d3-core 0.1.0

A framework for server development -- the core layer
use self::traits::*;
use super::*;
use crossbeam::deque;


/// The static TIMESLICE_IN_MILLIS is the timeslice that a machine is allowed to use before
/// being returned to the scheduler. While processing the message queue, if the machine
/// has not exhausted its timeslice, it will receive additional instructions from the
/// Receiver before being returned t the scheduler. The current value is 20ms
static TIMESLICE_IN_MILLIS: AtomicCell<usize> = AtomicCell::new(20);
/// The get_time_slice function returns the current timeslice value.
pub fn get_time_slice() -> std::time::Duration { std::time::Duration::from_millis(TIMESLICE_IN_MILLIS.load() as u64) }
/// The set_time_slice function sets the current timeslice value. This should be
/// performed before starting the server.
pub fn set_time_slice(new: std::time::Duration) { TIMESLICE_IN_MILLIS.store(new.as_millis() as usize) }

/// The RUN_QUEUE_LEN static is the current length of the run queue, it is considered read-only..
pub static RUN_QUEUE_LEN: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
/// The EXECUTORS_SNOOZING static is the current number of executors that are idle, it is considered read-only.
pub static EXECUTORS_SNOOZING: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);

// Unlike most of the system, which uses u128 ids, the executor uses usize. If atomic u128 were
// available, it would likely use u128 as well. The decision to use atomic is based upon this
// being the place where threads are used, including outside threads, such as the system monitor.

// The factory for the executor
pub struct SystemExecutorFactory {
    workers: RefCell<usize>,
    run_queue: TaskInjector,
    wait_queue: SchedTaskInjector,
impl SystemExecutorFactory {
    // expose the factory as a trait object.
    pub fn new() -> ExecutorFactoryObj {
        Arc::new(Self {
            workers: RefCell::new(4),
            run_queue: Arc::new(deque::Injector::<Task>::new()),
            wait_queue: Arc::new(deque::Injector::<SchedTask>::new()),

// impl the factory
impl ExecutorFactory for SystemExecutorFactory {
    // change the number of executors
    fn with_workers(&self, workers: usize) { self.workers.replace(workers); }
    // get thread run_queue, wait_queue
    fn get_queues(&self) -> (TaskInjector, SchedTaskInjector) {
        (Arc::clone(&self.run_queue), Arc::clone(&self.wait_queue))
    // start the executor
    fn start(&self, monitor: MonitorSender, scheduler: SchedSender) -> ExecutorControlObj {
        let workers: usize = *self.workers.borrow();
        let res = Executor::new(workers, monitor, scheduler, self.get_queues());

// Find a machine to receive a message.
fn find_task<T>(
    local: &deque::Worker<T>,
    global: &deque::Injector<T>,
    stealers: &[Arc<deque::Stealer<T>>],
) -> Option<T> {
    // Pop a task from the local queue, if not empty.
    local.pop().or_else(|| {
        // Otherwise, we need to look for a task elsewhere.
        iter::repeat_with(|| {
            // Try stealing a batch of tasks from the global queue.
                // Or try stealing a task from one of the other threads.
                .or_else(|| stealers.iter().map(|s| s.steal()).collect())
        // Loop while no task was stolen and any steal operation needs to be retried.
        .find(|s| !s.is_retry())
        // Extract the stolen task, if there is one.
        .and_then(|s| s.success())

// The notifier
struct Notifier {
    monitor: MonitorSender,
    scheduler: SchedSender,
    wait_queue: SchedTaskInjector,
impl ExecutorNotifier for Notifier {
    fn notify_parked(&self, executor_id: usize) {
        if self.monitor.send(MonitorMessage::Parked(executor_id)).is_err() {};
    fn notify_can_schedule(&self, machine_key: usize) { self.wait_queue.push(SchedTask::new(machine_key)); }

