cryptoapis 1.1.0

Rust library/SDK for Crypto APIs 2.0
# CoinsForwardingFailDataItem

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**blockchain** | **String** | Represents the specific blockchain protocol name, e.g. Ethereum, Bitcoin, etc. | 
**network** | **String** | Represents the name of the blockchain network used; blockchain networks are usually identical as technology and software, but they differ in data, e.g. - \"mainnet\" is the live network with actual data while networks like \"testnet\", \"ropsten\", \"rinkeby\" are test networks. | 
**from_address** | **String** | Represents the hash of the address that provides the coins. | 
**to_address** | **String** | Represents the hash of the address to forward the coins to. | 
**trigger_transaction_id** | **String** | Defines the unique Transaction ID that triggered the coin forwarding. | 
**error_code** | **String** | Represents the error code received for the failed coin forwarding. | 
**error_message** | **String** | Represents the error message received for the failed coin forwarding. | 

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