automatica 1.0.0

Automatic control systems library
//! # Transfer functions for continuous time systems.
//! Specialized struct and methods for continuous time transfer functions
//! * time delay
//! * initial value and initial derivative value
//! * sensitivity function
//! * complementary sensitivity function
//! * control sensitivity function
//! * root locus plot
//! * bode plot
//! * polar plot
//! * static gain

use std::{
    ops::{Add, Div, Mul, Neg, Sub},

use polynomen::Poly;

use crate::{
    plots::{root_locus::RootLocus, Plotter},
    Abs, Complex, Cos, Exp, Infinity, Inv, One, Sin, Zero,

/// Continuous transfer function
pub type Tf<T> = TfGen<T, Continuous>;

impl<T> Tf<T>
    T: Clone + Cos + Exp + Mul<Output = T> + Neg<Output = T> + PartialEq + Sin,
    /// Time delay for continuous time transfer function.
    /// `y(t) = u(t - tau)`
    /// `G(s) = e^(-tau * s)`
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `tau` - Time delay
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use automatica::{Complex, Seconds, Tf};
    /// let d = Tf::delay(Seconds(2.));
    /// assert_eq!(1., d(Complex::new(0., 10.)).norm());
    /// ```
    pub fn delay(tau: Seconds<T>) -> impl Fn(Complex<T>) -> Complex<T> {
        move |s| (-s * tau.0.clone()).exp()

impl<T> Tf<T>
    T: Add<Output = T>
        + Clone
        + Div<Output = T>
        + Infinity
        + Mul<Output = T>
        + One
        + PartialEq
        + Sub<Output = T>
        + Zero,
    /// System inital value response to step input.
    /// `y(0) = G(s->infinity)`
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use automatica::Tf;
    /// let tf = Tf::new([4.], [1., 5.]);
    /// assert_eq!(0., tf.init_value());
    /// ```
    pub fn init_value(&self) -> T {
        let n = self.num_int();
        let d = self.den_int();
        match n.cmp(&d) {
            Ordering::Less => T::zero(),
            Ordering::Equal => {
                self.num_int().0.leading_coeff().0 / self.den_int().0.leading_coeff().0
            Ordering::Greater => T::infinity(),

    /// System derivative inital value response to step input.
    /// `y'(0) = s * G(s->infinity)`
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use automatica::Tf;
    /// let tf = Tf::new([1., -3.], [1., 3., 2.]);
    /// assert_eq!(-1.5, tf.init_value_der());
    /// ```
    pub fn init_value_der(&self) -> T {
        let n = self.num_int();
        let d = self.den_int()|d| d - 1);
        match n.cmp(&d) {
            Ordering::Less => T::zero(),
            Ordering::Equal => {
                self.num_int().0.leading_coeff().0 / self.den_int().0.leading_coeff().0
            Ordering::Greater => T::infinity(),

    /// Sensitivity function for the given controller `r`.
    /// ```text
    ///              1
    /// S(s) = -------------
    ///        1 + G(s)*R(s)
    /// ```
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `r` - Controller
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use automatica::Tf;
    /// let g = Tf::new([1.], [0., 1.]);
    /// let r = Tf::new([4.], [1., 1.]);
    /// let s = g.sensitivity(&r);
    /// assert_eq!(Tf::new([0., 1., 1.], [4., 1., 1.]), s);
    /// ```
    pub fn sensitivity(&self, r: &Self) -> Self {
        let n = self.num_int().0.clone() * r.num_int().0.clone();
        let d = self.den_int().0.clone() * r.den_int().0.clone();
        Self {
            rf: Rf::new_from_poly(d.clone(), n + d),
            time: PhantomData,

    /// Complementary sensitivity function for the given controller `r`.
    /// ```text
    ///          G(s)*R(s)
    /// F(s) = -------------
    ///        1 + G(s)*R(s)
    /// ```
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `r` - Controller
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use automatica::Tf;
    /// let g = Tf::new([1.], [0., 1.]);
    /// let r = Tf::new([4.], [1., 1.]);
    /// let f = g.compl_sensitivity(&r);
    /// assert_eq!(Tf::new([4.], [4., 1., 1.]), f);
    /// ```
    pub fn compl_sensitivity(&self, r: &Self) -> Self {
        let l = self * r;

