 2 {
                            if let Some(sb) = &frag.start_byte {
                                if let Some(eb) = &frag.end_byte {
                                    println!("Audio segment {} range {sb}-{eb} -> {} octets",
                                             &frag.url, dash_bytes.len());
                            } else {
                                println!("Audio segment {url} -> {} octets", dash_bytes.len());
                        if let Err(e) = tmpfile_audio.write_all(&dash_bytes) {
                            log::error!("Unable to write DASH audio data: {e:?}");
                            return Err(DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("writing DASH audio data")));
                        have_audio = true;
                    } else {
                        log::warn!("Ignoring segment {url} with non-audio content-type");
                } else {
                    if downloader.verbosity > 0 {
                        eprintln!("HTTP error {} fetching audio segment {url}", response.status().as_str());
                    download_errors += 1;
                    if download_errors > 10 {
                        return Err(DashMpdError::Network(
                            String::from("more than 10 HTTP download errors")));
            if downloader.sleep_between_requests > 0 {
                thread::sleep(Duration::new(downloader.sleep_between_requests.into(), 0));
        tmpfile_audio.flush().map_err(|e| {
            log::error!("Couldn't flush DASH audio file to disk: {e}");
            DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("flushing DASH audio file to disk"))
        if let Ok(metadata) = fs::metadata(tmppath_audio.clone()) {
            if downloader.verbosity > 1 {
                println!("Wrote {:.1}MB to DASH audio stream", metadata.len() as f64 / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
    } // if downloader.fetch_audio

