basalt 0.0.3

A window/ui framework built upon vulkan.

Basalt is a window/ui framework for building desktop applications or providing a ui a top other applications. In the backend vulkano is safe rust wrapper around vulkan. Basalt provices window creation, advance input handling, and along with the ui itself. The UI is based on the idea of a Bin. A Bin can have borders, backgrounds, and text and is the the fundamental element for building any ui widget/element. Currently the amount of provided widgets/elements is limited.

The project is very much a work in progress and is what I work on the side. Some issues exists, but nothing preventing you from creating a full full-fledged app!

extern crate basalt;

use basalt::Basalt;
use basalt::interface::bin::{self,BinStyle};
use basalt::input::MouseButton;
use std::sync::Arc;

fn main() {
	let basalt = Basalt::new(
			.window_size(300, 300)
	let background = basalt.interface_ref().new_bin();
	background.style_update(BinStyle {
		pos_from_t: Some(0.0),
		pos_from_b: Some(0.0),
		pos_from_l: Some(0.0),
		pos_from_r: Some(0.0),
		back_color: Some(bin::Color::srgb_hex("f0f0f0")),
		.. BinStyle::default()
	let button = basalt.interface_ref().new_bin();
	button.style_update(BinStyle {
		position_t: Some(bin::PositionTy::FromParent),
		pos_from_t: Some(75.0),
		pos_from_l: Some(75.0),
		width: Some(75.0),
		height: Some(30.0),
		back_color: Some(bin::Color::srgb_hex("c0c0c0")),
		border_size_t: Some(1.0),
		border_size_b: Some(1.0),
		border_size_l: Some(1.0),
		border_size_r: Some(1.0),
		border_color_t: Some(bin::Color::srgb_hex("707070")),
		border_color_b: Some(bin::Color::srgb_hex("707070")),
		border_color_l: Some(bin::Color::srgb_hex("707070")),
		border_color_r: Some(bin::Color::srgb_hex("707070")),
		text: String::from("Button"),
		text_size: Some(14),
		pad_t: Some(10.0),
		pad_l: Some(10.0),
		text_color: Some(bin::Color::srgb_hex("303030")),
		.. BinStyle::default()
	button.on_mouse_press(MouseButton::Left, Arc::new(move |_button, event_data| {
		println!("press event data: {:?}", event_data);