// This is the model I've adopted for managing worker threads. The thread
// data needs to be built in a way that it can be moved as a self -- it just
// makes things easier.
// There's an assocative struct, which is pretty thin and just caries the
// join handler and sender to control the thread.
struct ThreadData {
    id: Id,
    receiver: SchedReceiver,
    monitor: MonitorSender,
    scheduler: SchedSender,
    workers: Workers,
    run_queue: Arc<deque::Injector<Task>>,
    wait_queue: Arc<deque::Injector<SchedTask>>,
    work: deque::Worker<Task>,
    stealers: Stealers,
    shared_info: Arc<Mutex<SharedExecutorInfo>>,
impl ThreadData {
    /// build stealers, the workers are a shared RwLock object. Clone
    /// the stealer from every worker except ourself.
    fn build_stealers(&self) -> Stealers {
        let stealers = self
            .filter(|w| w.1.id != self.id)
            .map(|w| Arc::clone(&w.1.stealer))

    // This is the executor thread. It has a few responsibilites. It listens for,
    // and acts upon events (via channel). It complete senders that are blocked.
    // It gets tasks and runs them. It might be better to have a select
    // for blocked senders, or aggregate them and have a separate thread responsible
    // for them. In a well tuned system, we shouldn't see blocking of senders,
    // which represents a failure in dataflow management.
    fn spawn(mut self) -> Option<std::thread::JoinHandle<()>> {
        let thread = std::thread::spawn(move || {
            let mut stats = ExecutorStats::default();
            stats.id = self.id;
            let mut stats_event = SimpleEventTimer::default();
            let time_slice = get_time_slice();
            let backoff = crossbeam::utils::Backoff::new();
            loop {
                // report to the system monitor, maybe look at fixing drift
                if stats_event.check() && self.monitor.send(MonitorMessage::ExecutorStats(stats)).is_err() {}
                // processs any received commands, break out of loop if told to terminate
                if self.try_recv() {
                // move blocked senders along...
                let blocked_sender_count = self.try_completing_send(&mut stats);
                // try to run a task
                let ran_task = self.run_task(time_slice, &mut stats);
                // if no longer running and we don't have any blocked senders, we can leave
                if self.get_state() == ExecutorState::Parked {
                    let is_empty = tls_executor_data.with(|t| {
                        let tls = t.borrow();
                    if is_empty {
                // and after all that, we've got nothing left to do. Let's catch some zzzz's
                if blocked_sender_count == 0 && !ran_task {
                    if backoff.is_completed() {
                        // log::debug!("executor {} is sleeping", self.id);
                        EXECUTORS_SNOOZING.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
                        EXECUTORS_SNOOZING.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
                    // log::debug!("executor {} is awake", self.id);
                    } else {
                } else {
            log::debug!("executor {} is done", self.id);
            log::debug!("{:#?}", stats);
            tls_executor_data.with(|t| {
                let tls = t.borrow_mut();
                if !tls.blocked_senders.is_empty() {
                        "executor {} exited, but continues to have {} blocked senders",
            // as a last and final, tell the monitor that we're dead...
            if self.monitor.send(MonitorMessage::Terminated(self.id)).is_err() {
                log::warn!("executor {} exiting without informing system monitor", self.id);

    // get the executor state
    fn get_state(&self) -> ExecutorState { self.shared_info.lock().unwrap().get_state() }

    // one time setup
    fn setup(&mut self) {
        // setup TLS, to be use when blocking
        let notifier = Notifier {
            monitor: self.monitor.clone(),
            scheduler: self.scheduler.clone(),
            wait_queue: Arc::clone(&self.wait_queue),
        tls_executor_data.with(|t| {
            let mut tls = t.borrow_mut();
            tls.id = self.id;
            tls.shared_info = Arc::clone(&self.shared_info);
            tls.notifier = ExecutorDataField::Notifier(Arc::new(notifier));
        // pull out some commonly used stuff
        self.stealers = self.build_stealers();
        log::debug!("executor {} running with {} stealers", self.id, self.stealers.len());