    // Now fetch the video segments and concatenate them to the video file
    if downloader.fetch_video {
        let tmpfile_video = File::create(tmppath_video.clone())
            .map_err(|e| DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("creating video tmpfile")))?;
        let mut tmpfile_video = BufWriter::new(tmpfile_video);
        for frag in &video_fragments {
            // Update any ProgressObservers
            segment_counter += 1;
            let progress_percent = (100.0 * segment_counter as f32 / segment_count as f32).ceil() as u32;
            for observer in &downloader.progress_observers {
                observer.update(progress_percent, "Fetching video segments");
            if frag.url.scheme() == "data" {
                let us = &frag.url.to_string();
                let du = DataUrl::process(us)
                    .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Parsing(String::from("parsing data URL")))?;
                if du.mime_type().type_ != "video" {
                    return Err(DashMpdError::UnhandledMediaStream(
                        String::from("expecting video content in data URL")));
                let (body, _fragment) = du.decode_to_vec()
                    .map_err(|_| DashMpdError::Parsing(String::from("decoding data URL")))?;
                if downloader.verbosity > 2 {
                    println!("Video segment data URL -> {} octets", body.len());
                if let Err(e) = tmpfile_video.write_all(&body) {
                    log::error!("Unable to write DASH video data: {e:?}");
                    return Err(DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("writing DASH video data")));
                have_video = true;
            } else {
                let fetch = || async {
                    let mut req = client.get(frag.url.clone())
                        .header("Accept", "video/*")
                        .header("Referer", redirected_url.to_string())
                        .header("Sec-Fetch-Mode", "navigate");
                    if let Some(sb) = &frag.start_byte {
                        if let Some(eb) = &frag.end_byte {
                            req = req.header(RANGE, format!("bytes={sb}-{eb}"));
                let response = retry_notify(ExponentialBackoff::default(), fetch, notify_transient)
                    .map_err(|e| network_error("fetching DASH video segment", e))?;
                if response.status().is_success() {
                    if !downloader.content_type_checks || content_type_video_p(&response) {
                        let dash_bytes = response.bytes()
                            .map_err(|e| network_error("fetching DASH video segment", e))?;
                        if downloader.verbosity > 2 {
                            if let Some(sb) = &frag.start_byte {
                                if let Some(eb) = &frag.end_byte {
                                    println!("Video segment {} range {sb}-{eb} -> {} octets",
                                             &frag.url, dash_bytes.len());
                            } else {
                                println!("Video segment {} -> {} octets", &frag.url, dash_bytes.len());
                        if let Err(e) = tmpfile_video.write_all(&dash_bytes) {
                            return Err(DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("writing DASH video data")));
                        have_video = true;
                    } else {
                        log::warn!("Ignoring segment {} with non-video content-type", &frag.url);
                } else {
                    if downloader.verbosity > 0 {
                        eprintln!("HTTP error {} fetching video segment {}", response.status().as_str(), &frag.url);
                    download_errors += 1;
                    if download_errors > 10 {
                        return Err(DashMpdError::Network(
                            String::from("more than 10 HTTP download errors")));
            if downloader.sleep_between_requests > 0 {
                thread::sleep(Duration::new(downloader.sleep_between_requests.into(), 0));
        tmpfile_video.flush().map_err(|e| {
            log::error!("Couldn't flush video file to disk: {e}");
            DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("flushing video file to disk"))
        if let Ok(metadata) = fs::metadata(tmppath_video.clone()) {
            if downloader.verbosity > 1 {
                println!("Wrote {:.1}MB to DASH video file", metadata.len() as f64 / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
    } // if downloader.fetch_video
    for observer in &downloader.progress_observers {
        observer.update(99, "Muxing audio and video");
    // Our final output file is either a mux of the audio and video streams, if both are present, or just
    // the audio stream, or just the video stream.
    if have_audio && have_video {
        if downloader.verbosity > 1 {
            println!("Muxing audio and video streams");
        mux_audio_video(&downloader, &tmppath_audio, &tmppath_video)?;
    } else if have_audio {
        // Copy the downloaded audio segments to the output file. We don't use fs::rename() because
        // it might fail if temporary files and our output are on different filesystems.
        let tmpfile_audio = File::open(&tmppath_audio)
            .map_err(|e| DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("opening temporary audio output file")))?;
        let mut audio = BufReader::new(tmpfile_audio);
        let output_file = File::create(output_path)
            .map_err(|e| DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("creating output file for video")))?;
        let mut sink = BufWriter::new(output_file);
        io::copy(&mut audio, &mut sink)
            .map_err(|e| DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("copying audio stream to output file")))?;
    } else if have_video {
        let tmpfile_video = File::open(&tmppath_video)
            .map_err(|e| DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("opening temporary video output file")))?;
        let mut video = BufReader::new(tmpfile_video);
        let output_file = File::create(output_path)
            .map_err(|e| DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("creating output file for video")))?;
        let mut sink = BufWriter::new(output_file);
        io::copy(&mut video, &mut sink)
            .map_err(|e| DashMpdError::Io(e, String::from("copying video stream to output file")))?;
    } else {
        if downloader.fetch_video {
            if downloader.fetch_audio {
                return Err(DashMpdError::UnhandledMediaStream("no audio or video streams found".to_string()));
            } else {
                return Err(DashMpdError::UnhandledMediaStream("no video streams found".to_string()));
        } else {
            return Err(DashMpdError::UnhandledMediaStream("no audio streams found".to_string()));
    if downloader.keep_audio {
        println!("Audio stream kept in file {tmppath_audio}");
    } else if fs::remove_file(tmppath_audio).is_err() {
        log::info!("Failed to delete temporary file for audio segments");
    if downloader.keep_video {
        println!("Video stream kept in file {tmppath_video}");
    } else if fs::remove_file(tmppath_video).is_err() {
        log::info!("Failed to delete temporary file for video segments");
    if downloader.verbosity > 1 {
        if let Ok(metadata) = fs::metadata(output_path) {
            println!("Wrote {:.1}MB to media file", metadata.len() as f64 / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
    // As per https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/CommonExtendedAttributes/, set extended filesystem
    // attributes indicating metadata such as the origin URL, title, source and copyright, if
    // specified in the MPD manifest. This functionality is only active on platforms where the xattr
    // crate supports extended attributes (currently Linux, MacOS, FreeBSD, and NetBSD); on
    // unsupported Unix platforms it's a no-op. On other non-Unix platforms the crate doesn't build.
    // TODO: on Windows, could use NTFS Alternate Data Streams
    // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS#Alternate_data_stream_(ADS)
    #[cfg(target_family = "unix")]
    if downloader.record_metainformation {
        let origin_url = Url::parse(&downloader.mpd_url)
            .map_err(|e| parse_error("parsing MPD URL", e))?;
        // Don't record the origin URL if it contains sensitive information such as passwords
        if origin_url.username().is_empty() && origin_url.password().is_none() {
            #[cfg(target_family = "unix")]
            if xattr::set(output_path, "user.xdg.origin.url", downloader.mpd_url.as_bytes()).is_err() {
                log::info!("Failed to set user.xdg.origin.url xattr on output file");
        if let Some(pi) = mpd.ProgramInformation {
            if let Some(t) = pi.Title {
                if let Some(tc) = t.content {
                    if xattr::set(output_path, "user.dublincore.title", tc.as_bytes()).is_err() {
                        log::info!("Failed to set user.dublincore.title xattr on output file");
            if let Some(source) = pi.Source {
                if let Some(sc) = source.content {
                    if xattr::set(output_path, "user.dublincore.source", sc.as_bytes()).is_err() {
                        log::info!("Failed to set user.dublincore.source xattr on output file");
            if let Some(copyright) = pi.Copyright {
                if let Some(cc) = copyright.content {
                    if xattr::set(output_path, "user.dublincore.rights", cc.as_bytes()).is_err() {
                        log::info!("Failed to set user.dublincore.rights xattr on output file");
    for observer in &downloader.progress_observers {
        observer.update(100, "Done");

mod tests {
    fn test_resolve_url_template() {
        use std::collections::HashMap;
        use super::resolve_url_template;

        assert_eq!(resolve_url_template("AA$Time$BB", &HashMap::from([("Time", "ZZZ".to_string())])),
        assert_eq!(resolve_url_template("AA$Number%06d$BB", &HashMap::from([("Number", "42".to_string())])),
        let dict = HashMap::from([("RepresentationID", "640x480".to_string()),
                                  ("Number", "42".to_string()),
                                  ("Time", "ZZZ".to_string())]);
        assert_eq!(resolve_url_template("AA/$RepresentationID$/segment-$Number%05d$.mp4", &dict),