actix-http 3.3.0

HTTP primitives for the Actix ecosystem
/// Body size hint.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum BodySize {
    /// Implicitly empty body.
    /// Will omit the Content-Length header. Used for responses to certain methods (e.g., `HEAD`) or
    /// with particular status codes (e.g., 204 No Content). Consumers that read this as a body size
    /// hint are allowed to make optimizations that skip reading or writing the payload.

    /// Known size body.
    /// Will write `Content-Length: N` header.

    /// Unknown size body.
    /// Will not write Content-Length header. Can be used with chunked Transfer-Encoding.

impl BodySize {
    /// Equivalent to `BodySize::Sized(0)`;
    pub const ZERO: Self = Self::Sized(0);

    /// Returns true if size hint indicates omitted or empty body.
    /// Streams will return false because it cannot be known without reading the stream.
    /// ```
    /// # use actix_http::body::BodySize;
    /// assert!(BodySize::None.is_eof());
    /// assert!(BodySize::Sized(0).is_eof());
    /// assert!(!BodySize::Sized(64).is_eof());
    /// assert!(!BodySize::Stream.is_eof());
    /// ```
    pub fn is_eof(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, BodySize::None | BodySize::Sized(0))