clippy_lints 0.0.84

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
use rustc::hir::*;
use rustc::hir::intravisit as visit;
use rustc::hir::map::Node::{NodeExpr, NodeStmt};
use rustc::infer::InferCtxt;
use rustc::lint::*;
use rustc::middle::expr_use_visitor::*;
use rustc::middle::mem_categorization::{cmt, Categorization};
use rustc::ty::adjustment::AutoAdjustment;
use rustc::ty;
use rustc::ty::layout::TargetDataLayout;
use rustc::util::nodemap::NodeSet;
use syntax::ast::NodeId;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use utils::span_lint;

pub struct Pass {
    pub too_large_for_stack: u64,

/// **What it does:** Checks for usage of `Box<T>` where an unboxed `T` would
/// work fine.
/// **Why is this bad?** This is an unnecessary allocation, and bad for
/// performance. It is only necessary to allocate if you wish to move the box
/// into something.
/// **Known problems:** None.
/// **Example:**
/// ```rust
/// fn main() {
///     let x = Box::new(1);
///     foo(*x);
///     println!("{}", *x);
/// }
/// ```
declare_lint! {
    pub BOXED_LOCAL,
    "using `Box<T>` where unnecessary"

fn is_non_trait_box(ty: ty::Ty) -> bool {
    match ty.sty {
        ty::TyBox(inner) => !inner.is_trait(),
        _ => false,

struct EscapeDelegate<'a, 'tcx: 'a+'gcx, 'gcx: 'a> {
    tcx: ty::TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
    set: NodeSet,
    infcx: &'a InferCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'gcx>,
    target: TargetDataLayout,
    too_large_for_stack: u64,

impl LintPass for Pass {
    fn get_lints(&self) -> LintArray {

impl LateLintPass for Pass {
    fn check_fn(&mut self, cx: &LateContext, _: visit::FnKind, decl: &FnDecl, body: &Block, _: Span, id: NodeId) {
        let param_env = ty::ParameterEnvironment::for_item(cx.tcx, id);

        let infcx = cx.tcx.borrowck_fake_infer_ctxt(param_env);

        // we store the infcx because it is expensive to recreate
        // the context each time.
        let mut v = EscapeDelegate {
            tcx: cx.tcx,
            set: NodeSet(),
            infcx: &infcx,
            target: TargetDataLayout::parse(cx.sess()),
            too_large_for_stack: self.too_large_for_stack,

            let mut vis = ExprUseVisitor::new(&mut v, &infcx);
            vis.walk_fn(decl, body);

        for node in v.set {
                      "local variable doesn't need to be boxed here");

impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a+'gcx, 'gcx: 'a> Delegate<'tcx> for EscapeDelegate<'a, 'tcx, 'gcx> {
    fn consume(&mut self, _: NodeId, _: Span, cmt: cmt<'tcx>, mode: ConsumeMode) {
        if let Categorization::Local(lid) = {
            if self.set.contains(&lid) {
                if let Move(DirectRefMove) = mode {
                    // moved out or in. clearly can't be localized
    fn matched_pat(&mut self, _: &Pat, _: cmt<'tcx>, _: MatchMode) {}
    fn consume_pat(&mut self, consume_pat: &Pat, cmt: cmt<'tcx>, _: ConsumeMode) {
        let map = &;
        if map.is_argument( {
            // Skip closure arguments
            if let Some(NodeExpr(..)) = map.find(map.get_parent_node( {
            if is_non_trait_box(cmt.ty) && !self.is_large_box(cmt.ty) {
        if let Categorization::Rvalue(..) = {
            if let Some(NodeStmt(st)) = map.find(map.get_parent_node( {
                if let StmtDecl(ref decl, _) = st.node {
                    if let DeclLocal(ref loc) = decl.node {
                        if let Some(ref ex) = loc.init {
                            if let ExprBox(..) = ex.node {
                                if is_non_trait_box(cmt.ty) && !self.is_large_box(cmt.ty) {
                                    // let x = box (...)
                                // TODO Box::new
                                // TODO vec![]
                                // TODO "foo".to_owned() and friends
        if let Categorization::Local(lid) = {
            if self.set.contains(&lid) {
                // let y = x where x is known
                // remove x, insert y

    fn borrow(&mut self, borrow_id: NodeId, _: Span, cmt: cmt<'tcx>, _: ty::Region, _: ty::BorrowKind,
              loan_cause: LoanCause) {

        if let Categorization::Local(lid) = {
            if self.set.contains(&lid) {
                if let Some(&AutoAdjustment::AdjustDerefRef(adj)) = self.tcx
                                                                        .get(&borrow_id) {
                    if LoanCause::AutoRef == loan_cause {
                        if adj.autoderefs == 0 {
                            self.set.remove(&lid); // Used without autodereffing (i.e. x.clone())
                    } else {
                        span_bug!(cmt.span, "Unknown adjusted AutoRef");
                } else if LoanCause::AddrOf == loan_cause {
                    // &x
                    if let Some(&AutoAdjustment::AdjustDerefRef(adj)) = self.tcx
                                                                                      .get_parent_node(borrow_id)) {
                        if adj.autoderefs <= 1 {
                            // foo(&x) where no extra autoreffing is happening

                } else if LoanCause::MatchDiscriminant == loan_cause {
                    self.set.remove(&lid); // `match x` can move
                // do nothing for matches, etc. These can't escape
    fn decl_without_init(&mut self, _: NodeId, _: Span) {}
    fn mutate(&mut self, _: NodeId, _: Span, _: cmt<'tcx>, _: MutateMode) {}

impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a+'gcx, 'gcx: 'a> EscapeDelegate<'a, 'tcx, 'gcx> {
    fn is_large_box(&self, ty: ty::Ty<'gcx>) -> bool {
        // Large types need to be boxed to avoid stack
        // overflows.
        match ty.sty {
            ty::TyBox(inner) => {
                if let Ok(layout) = inner.layout(self.infcx) {
                    let size = layout.size(&;
                    size.bytes() > self.too_large_for_stack
                } else {
            _ => false,