async-backtrace 0.2.2

Efficient, logical 'backtraces' of async tasks.
use std::{iter::FusedIterator, marker::PhantomPinned, pin::Pin, ptr::NonNull};

use crate::{
    cell::{Cell, UnsafeCell},

pin_project_lite::pin_project! {
/// A [`Location`] in an intrusive, doubly-linked tree of [`Location`]s.
pub struct Frame {
    // The location associated with this frame.
    location: Location,

    // The kind of this frame — either a root or a node.
    kind: Kind,

    // The children of this frame.
    children: UnsafeCell<Children>,

    // The siblings of this frame.
    siblings: Siblings,

    // Since `Frame` is part of an intrusive linked list, it must remain pinned.
    _pinned: PhantomPinned,

impl PinnedDrop for Frame {
    fn drop(this: Pin<&mut Self>) {
        // If this frame has not yet been initialized, there's no need to do anything special upon drop.
        if this.is_uninitialized() {

        let this = this.into_ref().get_ref();

        if let Some(parent) = this.parent() {
            // remove this frame as a child of its parent
            unsafe {
                parent.children.with_mut(|children| (*children).remove(this.into()));
        } else {
            // this is a task; deregister it

// It is safe to transfer a `Frame` across thread boundaries, as it does not
// contain any pointers to thread-local storage, nor does it enable interior
// mutation on shared pointers without locking.
unsafe impl Send for Frame {}

mod active_frame {
    use super::Frame;
    use crate::cell::Cell;
    use core::ptr::NonNull;

    loom::thread_local! {
        /// The [`Frame`] of the currently-executing [traced future](crate::Traced) (if any).
        static ACTIVE_FRAME: crate::cell::Cell<Option<NonNull<Frame>>> = Cell::new(None);

    std::thread_local! {
        /// The [`Frame`] of the currently-executing [traced future](crate::Traced) (if any).
        static ACTIVE_FRAME: crate::cell::Cell<Option<NonNull<Frame>>> = const { Cell::new(None) };

    /// By calling this function, you pinky-swear to ensure that the value of
    /// `ACTIVE_FRAME` is always a valid (dereferenceable) `NonNull<Frame>`.
    pub(crate) unsafe fn with<F, R>(f: F) -> R
        F: FnOnce(&Cell<Option<NonNull<Frame>>>) -> R,

/// The kind of a [`Frame`].
enum Kind {
    /// The frame is not yet initialized.

    /// The frame is the root node in its tree.
    Root {
        /// This mutex must be locked when modifying the
        /// [children][Frame::children] or [siblings][Frame::siblings] of this
        /// frame.
        mutex: Mutex<()>,
    /// The frame is *not* the root node of its tree.
    Node {
        /// The parent of this frame.
        parent: NonNull<Frame>,

/// The siblings of a frame.
type Siblings = linked_list::Pointers<Frame>;

/// The children of a frame.
type Children = linked_list::LinkedList<Frame, <Frame as linked_list::Link>::Target>;

impl Frame {
    /// Construct a new, uninitialized `Frame`.
    pub fn new(location: Location) -> Self {
        Self {
            kind: Kind::Uninitialized,
            children: UnsafeCell::new(linked_list::LinkedList::new()),
            siblings: linked_list::Pointers::new(),
            _pinned: PhantomPinned,

    /// Runs a given function on this frame.
    /// If an invocation of `Frame::in_scope` is nested within `f`, those frames
    /// will be initialized with this frame as their parent.
    pub fn in_scope<F, R>(self: Pin<&mut Self>, f: F) -> R
        F: FnOnce() -> R,
        // This non-generic preparation routine has been factored out of `in_scope`'s
        // body, so as to reduce the monomorphization burden on the compiler.
        // The soundness of other routines in this module depend on this function *not*
        // being leaked from `in_scope`. In general, the drop-guard pattern cannot
        // safely and soundly be used for frame management. If we attempt to provide
        // such an API, we must ensure that unsoudness does not occur if child frames
        // are dropped before their parents, or if a drop-guard is held across an
        // `await` point.
        unsafe fn activate<'a>(
            mut frame: Pin<&'a mut Frame>,
            active: &'a Cell<Option<NonNull<Frame>>>,
        ) -> impl Drop + 'a {
            // If needed, initialize this frame.
            if frame.is_uninitialized() {
                let maybe_parent = active.get().map(|parent| parent.as_ref());

            let frame = frame.into_ref().get_ref();