    /// Sensitivity to control function for the given controller `r`.
    /// ```text
    ///            R(s)
    /// Q(s) = -------------
    ///        1 + G(s)*R(s)
    /// ```
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `r` - Controller
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use automatica::Tf;
    /// let g = Tf::new([1.], [0., 1.]);
    /// let r = Tf::new([4.], [1., 1.]);
    /// let q = g.control_sensitivity(&r);
    /// assert_eq!(Tf::new([0., 4.], [4., 1., 1.]), q);
    /// ```
    pub fn control_sensitivity(&self, r: &Self) -> Self {
        Self {
            rf: Rf::new_from_poly(
                r.num_int().0.clone() * self.den_int().0.clone(),
                r.num_int().0.clone() * self.num_int().0.clone()
                    + r.den_int().0.clone() * self.den_int().0.clone(),
            time: PhantomData,

macro_rules! tf_stable {
    ($ty:ty) => {
        impl Tf<$ty> {
            #[doc = "System stability. Checks if all poles are negative.\n"]
            #[doc = "# Example\n```\nuse polynomen::Poly;\nuse automatica::Tf;"]
            #[doc = concat!("let tf = Tf::new([1.0_",stringify!($ty), "], Poly::new_from_roots(&[-1., -2.]));")]
            #[doc = "assert!(tf.is_stable());\n```"]
            pub fn is_stable(&self) -> bool {

macro_rules! root_locus {
    ($ty:ty) => {
        impl Tf<$ty> {
            #[doc = "Root locus for the given coefficient `k`\n"]
            #[doc = "# Arguments\n\n* `k` - Transfer function constant\n"]
            #[doc = "# Example\n```\nuse polynomen::Poly;\nuse automatica::{Complex, Tf};"]
            #[doc = concat!("let l = Tf::new([1.0_",stringify!($ty), "], Poly::new_from_roots(&[-1., -2.]));")]
            #[doc = "let locus = l.root_locus(0.25);"]
            #[doc = "assert_eq!(Complex::new(-1.5, 0.), locus[0]);\n```"]
            pub fn root_locus(&self, k: $ty) -> Vec<Complex<$ty>> {
                let p = (self.num_int().0.clone() * PWrapper(k)) + self.den_int().0.clone();
                let p2 = Poly::new_from_coeffs_iter(p.as_slice().into_iter().map(|x| x.0));
                    .map(|(re, im)| Complex::new(*re, *im))

impl<T> Tf<T>
    T: Clone + PartialOrd + Zero,
    /// Create a `RootLocus` plot
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `min_k` - Minimum transfer constant of the plot
    /// * `max_k` - Maximum transfer constant of the plot
    /// * `step` - Step between each transfer constant
    /// `step` is linear.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the step is not strictly positive of the minimum transfer constant
    /// is not lower than the maximum transfer constant.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use polynomen::Poly;
    /// use automatica::{Complex, Tf};
    /// let l = Tf::new([1.0_f32], Poly::new_from_roots(&[-1., -2.]));
    /// let locus = l.root_locus_plot(0.1, 1.0, 0.05).into_iter();
    /// assert_eq!(19, locus.count());
    /// ```
    pub fn root_locus_plot(self, min_k: T, max_k: T, step: T) -> RootLocus<T> {
        RootLocus::new(self, min_k, max_k, step)

impl<T: Clone + PartialEq> Tf<T> {
    /// Static gain `G(0)`.
    /// Ratio between constant output and constant input.
    /// Static gain is defined only for transfer functions of 0 type.
    /// Example
    /// ```
    /// use automatica::Tf;
    /// let tf = Tf::new([4., -3.],[2., 5., -0.5]);
    /// assert_eq!(2., tf.static_gain());
    /// ```
    pub fn static_gain<'a>(&'a self) -> T
        T: Zero,
        &'a T: 'a + Div<&'a T, Output = T>,
        &self.num_int().0[0].0 / &self.den_int().0[0].0

impl<T> Plotter<T> for Tf<T>
    T: Abs
        + Add<Output = T>
        + Clone
        + Div<Output = T>
        + Inv<Output = T>
        + Mul<Output = T>
        + Neg<Output = T>
        + PartialEq
        + PartialOrd
        + Sub<Output = T>
        + Zero,
    /// Evaluate the transfer function at the given value.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `s` - angular frequency at which the function is evaluated
    fn eval_point(&self, s: T) -> Complex<T> {
        self.eval(&Complex::new(T::zero(), s))