    // check the channel, return true to quit.
    fn try_recv(&mut self) -> bool {
        let mut should_terminate = false;
        match self.receiver.try_recv() {
            Ok(SchedCmd::Terminate(_)) => should_terminate = true,
            // rebuild if we're running
            Ok(SchedCmd::RebuildStealers) if self.get_state() == ExecutorState::Running => {
                self.stealers = self.build_stealers();
                    "executor {} rebuild stealers, running with {} stealers",
            // ignore rebuilds when not running
            Ok(SchedCmd::RebuildStealers) => (),
            Ok(_) => log::warn!("executor received unexpected message"),
            Err(crossbeam::channel::TryRecvError::Disconnected) => should_terminate = true,
            Err(_) => (),

    fn try_completing_send(&mut self, stats: &mut ExecutorStats) -> usize {
        tls_executor_data.with(|t| {
            let mut tls = t.borrow_mut();
            let blocked_sender_count = if !tls.blocked_senders.is_empty() {
                let len = tls.blocked_senders.len();
                if len > stats.max_blocked_senders {
                    stats.max_blocked_senders = len;
                stats.blocked_senders += (len - tls.last_blocked_send_len) as u128;
                let mut still_blocked: Vec<SharedCollectiveSenderAdapter> =
                for mut sender in tls.blocked_senders.drain(..) {
                    match sender.try_send() {
                        Ok(()) => {
                        Err(TrySendError::Disconnected) => {},
                        Err(TrySendError::Full) => {
                tls.blocked_senders = still_blocked;
                tls.last_blocked_send_len = tls.blocked_senders.len();
            } else {

    // if we're still running, run get a task and run it. If no tasks, yeild
    fn run_task(&mut self, time_slice: Duration, stats: &mut ExecutorStats) -> bool {
        if self.get_state() == ExecutorState::Running {
            let mut drop_count = 0;
            loop {
                if let Some(task) = find_task(&self.work, &self.run_queue, &self.stealers) {
                    RUN_QUEUE_LEN.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
                    if task.machine.get_state() == CollectiveState::Dead {
                        // if its a dead task, we need to just drop it and get something else to work on
                        drop_count += 1;
                        sched::live_machine_count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
                    } else {
                        stats.time_on_queue += task.start.elapsed();
                        let t = self.shared_info.lock().as_mut().unwrap().set_idle();
                        // setup TLS in case we have to park
                        let machine = task.machine;
                        tls_executor_data.with(|t| {
                            let mut tls = t.borrow_mut();
                            tls.machine = ExecutorDataField::Machine(Arc::clone(&machine))
                        machine.receive_cmd(time_slice, stats);
                        stats.recv_time += t.elapsed();
                        tls_executor_data.with(|t| {
                            let mut tls = t.borrow_mut();
                            tls.machine = ExecutorDataField::Uninitialized;
                        if self.shared_info.lock().unwrap().get_state() == ExecutorState::Parked {
                            log::debug!("parked executor {} completed", self.id);
                        // since we did a bunch of work we can leave
                        return true;
                } else {
                    // if we did any drops, we did some work...take credit for it
                    return drop_count != 0;

    fn reschedule(&self, machine: ShareableMachine) {
        let cmd = match machine.state.get() {
            CollectiveState::Running => {
            CollectiveState::Dead => SchedCmd::Remove(machine.key),
            _ => return,
        if self.scheduler.send(cmd).is_err() {
            log::info!("failed to send cmd to scheduler")