            // If this is the root frame, lock its children. This lock is inherited by
            // `f()`.
            let maybe_mutex_guard = if let Kind::Root { mutex } = &frame.kind {
                // Ignore poisoning. This is fine, since absolutely nothing between this line,
                // and the execution of `drop(maybe_mutex_guard)` can unwind-panic, *except* for
                // the execution of the user-provided function `f`. An unwind-panic of `f` will
                // not make this crate's state inconsistent, since the parent frame is always
                // restored by the below invocation of `crate::defer` upon its drop.
                Some(match mutex.lock() {
                    Ok(guard) => guard,
                    Err(err) => err.into_inner(),
            } else {

            // Replace the previously-active frame with this frame.
            let previously_active = active.replace(Some(frame.into()));

            // At the end of this scope, restore the previously-active frame.
            crate::defer(move || {

        unsafe {
            // SAFETY: We uphold `with`'s invariants by restoring the previously active
            // frame after the execution of `f()`.
            active_frame::with(|active| {
                // Activate this frame.
                let _restore = activate(self, active);
                // Finally, execute the given function.

    /// Produces a boxed slice over this frame's ancestors.
    pub fn backtrace_locations(&self) -> Box<[Location]> {
        let len = self.backtrace().count();
        let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(len);

    /// Produces the [`Location`] associated with this frame.
    pub fn location(&self) -> Location {

    /// Produces `true` if this `Frame` is uninitialized, otherwise false.
    fn is_uninitialized(&self) -> bool {

    /// Initializes this frame, unconditionally.
    /// ## Safety
    /// This method must only be called, at most, once.
    unsafe fn initialize_unchecked(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, maybe_parent: Option<&Frame>) {
        match maybe_parent {
            // This frame has no parent...
            None => {
                // is the root of its tree,
                *self.as_mut().project().kind = Kind::root();
                // ...and must be registered as a task.
            // This frame has a parent...
            Some(parent) => {
                // is not the root of its tree.
                *self.as_mut().project().kind = Kind::node(parent);
                // ...and its parent should be notified that is has a new child.
                let this = NonNull::from(self.into_ref().get_ref());
                    .with_mut(|children| (*children).push_front(this));

    /// Executes the given function with a reference to the active frame on this
    /// thread (if any).
    pub fn with_active<F, R>(f: F) -> R
        F: FnOnce(Option<&Frame>) -> R,
        Frame::with_active_cell(|cell| f(cell.get()))

    pub(crate) fn with_active_cell<F, R>(f: F) -> R
        F: FnOnce(&Cell<Option<&Frame>>) -> R,
        unsafe fn into_ref<'a, 'b>(
            cell: &'a Cell<Option<NonNull<Frame>>>,
        ) -> &'a Cell<Option<&'b Frame>> {
            // SAFETY: `Cell<NonNull<Frame>>` has the same layout has `Cell<&Frame>`,
            // because both `Cell` and `NonNull` are `#[repr(transparent)]`, and because
            // `*const Frame` has the same layout as `&Frame`.

        unsafe {
            // SAFETY: We uphold `with`'s invariants, by only providing `f` with a
            // *reference* to the frame.
            active_frame::with(|cell| {
                let cell = into_ref(cell);

    /// Produces the mutex (if any) guarding this frame's children.
    pub(crate) fn mutex(&self) -> Option<&Mutex<()>> {
        if let Kind::Root { mutex } = &self.kind {
        } else {

    pub(crate) unsafe fn fmt<W: core::fmt::Write>(
        w: &mut W,
        subframes_locked: bool,
    ) -> std::fmt::Result {
        unsafe fn fmt_helper<W: core::fmt::Write>(
            mut f: &mut W,
            frame: &Frame,
            is_last: bool,
            prefix: &str,
            subframes_locked: bool,
        ) -> core::fmt::Result {
            let location = frame.location();
            let current;
            let next;

            if is_last {
                current = format!("{prefix}└╼ {location}");
                next = format!("{prefix}   ");
            } else {
                current = format!("{prefix}├╼ {location}");
                next = format!("{prefix}");

