cpr 1.0.11

CapR, Efficient RNA Context Probability Estimator
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CapR, Efficient RNA Context Probability Estimator

This binary provides the CapR algorithm originated by Tsukasa Fukunaga, an efficient RNA conxtext probability estimator. It provides the multi-threaded one while the original binary provides the serial one. You can check all the available options by adding the option "-h".


This project has been written by Rust, a systems programming language. So first you need to install a Rust compiler (Rustc), Rust package manager (Cargo) and Rust standard library. Please visit the Rust website to see more about it. You can install them with 1 line as follows:

$ curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

The above installation is done by Rustup, so you can easily switch the compiler to use. Now you can install CapR as follows:

$ cargo install --git https://github.com/heartsh/cpr

Check if it has been installed properly as follows:

$ cpr

If you're interested in how much fast it is, run a benchmark as follows:

$ git clone https://github.com/heartsh/cpr && cd cpr
$ tar xvf asts.tar.bz2
$ cargo test --release -- --nocapture




Copyright (c) 2016 Heartsh
Licensed under the MIT license.