// The worker associated with the executor
struct Worker {
    id: Id,
    sender: SchedSender,
    stealer: Arc<deque::Stealer<Task>>,
    thread: Option<std::thread::JoinHandle<()>>,
    // shared with the thread
    shared_info: Arc<Mutex<SharedExecutorInfo>>,
impl Worker {
    fn get_state_and_elapsed(&self) -> (ExecutorState, Duration) {
    fn wake_executor(&self) { self.thread.as_ref().unwrap().thread().unpark(); }
    fn wakeup_and_die(&self) {
        if self.sender.send(SchedCmd::Terminate(false)).is_err() {
            log::trace!("Failed to send terminate to executor {}", self.id);
        // in case its asleep, wake it up to handle the terminate message
type Id = usize;
type Workers = Arc<RwLock<HashMap<Id, Worker>>>;
type Stealers = Vec<Arc<deque::Stealer<Task>>>;
type Injector = TaskInjector;

impl Drop for Worker {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if let Some(thread) = self.thread.take() {
            if thread.join().is_err() {
                log::trace!("failed to join executor thread {}", self.id);
        log::debug!("executor {} shut down", self.id);

#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct BigExecutorStats {
    executors_created: usize,
    max_live_executors: usize,
    max_dead_executors: usize,
impl BigExecutorStats {
    fn add_worker(&mut self, live_count: usize) {
        self.executors_created += 1;
        self.max_live_executors = usize::max(self.max_live_executors, live_count);
    fn remove_worker(&mut self, dead_count: usize) {
        self.max_dead_executors = usize::max(self.max_dead_executors, dead_count);

impl Drop for BigExecutorStats {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        log::info!("{:#?}", self);

// There are two queues managed here, the run_queue, which contains runnable tasks
// and the wait_queue, which contains waiting tasks. Executors pull from the run queue
// and may push into the wait queue. Currently, the send a message to the scheduler,
// essentially making the message queue a wait queue. Need to run some performance
// tests to determine which is better.
struct Executor {
    worker_count: usize,
    monitor: MonitorSender,
    scheduler: SchedSender,
    next_worker_id: AtomicUsize,
    run_queue: Injector,
    wait_queue: SchedTaskInjector,
    workers: Workers,
    parked_workers: Workers,
    barrier: Mutex<()>,
    stats: Mutex<BigExecutorStats>,

impl Executor {
    // create the executors
    fn new(
        worker_count: usize,
        monitor: MonitorSender,
        scheduler: SchedSender,
        queues: (TaskInjector, SchedTaskInjector),
    ) -> Self {
        log::info!("Starting executor with {} executors", worker_count);
        let factory = Self {
            next_worker_id: AtomicUsize::new(1),
            run_queue: queues.0,
            wait_queue: queues.1,
            workers: Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::with_capacity(worker_count))),
            parked_workers: Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::with_capacity(worker_count))),
            barrier: Mutex::new(()),
            stats: Mutex::new(BigExecutorStats::default()),
    // stop the executor
    fn stop(&self) {
        // tell all the workers to stop their executors
        for w in self.workers.read().unwrap().iter() {
    // notification that an executor is parked
    fn parked_executor(&self, id: usize) {
        // protect ourself from re-entry
        let _guard = self.barrier.lock().unwrap();
        // dump state of all workers
        self.workers.read().unwrap().iter().for_each(|(_, v)| {
            let (state, elapsed) = v.get_state_and_elapsed();
            log::debug!("worker {} {:#?} {:#?}", v.id, state, elapsed)

        if let Some(worker) = self.workers.read().unwrap().get(&id) {
            // at this point the worker thread won't load tasks into local queue, so drain it
            let mut count = 0;
            loop {
                match worker.stealer.steal() {
                    deque::Steal::Empty => break,
                    deque::Steal::Retry => (),
                    deque::Steal::Success(task) => {
                        count += 1;
                "stole back {} tasks queue is_empty() = {}",

