cuberef_core 0.0.1

Multiplayer voxel game written in Rust - Core code shared between client and server
// Copyright 2023 drey7925
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

syntax = "proto3";

package cuberef.protocol.items;

import "render.proto";

message Empty {}

message ItemDef {
  // 1 is reserved if a numeric ID is necessary in the future

  // Unique name for the item, e.g. base:pick_diamond
  string short_name = 2;
  // In-game display name, e.g. "Diamond pickaxe"
  string display_name = 3;
  // Texture to show in the inventory
  cuberef.protocol.render.TextureReference inventory_texture = 4;
  // Groups for this item. This is NOT the same as the groups that this item
  // can dig; see InteractionRule for that
  repeated string groups = 5;

  // Optional oneof. If unset, item neither stacks nor wears out
  oneof quantity_type {
    // If set, the item stacks up to N copies. Stacks can be split up.
    uint32 stack = 11;
    // If set, the item has wear (from 0 to N) but does not stack.
    // Note that items don't automatically destroy themselves when wear reaches
    // zero, unless the item's callback does so explicitly
    // Item cannot be split up.
    uint32 wear = 12;
  // Rules on how this tool ought to behave. The first matching rule applies.
  repeated InteractionRule interaction_rules = 21;

message InteractionRule {
  // The block groups (see the `group` field in BlockTypeDef) that the rule
  // applies to.
  repeated string block_group = 1;
  // If None, not even selectable.
  oneof dig_behavior {
    // The tool digs in a single frame, and continues digging as long as the
    // mouse is held down. In order to avoid event storms, consecutive dig
    // events for the same coordinate will be suppressed by the client.
    Empty instant_dig = 11;
    // The tool digs in a single frame, but the mouse button must be released
    // and pressed again before the next dig
    Empty instant_dig_oneshot = 12;
    // Given in seconds
    double constant_time = 13;
    // scaled_time * block's dig_time_multiplier = time
    double scaled_time = 14;

// Item and its quantity, whether a stack or a wear
message ItemStack {
  // The short_name of the item in question
  string item_name = 1;
  // The quantity; interpretation depends on quantity_type
  uint32 quantity = 2;
  // If stackable, the max stack size. Note that this is a property of the item stack,
  // not the item itself - if the item definition changes after the stack is created,
  // old stacks will carry the old stacking behavior.
  uint32 max_stack = 3;
  // TODO future expansion: extended data, in a way that prevents client tampering

message Inventory {
  // Unique ID for this inventory. Assigned by the server; no guaranteed structure
  bytes inventory_key = 1;
  // Dimensions for the inventory
  uint32 height = 2;
  uint32 width = 3;

  // Entries in the inventory. An empty slot will have a blank item_name and a zero quantity.
  // Note that zero quantity on its own does NOT imply empty slot.
  // Must have cardinality length*width; represented in row-major order
  repeated ItemStack contents = 4;