arrayfire 3.8.0

ArrayFire is a high performance software library for parallel computing with an easy-to-use API. Its array based function set makes parallel programming simple. ArrayFire's multiple backends (CUDA, OpenCL and native CPU) make it platform independent and highly portable. A few lines of code in ArrayFire can replace dozens of lines of parallel computing code, saving you valuable time and lowering development costs. This crate provides Rust bindings for ArrayFire library.
/// Macro to print the current stats of ArrayFire's memory manager.
/// `mem_info!` print 4 values:
///  Name                    | Description
/// -------------------------|-------------------------
///  Allocated Bytes         | Total number of bytes allocated by the memory manager
///  Allocated Buffers       | Total number of buffers allocated
///  Locked (In Use) Bytes   | Number of bytes that are in use by active arrays
///  Locked (In Use) Buffers | Number of buffers that are in use by active arrays
///  The `Allocated Bytes` is always a multiple of the memory step size. The
///  default step size is 1024 bytes. This means when a buffer is to be
///  allocated, the size is always rounded up to a multiple of the step size.
///  You can use [get_mem_step_size](./fn.get_mem_step_size.html) to check the
///  current step size and [set_mem_step_size](./fn.set_mem_step_size.html) to
///  set a custom resolution size.
///  The `Allocated Buffers` is the number of buffers that use up the allocated
///  bytes. This includes buffers currently in scope, as well as buffers marked
///  as free, ie, from arrays gone out of scope. The free buffers are available
///  for use by new arrays that might be created.
///  The `Locked Bytes` is the number of bytes in use that cannot be
///  reallocated at the moment. The difference of Allocated Bytes and Locked
///  Bytes is the total bytes available for reallocation.
///  The `Locked Buffers` is the number of buffer in use that cannot be
///  reallocated at the moment. The difference of Allocated Buffers and Locked
///  Buffers is the number of buffers available for reallocation.
/// # Parameters
/// - `msg` is the message that is printed to screen before printing stats
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use arrayfire::{Dim4, device_mem_info, print, randu, mem_info};
/// let dims = Dim4::new(&[5, 5, 1, 1]);
/// let a = randu::<f32>(dims);
/// print(&a);
/// mem_info!("Hello!");
/// ```
/// Sample Output:
/// ```text
/// AF Memory: Here
/// Allocated [ Bytes | Buffers ] = [ 4096 | 4 ]
/// In Use    [ Bytes | Buffers ] = [ 2048 | 2 ]
/// ```
macro_rules! mem_info {
    [$msg: expr] => {
            let (abytes, abuffs, lbytes, lbuffs) = $crate::device_mem_info();
            println!("AF Memory: {:?}", $msg);
            println!("Allocated [Bytes | Buffers] = [ {} | {} ]", abytes, abuffs);
            println!("In Use    [Bytes | Buffers] = [ {} | {} ]", lbytes, lbuffs);

/// Join multiple Arrays along a given dimension
/// All the Arrays provided to this macro should be of type `&Array`
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use arrayfire::{Dim4, join_many, print, randu};
/// let a = &randu::<f32>(Dim4::new(&[5, 3, 1, 1]));
/// let b = &randu::<f32>(Dim4::new(&[5, 3, 1, 1]));
/// let c = &randu::<f32>(Dim4::new(&[5, 3, 1, 1]));
/// let d = join_many![2; a, b, c];
/// print(&d);
/// ```
/// # Panics
/// This macro just calls [join_many](./fn.join_many.html) function after collecting all
/// the input arrays into a vector.
// Using macro to implement join many wrapper
macro_rules! join_many {
    [$dim: expr; $($x:expr),+] => {
            let mut temp_vec = Vec::new();
            $crate::join_many($dim, temp_vec)

/// Print given message before printing out the Array to standard output
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use arrayfire::{Dim4, print_gen, randu, af_print};
/// let dims = Dim4::new(&[3, 1, 1, 1]);
/// let a = randu::<f32>(dims);
/// af_print!("Create a 5-by-3 matrix of random floats on the GPU", a);
/// ```
macro_rules! af_print {
    [$msg: expr, $x: expr] => {
            $crate::print_gen(String::from($msg), &$x, Some(4));

