cryptoapis 1.1.0

Rust library/SDK for Crypto APIs 2.0
# CreateTokensTransactionRequestFromAddressRbDataItem

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**amount** | **String** | Represents the specific amount of the transaction. | 
**callback_url** | Option<**String**> | Represents the URL that is set by the customer where the callback will be received at. | [optional]
**fee_priority** | **String** | Represents the fee priority of the automation, whether it is \"slow\", \"standard\" or \"fast\". | 
**to_address** | **String** | Defines the specific recipient address for the transaction. | 
**token_identifier** | **String** | Defines the specific token identifier. For Bitcoin-based transactions it should be the `propertyId` and for Ethereum-based transactions - the `contract`. | 

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