bencher 0.1.5

A port of the libtest (unstable Rust) benchmark runner to Rust stable releases. Supports running benchmarks and filtering based on the name. Benchmark execution works exactly the same way and no more (caveat: black_box is still missing!).

/// Defines a function called `$group_name` that returns the test description
/// values for the listed functions `$function`.
macro_rules! benchmark_group {
    ($group_name:ident, $($function:path),+) => {
        pub fn $group_name() -> ::std::vec::Vec<$crate::TestDescAndFn> {
            use $crate::{TestDescAndFn, TestFn, TestDesc};
            use std::borrow::Cow;
            let mut benches = ::std::vec::Vec::new();
                benches.push(TestDescAndFn {
                    desc: TestDesc {
                        name: Cow::from(stringify!($function)),
                        ignore: false,
                    testfn: TestFn::StaticBenchFn($function),
    ($group_name:ident, $($function:path,)+) => {
        benchmark_group!($group_name, $($function),+);

/// Define a `fn main()` that will run all benchmarks defined by the groups
/// in `$group_name`.
/// The main function will read the first argument from the console and use
/// it to filter the benchmarks to run.
macro_rules! benchmark_main {
    ($($group_name:path),+) => {
        fn main() {
            use $crate::TestOpts;
            use $crate::run_tests_console;
            let mut test_opts = TestOpts::default();
            // check to see if we should filter:
            if let Some(arg) = ::std::env::args().skip(1).find(|arg| *arg != "--bench") {
                test_opts.filter = Some(arg);
            let mut benches = Vec::new();
            run_tests_console(&test_opts, benches).unwrap();
    ($($group_name:path,)+) => {