/// Create a dim4 object from provided dimensions
/// The user can pass 1 or more sizes and the left over values will default to 1.
macro_rules! dim4 {
    ($dim0:expr) => {
        $crate::Dim4::new(&[$dim0, 1, 1, 1])
    ($dim0:expr, $dim1:expr) => {
        $crate::Dim4::new(&[$dim0, $dim1, 1, 1])
    ($dim0:expr, $dim1:expr, $dim2:expr) => {
        $crate::Dim4::new(&[$dim0, $dim1, $dim2, 1])
    ($dim0:expr, $dim1:expr, $dim2:expr, $dim3:expr) => {
        $crate::Dim4::new(&[$dim0, $dim1, $dim2, $dim3])

/// Create a sequence object
/// If type is not provided, then the Seq will default to i32 type
macro_rules! seq {
    () => {
    ($sty:ty; $start:literal : $end:literal : $step:literal) => {
        $crate::Seq::<$sty>::new($start, $end, $step)
    ($start:literal : $end:literal : $step:literal) => {
        $crate::Seq::<i32>::new($start, $end, $step)
    ($sty:ty; $start:expr , $end:expr , $step:expr) => {
        $crate::Seq::<$sty>::new($start, $end, $step)
    ($start:expr , $end:expr , $step:expr) => {
        $crate::Seq::<i32>::new($start, $end, $step)

/// Indexing into an existing Array
/// This macro call with return an Array that has a view of another Array. The Array returned due to
/// the indexing operation will follow copy-on-write semantics. The Array identifier taken by this
/// macro is passed to the relevant internal functions as a borrowed reference. Thus, this identifier
/// will be still available for futher use after the macro call.
/// The following types of inputs are matched by this macro.
/// - A simple Array identifier.
/// - An Array with slicing info for indexing.
/// - An Array with slicing info and other arrays used for indexing.
/// Examples on how to use this macro are provided in the [tutorials book][1]
/// [1]:
macro_rules! view {
    (@af_max_dims) => {
    ( $array_ident:ident ) => {
    ( $array_ident:ident [ $($start:literal : $end:literal : $step:literal),+ ] ) => {
            let AF_MAX_DIMS: usize = view!(@af_max_dims);
            let mut seq_vec = Vec::<$crate::Seq<i32>>::with_capacity(AF_MAX_DIMS);
            $crate::index(&$array_ident, &seq_vec)
    (@set_indexer $idim:expr, $idxr:ident, $lterm:expr) => {
            $idxr.set_index(&$lterm, $idim, None);
    (@set_indexer $idim:expr, $idxr:ident, $hterm:expr, $($tterm:expr),*) => {
            $idxr.set_index(&$hterm, $idim, None);
            view!(@set_indexer $idim + 1, $idxr, $($tterm),*);
    ($array_ident:ident [ $($_e:expr),+ ]) => {
            let mut idxrs = $crate::Indexer::default();
            view!(@set_indexer 0, idxrs, $($_e),*);
            $crate::index_gen(&$array_ident, idxrs)