        if let Some(worker) = self.workers.write().unwrap().remove(&id) {
            // the executor will self-terminate
            // save the worker, otherwise it gets dropped things go wrong with join
            self.parked_workers.write().unwrap().insert(id, worker);
            let dead_count = self.parked_workers.read().unwrap().len();
    // wake parked threads
    fn wake_parked_threads(&self) {
        // protect ourself from re-entry
        let _guard = self.barrier.lock().unwrap();
        // tell the workers to wake their executor
        self.workers.read().unwrap().iter().for_each(|(_, v)| {
    // notification that an executor completed and can be joined
    fn joinable_executor(&self, id: usize) {
        if let Some(_worker) = self.parked_workers.write().unwrap().remove(&id) {
            log::debug!("dropping worker {}", id);
        } else if self.workers.read().unwrap().contains_key(&id) {
            log::debug!("dropping worker {} is still in the workers table", id);
        } else {
            log::warn!("joinable executor {} isn't on any list", id);
        // if self.workers.read().unwrap().len() < self.worker_count {
        // self.add_executor();
        // }

    // dynamically add an executor
    fn add_executor(&self) {
        let (worker, thread_data) = self.new_worker();
        self.workers.write().unwrap().insert(worker.id, worker);
        let live_count = self.workers.read().unwrap().len();
        let id = thread_data.id;
        self.workers.write().unwrap().get_mut(&id).unwrap().thread = thread_data.spawn();
            .for_each(|w| if w.1.sender.send(SchedCmd::RebuildStealers).is_err() {});

    // create a new worker and executor
    fn new_worker(&self) -> (Worker, ThreadData) {
        let id = self.next_worker_id.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
        let (sender, receiver) = crossbeam::channel::bounded::<SchedCmd>(WORKER_MESSAGE_QUEUE_COUNT);
        let work = deque::Worker::<Task>::new_fifo();
        let stealer = Arc::new(work.stealer());
        let worker = Worker {
            thread: None,
            shared_info: Arc::new(Mutex::new(SharedExecutorInfo::default())),
        let data = ThreadData {
            monitor: self.monitor.clone(),
            scheduler: self.scheduler.clone(),
            run_queue: Arc::clone(&self.run_queue),
            wait_queue: Arc::clone(&self.wait_queue),
            workers: Arc::clone(&self.workers),
            stealers: Vec::with_capacity(8),
            shared_info: Arc::clone(&worker.shared_info),
        (worker, data)

    // lauch the workers and get the executors running
    fn launch(&self) {
        let mut threads = Vec::<ThreadData>::new();
        for _ in 0 .. self.worker_count {
            let (worker, thread_data) = self.new_worker();
            self.workers.write().unwrap().insert(worker.id, worker);
        for thread in threads {
            let id = thread.id;
            self.workers.write().unwrap().get_mut(&id).unwrap().thread = thread.spawn();

// impl the trait object for controlling the executor
impl ExecutorControl for Executor {
    /// Notification that an executor has been parked
    fn parked_executor(&self, id: usize) { self.parked_executor(id); }

    /// notifies the executor that an executor completed and can be joined
    fn joinable_executor(&self, id: usize) { self.joinable_executor(id); }

    /// stop the executor
    fn stop(&self) { self.stop(); }
    /// Wake parked threads
    fn wake_parked_threads(&self) { self.wake_parked_threads(); }

impl Drop for Executor {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        log::info!("sending terminate to all workers");
        for w in self.workers.write().unwrap().iter() {
            if w.1.sender.send(SchedCmd::Terminate(false)).is_err() {
                log::trace!("Failed to send terminate to worker");
        log::info!("synchronizing worker thread shutdown");
        for w in self.workers.write().unwrap().iter_mut() {
            if let Some(thread) = w.1.thread.take() {
                if thread.join().is_err() {}
        log::info!("dropped thread pool");

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use std::thread;
    use std::time::Duration;

    use self::overwatch::SystemMonitorFactory;
    use self::sched_factory::create_sched_factory;

    fn can_terminate() {
        let monitor_factory = SystemMonitorFactory::new();
        let executor_factory = SystemExecutorFactory::new();
        let scheduler_factory = create_sched_factory();
        let executor = executor_factory.start(monitor_factory.get_sender(), scheduler_factory.get_sender());