cpr 1.0.4

CapR, Efficient RNA Context Probability Estimator

CapR, Efficient RNA Context Probability Estimator

This binary provides the CapR algorithm originated by Tsukasa Fukunaga, an efficient RNA conxtext probability estimator. It provides the multi-threaded CapR while the original binary provides the serial one. You can check all the available options by adding a option, "-h".


This project has been written by Rust, a system programming language. So first you need to install a Rust compiler (Rustc), Rust package manager (Cargo) and Rust standard library. Please visit a Rust homepage to see more about Rust. You can install Rustc, Cargo and the Rust standard library with one line as follows:

$ curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain nightly

The above installation is done by Rustup, so you can easily switch a compiler to use. The nightly compiler enbles to test and benchmark on Rust. If you don't need them, switch to the stable one as follows:

$ rustup default stable

So you can install CapR as follows:

$ cargo install --git https://github.com/heartsh/cpr

Check if CapR has been installed properly as follows:

$ cpr

If you're interested in how much fast CapR is, run a benchmark as follows:

$ git clone https://github.com/heartsh/cpr && cd cpr
$ tar xvf asts.tar.gz && gunzip asts/*.gz
$ cargo test --release -- --nocapture




Copyright (c) 2016 Heartsh
Licensed under the MIT license.