/// Macro to evaluate individual Arrays or assignment operations
/// - Evaluate on one or more Array identifiers: essentially calls [Array::eval][4] on each of those
///   Array objects individually.
///   ```rust
///   use arrayfire::{dim4, eval, randu};
///   let dims = dim4!(5, 5);
///   let a = randu::<f32>(dims);
///   let b = a.clone();
///   let c = a.clone();
///   let d = a.clone();
///   let x = a - b;
///   let y = c * d;
///   eval!(&x, &y);
///   ```
/// - Evaluate assignment operations: This is essentially syntactic sugar for modifying portions of
///   Array with another Array using a combination of [Sequences][1] and/or [Array][2] objects.
///   Full examples for this use case are provided in the [tutorials book][3]
/// [1]:
/// [2]:
/// [3]:
/// [4]:
macro_rules! eval {
    ( $l:ident [ $($lb:literal : $le:literal : $ls:literal),+ ] =
      $r:ident [ $($rb:literal : $re:literal : $rs:literal),+ ]) => {
            let AF_MAX_DIMS: usize = view!(@af_max_dims);
            let mut seq_vec = Vec::<$crate::Seq<i32>>::with_capacity(AF_MAX_DIMS);
            let mut idxrs = $crate::Indexer::default();
            for i in 0..seq_vec.len() {
                idxrs.set_index(&seq_vec[i], i as u32, None);
            let eq_rterm = $crate::view!($r[ $($rb:$re:$rs),+ ]);
            $crate::assign_gen(&mut $l, &idxrs, &eq_rterm);
    ( $l:ident [ $($lb:literal : $le:literal : $ls:literal),+ ] = $r:expr ) => {
            let AF_MAX_DIMS: usize = view!(@af_max_dims);
            let mut seq_vec = Vec::<$crate::Seq<i32>>::with_capacity(AF_MAX_DIMS);
            let mut idxrs = $crate::Indexer::default();
            for i in 0..seq_vec.len() {
                idxrs.set_index(&seq_vec[i], i as u32, None);
            $crate::assign_gen(&mut $l, &idxrs, &$r);
    ($lhs:ident [ $($lhs_e:expr),+ ] = $rhs:ident [ $($rhs_e:expr),+ ]) => {
            let eq_rterm = $crate::view!($rhs[ $($rhs_e),+ ]);
            let mut idxrs = $crate::Indexer::default();
            view!(@set_indexer 0, idxrs, $($lhs_e),*);
            $crate::assign_gen(&mut $lhs, &idxrs, &eq_rterm);
    ($lhs:ident [ $($lhs_e:expr),+ ] = $rhs:expr) => {
            let mut idxrs = $crate::Indexer::default();
            view!(@set_indexer 0, idxrs, $($lhs_e),*);
            $crate::assign_gen(&mut $lhs, &idxrs, &$rhs);
    [$($x:expr),+] => {
            let mut temp_vec = Vec::new();

/// Create an array of given shape filled with a single value a.k.a constant array
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// # use arrayfire::{constant};
/// let _zeros_1d = constant!(0.0f32; 10);
/// let _ones_3d = constant!(1u32; 3, 3, 3);
/// let dim = 10;
/// let mix_shape = constant!(42.0f32; dim, 10);
/// ```
macro_rules! constant {
    ($value:expr; $($dim:expr),+) => {
        $crate::constant($value, $crate::dim4!($($dim),*))

/// Create an array of given shape sampled from uniform distribution
/// If no type argument is specified, the data type defaults to 32 bit floats.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// # use arrayfire::{randu};
/// let mat10x10 = randu!(10, 10);
/// ```
macro_rules! randu {
    ($($dim:expr),+) => { $crate::randu::<f32>($crate::dim4!($($dim),*)) };
    ($type:ty; $($dim:expr),+) => { $crate::randu::<$type>($crate::dim4!($($dim),*)) };

/// Create an array of given shape sampled from normal distribution
/// If no type argument is specified, the data type defaults to 32 bit floats.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// # use arrayfire::{randn};
/// let mat10x10 = randn!(10, 10);
/// ```
macro_rules! randn {
    ($($dim:expr),+) => { $crate::randn::<f32>($crate::dim4!($($dim),*)) };
    ($type:ty; $($dim:expr),+) => { $crate::randn::<$type>($crate::dim4!($($dim),*)) };

mod tests {
    use super::super::array::Array;
    use super::super::data::constant;
    use super::super::device::set_device;
    use super::super::index::index;
    use super::super::random::randu;

    fn dim4_construction() {
        let dim1d = dim4!(2);
        let dim2d = dim4!(2, 3);
        let dim3d = dim4!(2, 3, 4);
        let dim4d = dim4!(2, 3, 4, 2);
        let _dimn = dim4!(dim1d[0], dim2d[1], dim3d[2], dim4d[3]);

    fn seq_construction() {
        let default_seq = seq!();
        let _range_1_to_10_step_1 = seq!(0:9:1);
        let _range_1_to_10_step_1_2 = seq!(f32; 0.0:9.0:1.5);
        let _range_from_exprs = seq!(default_seq.begin(), default_seq.end(), default_seq.step());
        let _range_from_exprs2 = seq!(f32; default_seq.begin() as f32,
                 default_seq.end() as f32, default_seq.step() as f32);

    fn seq_view() {
        let mut dim4d = dim4!(5, 3, 2, 1);
        dim4d[2] = 1;

        let a = randu::<f32>(dim4d);
        let seqs = &[seq!(1:3:1), seq!()];
        let _sub = index(&a, seqs);

    fn seq_view2() {
        // ANCHOR: seq_view2
        let a = randu::<f32>(dim4!(5, 5));
        let _sub = view!(a[1:3:1, 1:1:0]); // 1:1:0 means all elements along axis

