atsamd21j 0.12.0

Peripheral access API for ATSAMD21J microcontrollers (generated using svd2rust)
#[doc = r"Register block"]
pub struct RegisterBlock {
    #[doc = "0x00 - Control A"]
    pub ctrla: crate::Reg<ctrla::CTRLA_SPEC>,
    #[doc = "0x01 - Control B"]
    pub ctrlb: crate::Reg<ctrlb::CTRLB_SPEC>,
    #[doc = "0x02 - Event Control"]
    pub evctrl: crate::Reg<evctrl::EVCTRL_SPEC>,
    _reserved3: [u8; 0x01],
    #[doc = "0x04 - Interrupt Enable Clear"]
    pub intenclr: crate::Reg<intenclr::INTENCLR_SPEC>,
    #[doc = "0x05 - Interrupt Enable Set"]
    pub intenset: crate::Reg<intenset::INTENSET_SPEC>,
    #[doc = "0x06 - Interrupt Flag Status and Clear"]
    pub intflag: crate::Reg<intflag::INTFLAG_SPEC>,
    #[doc = "0x07 - Status"]
    pub status: crate::Reg<status::STATUS_SPEC>,
    #[doc = "0x08 - Data"]
    pub data: crate::Reg<data::DATA_SPEC>,
    _reserved8: [u8; 0x02],
    #[doc = "0x0c - Data Buffer"]
    pub databuf: crate::Reg<databuf::DATABUF_SPEC>,
#[doc = "CTRLA register accessor: an alias for `Reg<CTRLA_SPEC>`"]
pub type CTRLA = crate::Reg<ctrla::CTRLA_SPEC>;
#[doc = "Control A"]
pub mod ctrla;
#[doc = "CTRLB register accessor: an alias for `Reg<CTRLB_SPEC>`"]
pub type CTRLB = crate::Reg<ctrlb::CTRLB_SPEC>;
#[doc = "Control B"]
pub mod ctrlb;
#[doc = "EVCTRL register accessor: an alias for `Reg<EVCTRL_SPEC>`"]
pub type EVCTRL = crate::Reg<evctrl::EVCTRL_SPEC>;
#[doc = "Event Control"]
pub mod evctrl;
#[doc = "INTENCLR register accessor: an alias for `Reg<INTENCLR_SPEC>`"]
pub type INTENCLR = crate::Reg<intenclr::INTENCLR_SPEC>;
#[doc = "Interrupt Enable Clear"]
pub mod intenclr;
#[doc = "INTENSET register accessor: an alias for `Reg<INTENSET_SPEC>`"]
pub type INTENSET = crate::Reg<intenset::INTENSET_SPEC>;
#[doc = "Interrupt Enable Set"]
pub mod intenset;
#[doc = "INTFLAG register accessor: an alias for `Reg<INTFLAG_SPEC>`"]
pub type INTFLAG = crate::Reg<intflag::INTFLAG_SPEC>;
#[doc = "Interrupt Flag Status and Clear"]
pub mod intflag;
#[doc = "STATUS register accessor: an alias for `Reg<STATUS_SPEC>`"]
pub type STATUS = crate::Reg<status::STATUS_SPEC>;
#[doc = "Status"]
pub mod status;
#[doc = "DATA register accessor: an alias for `Reg<DATA_SPEC>`"]
pub type DATA = crate::Reg<data::DATA_SPEC>;
#[doc = "Data"]
pub mod data;
#[doc = "DATABUF register accessor: an alias for `Reg<DATABUF_SPEC>`"]
pub type DATABUF = crate::Reg<databuf::DATABUF_SPEC>;
#[doc = "Data Buffer"]
pub mod databuf;