mod tests {
    use proptest::prelude::*;

    use polynomen::Poly;

    use crate::{
        plots::{bode::Bode, polar::Polar},

    use super::*;

    fn delay() {
        let d = Tf::delay(Seconds(2.));
        assert_relative_eq!(1., d(Complex::new(0., 10.)).norm());
        assert_relative_eq!(-1., d(Complex::new(0., 0.5)).arg());

    proptest! {
        fn qc_static_gain(g: f32) {
            let tf = Tf::new([g, -3.], [1., 5., -0.5]);
            assert_relative_eq!(g, tf.static_gain());

    fn stability() {
        let stable_den = Poly::new_from_roots(&[-1.0_f64, -2.]);
        let stable_tf = Tf::new([1., 2.], stable_den);

        let unstable_den = Poly::new_from_roots(&[0.0_f64, -2.]);
        let unstable_tf = Tf::new([1., 2.], unstable_den);

    fn bode() {
        let tf = Tf::new(Poly::one(), Poly::new_from_roots(&[-1.]));
        let b = Bode::new(tf, RadiansPerSecond(0.1), RadiansPerSecond(100.0), 0.1);
        for g in b.into_iter().into_db_deg() {
            assert!(g.magnitude() < 0.);
            assert!(g.phase() < 0.);

    fn polar() {
        let tf = Tf::new([5.], Poly::new_from_roots(&[-1., -10.]));
        let p = Polar::new(tf, RadiansPerSecond(0.1), RadiansPerSecond(10.0), 0.1);
        for g in p {
            assert!(g.magnitude() < 1.);
            assert!(g.phase() < 0.);

    fn initial_value() {
        let tf = Tf::new([4.], [1., 5.]);
        assert_relative_eq!(0., tf.init_value());
        let tf = Tf::new([4., -12.], [1., 5.]);
        assert_relative_eq!(-2.4, tf.init_value());
        let tf = Tf::new([-3., 4.], [5.]);
        assert_relative_eq!(std::f32::INFINITY, tf.init_value());

    fn derivative_initial_value() {
        let tf = Tf::new([1., -3.], [1., 3., 2.]);
        assert_relative_eq!(-1.5, tf.init_value_der());
        let tf = Tf::new([1.], [1., 3., 2.]);
        assert_relative_eq!(0., tf.init_value_der());
        let tf = Tf::new([1., 0.5, -3.], [1., 3., 2.]);
        assert_relative_eq!(std::f32::INFINITY, tf.init_value_der());

    fn complementary_sensitivity() {
        let g = Tf::new([1.], [0., 1.]);
        let r = Tf::new([4.], [1., 1.]);
        let f = g.compl_sensitivity(&r);
        assert_eq!(Tf::new([4.], [4., 1., 1.]), f);

    fn sensitivity() {
        let g = Tf::new([1.], [0., 1.]);
        let r = Tf::new([4.], [1., 1.]);
        let s = g.sensitivity(&r);
        assert_eq!(Tf::new([0., 1., 1.], [4., 1., 1.]), s);

    fn control_sensitivity() {
        let g = Tf::new([1.], [0., 1.]);
        let r = Tf::new([4.], [1., 1.]);
        let q = g.control_sensitivity(&r);
        assert_eq!(Tf::new([0., 4.], [4., 1., 1.]), q);

    fn root_locus() {
        let l = Tf::new([1.0_f64], Poly::new_from_roots(&[-1., -2.]));

        let locus1 = l.root_locus(0.25);
        assert_eq!(Complex::new(-1.5, 0.), locus1[0]);

        let locus2 = l.root_locus(-2.);
        assert_eq!(Complex::new(-3., 0.), locus2[0]);
        assert_eq!(Complex::new(0., 0.), locus2[1]);

    fn root_locus_iterations() {
        let l = Tf::new([1.0_f32], Poly::new_from_roots(&[0., -3., -5.]));
        let loci = l.root_locus_plot(1., 130., 1.).into_iter();
        let last = loci.last().unwrap();
        assert_relative_eq!(130., last.k());
        assert_eq!(3, last.output().len());
        assert!(last.output().iter().any(|r| > 0.));