        // ANCHOR_END: seq_view2

    fn view_macro() {
        let dims = dim4!(5, 5, 2, 1);
        let a = randu::<f32>(dims);
        let b = a.clone();
        let c = a.clone();
        let d = a.clone();
        let e = a.clone();

        let _v = view!(a);

        let _m = view!(c[1:3:1, 1:3:2]);

        let x = seq!(1:3:1);
        let y = seq!(1:3:2);
        let _u = view!(b[x, y]);

        let values: [u32; 3] = [1, 2, 3];
        let indices = Array::new(&values, dim4!(3, 1, 1, 1));
        let indices2 = Array::new(&values, dim4!(3, 1, 1, 1));

        let _w = view!(d[indices, indices2]);

        let _z = view!(e[indices, y]);

    fn eval_assign_seq_indexed_array() {
        let dims = dim4!(5, 5);
        let mut a = randu::<f32>(dims);
        //[5 5 1 1]
        //    0.6010     0.5497     0.1583     0.3636     0.6755
        //    0.0278     0.2864     0.3712     0.4165     0.6105
        //    0.9806     0.3410     0.3543     0.5814     0.5232
        //    0.2126     0.7509     0.6450     0.8962     0.5567
        //    0.0655     0.4105     0.9675     0.3712     0.7896

        let b = randu::<f32>(dims);
        //[5 5 1 1]
        //    0.8966     0.5143     0.0123     0.7917     0.2522
        //    0.0536     0.3670     0.3988     0.1654     0.9644
        //    0.5775     0.3336     0.9787     0.8657     0.4711
        //    0.2908     0.0363     0.2308     0.3766     0.3637
        //    0.9941     0.5349     0.6244     0.7331     0.9643

        let d0 = seq!(1:2:1);
        let d1 = seq!(1:2:1);
        let s0 = seq!(1:2:1);
        let s1 = seq!(1:2:1);
        eval!(a[d0, d1] = b[s0, s1]);
        //[5 5 1 1]
        //    0.6010     0.5497     0.1583     0.3636     0.6755
        //    0.0278     0.3670     0.3988     0.4165     0.6105
        //    0.9806     0.3336     0.9787     0.5814     0.5232
        //    0.2126     0.7509     0.6450     0.8962     0.5567
        //    0.0655     0.4105     0.9675     0.3712     0.7896

    fn eval_assign_array_to_seqd_array() {
        // ANCHOR: macro_seq_assign
        let mut a = randu::<f32>(dim4!(5, 5));
        let b = randu::<f32>(dim4!(2, 2));
        eval!(a[1:2:1, 1:2:1] = b);
        // ANCHOR_END: macro_seq_assign

    fn macro_seq_array_assign() {
        // ANCHOR: macro_seq_array_assign
        let values: [f32; 3] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0];
        let indices = Array::new(&values, dim4!(3));
        let seq4gen = seq!(0:2:1);
        let mut a = randu::<f32>(dim4!(5, 3));

        let b = constant(2.0 as f32, dim4!(3, 3));

        eval!(a[indices, seq4gen] = b);
        // ANCHOR_END: macro_seq_array_assign

    fn constant_macro() {
        let _zeros_1d = constant!(0.0f32; 10);
        let _zeros_2d = constant!(0.0f64; 5, 5);
        let _ones_3d = constant!(1u32; 3, 3, 3);
        let _twos_4d = constant!(2u16; 2, 2, 2, 2);

        let dim = 10;
        let _mix_shape = constant!(42.0f32; dim, 10);

    fn rand_macro() {
        let _ru5x5 = randu!(5, 5);
        let _rn5x5 = randn!(5, 5);
        let _ruu32_5x5 = randu!(u32; 5, 5);
        let _ruu8_5x5 = randu!(u8; 5, 5);