cuberef_core 0.0.1

Multiplayer voxel game written in Rust - Core code shared between client and server
// Copyright 2023 drey7925
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

syntax = "proto3";

package cuberef.protocol.blocks;

import "render.proto";

// Definition of a block type.
// In the future, server-side code may be able to define custom properties for individual
// instances of a block; the mechanism and structure for this is not defined yet.
message BlockTypeDef {
    // Identifier for the block. Lowest 12 bits are 0 here, since those bits are used
    // for block variants.
    // The values of this field are assigned by the cuberef server.
    uint32 id = 1;
    // Unique name used to refer to the block in scripts and commands, e.g. base:dirt
    string short_name = 2;
    // How long the block should take to dig with a tool that uses scaled_time = 1.0
    double base_dig_time = 3;
    // Groups that this item pertains to
    repeated string groups = 4;
    // How the client should render the block
    oneof render_info {
        Empty empty = 10;
        CubeRenderInfo cube = 11;
        CubeExRendererInfo cube_ex = 12;
    // How the client should handle physics when interacting with the block
    oneof physics_info {
        Empty air = 20;
        Empty solid = 21;
        FluidPhysicsInfo fluid = 22;

message Empty {}

message CubeRenderInfo {
    cuberef.protocol.render.TextureReference tex_left = 1;
    cuberef.protocol.render.TextureReference tex_right = 2;
    cuberef.protocol.render.TextureReference tex_top = 3;
    cuberef.protocol.render.TextureReference tex_bottom = 4;
    cuberef.protocol.render.TextureReference tex_front = 5;
    cuberef.protocol.render.TextureReference tex_back = 6;

message CubeExRendererInfo {
    // todo define what CubeEx will include, probably translucency, block merging, etc
    // with expanding definitions as time goes on

message FluidPhysicsInfo {


// Options available for the interact key when facing a block
message InteractKeyOption {
    // internal ID, assigned and managed by cuberef core
    uint32 id = 1;
    // human readable label in-game
    string label = 2;

message BlockTypeAssignment {
    string short_name = 1;
    uint32 id = 2;

message ServerBlockTypeAssignments {
    repeated BlockTypeAssignment block_type = 1;