actix-http 3.3.0

HTTP primitives for the Actix ecosystem
use std::{
    task::{Context, Poll},

use bytes::Bytes;
use pin_project_lite::pin_project;

use super::{BodySize, BoxBody, MessageBody};
use crate::Error;

pin_project! {
    /// An "either" type specialized for body types.
    /// It is common, in middleware especially, to conditionally return an inner service's unknown/
    /// generic body `B` type or return early with a new response. This type's "right" variant
    /// defaults to `BoxBody` since error responses are the common case.
    /// For example, middleware will often have `type Response = ServiceResponse<EitherBody<B>>`.
    /// This means that the inner service's response body type maps to the `Left` variant and the
    /// middleware's own error responses use the default `Right` variant of `BoxBody`. Of course,
    /// there's no reason it couldn't use `EitherBody<B, String>` instead if its alternative
    /// responses have a known type.
    #[project = EitherBodyProj]
    #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
    pub enum EitherBody<L, R = BoxBody> {
        /// A body of type `L`.
        Left { #[pin] body: L },

        /// A body of type `R`.
        Right { #[pin] body: R },

impl<L> EitherBody<L, BoxBody> {
    /// Creates new `EitherBody` left variant with a boxed right variant.
    /// If the expected `R` type will be inferred and is not `BoxBody` then use the
    /// [`left`](Self::left) constructor instead.
    pub fn new(body: L) -> Self {
        Self::Left { body }

impl<L, R> EitherBody<L, R> {
    /// Creates new `EitherBody` using left variant.
    pub fn left(body: L) -> Self {
        Self::Left { body }

    /// Creates new `EitherBody` using right variant.
    pub fn right(body: R) -> Self {
        Self::Right { body }

impl<L, R> MessageBody for EitherBody<L, R>
    L: MessageBody + 'static,
    R: MessageBody + 'static,
    type Error = Error;

    fn size(&self) -> BodySize {
        match self {
            EitherBody::Left { body } => body.size(),
            EitherBody::Right { body } => body.size(),

    fn poll_next(
        self: Pin<&mut Self>,
        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
    ) -> Poll<Option<Result<Bytes, Self::Error>>> {
        match self.project() {
            EitherBodyProj::Left { body } => body
                .map_err(|err| Error::new_body().with_cause(err)),
            EitherBodyProj::Right { body } => body
                .map_err(|err| Error::new_body().with_cause(err)),

    fn try_into_bytes(self) -> Result<Bytes, Self> {
        match self {
            EitherBody::Left { body } => body
                .map_err(|body| EitherBody::Left { body }),
            EitherBody::Right { body } => body
                .map_err(|body| EitherBody::Right { body }),

    fn boxed(self) -> BoxBody {
        match self {
            EitherBody::Left { body } => body.boxed(),
            EitherBody::Right { body } => body.boxed(),

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn type_parameter_inference() {
        let _body: EitherBody<(), _> = EitherBody::new(());

        let _body: EitherBody<_, ()> = EitherBody::left(());
        let _body: EitherBody<(), _> = EitherBody::right(());