            // print all but the first three codepoints of current
            write!(&mut f, "{}", {
                let mut current = current.chars();

            if subframes_locked {
                frame.subframes().for_each(|frame| {
                    writeln!(&mut f).unwrap();
                    let is_last = frame.next_frame().is_none();
                    fmt_helper(f, frame, is_last, &next, true).unwrap();
            } else {
                writeln!(&mut f, "{prefix}└┈ [POLLING]")?;


        fmt_helper(w, self, true, "  ", subframes_locked)

impl Frame {
    /// Produces the parent frame of this frame.
    pub(crate) fn parent(&self) -> Option<&Frame> {
        if self.is_uninitialized() {
        } else if let Kind::Node { parent } = self.kind {
            Some(unsafe { parent.as_ref() })
        } else {

    /// Produces the root frame of this futures tree.
    pub(crate) fn root(&self) -> &Frame {
        let mut frame = self;
        while let Some(parent) = frame.parent() {
            frame = parent;

    /// Produces an iterator over this frame's ancestors.
    pub fn backtrace(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Frame> + FusedIterator {
        /// An iterator that traverses up the tree of [`Frame`]s from a leaf.
        pub(crate) struct Backtrace<'a> {
            frame: Option<&'a Frame>,

        impl<'a> Backtrace<'a> {
            pub(crate) fn from_leaf(frame: &'a Frame) -> Self {
                Self { frame: Some(frame) }

        impl<'a> Iterator for Backtrace<'a> {
            type Item = &'a Frame;

            fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
                let curr = self.frame;
                self.frame = curr.and_then(Frame::parent);

        impl<'a> FusedIterator for Backtrace<'a> {}


    /// Produces an iterator over this frame's less-recently in
    pub(crate) fn subframes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Frame> + FusedIterator {
        pub(crate) struct Subframes<'a> {
            iter: linked_list::Iter<'a, Frame>,

        impl<'a> Subframes<'a> {
            pub(crate) fn from_parent(frame: &'a Frame) -> Self {
                Self {
                    iter: frame.children.with(|children| unsafe { &*children }.iter()),

        impl<'a> Iterator for Subframes<'a> {
            type Item = &'a Frame;

            fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
      |frame| unsafe { frame.as_ref() })

        impl<'a> FusedIterator for Subframes<'a> {}


    /// Produces this frame's previous (more-recently initialized) sibling (if
    /// any).
    pub fn prev_frame(&self) -> Option<&Frame> {
        unsafe {
            <Frame as linked_list::Link>::pointers(NonNull::from(self))
                .map(|f| f.as_ref())

    /// Produces this frame's previous (less-recently initialized) sibling (if
    /// any).
    pub fn next_frame(&self) -> Option<&Frame> {
        unsafe {
            <Frame as linked_list::Link>::pointers(NonNull::from(self))
                .map(|f| f.as_ref())

impl Kind {
    /// Produces a new [`Kind::Root`].
    fn root() -> Self {
        Kind::Root {
            mutex: Mutex::new(()),

    /// Produces a new [`Kind::Node`].
    fn node(parent: &Frame) -> Self {
        Kind::Node {
            parent: NonNull::from(parent),

    /// True if kind is [`Kind::Uninitialized`].
    fn is_uninitialized(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(&self, Kind::Uninitialized)

unsafe impl linked_list::Link for Frame {
    type Handle = NonNull<Self>;
    type Target = Self;

    fn as_raw(handle: &NonNull<Self>) -> NonNull<Self> {

    unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: NonNull<Self>) -> NonNull<Self> {

    unsafe fn pointers(target: NonNull<Self>) -> NonNull<linked_list::Pointers<Self>> {
        let me = target.as_ptr();
        let field = ::std::ptr::addr_of_mut!((*me).siblings);