Crate btc_vanity

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A rusty way to find your bitcoin vanity address!

With btc-vanity you can create a private key which has a compressed bitcoin pay address that has a custom prefix, suffix or a string at somewhere in the address.

Example Usage At Your Code

use btc_vanity::vanity_addr_generator::{VanityAddr, VanityMode};

let vanity_address = VanityAddr::generate(
            "Test", // the string that you want your vanity address include.
            16, // number of threads
            false, // case sensitivity (false ex: tESt, true ex: Test)
            true, // fast mode flag (to use a string longer than 4 chars this must be set to false)
            VanityMode::Anywhere, // vanity mode flag (prefix, suffix, anywhere available)
            ).unwrap(); // this function returns a result type

println!("private_key (wif): {}\n\
          public_key (compressed): {}\n\
          address (compressed): {}\n\n",

To Use At Your Cli

First install the crate with

$ cargo install btc-vanity

Then you can use –help or -h flags to learn how to use it!

$ btc-vanity --help
A bitcoin vanity address generator written with the Rust programming language.

Usage: btc-vanity [OPTIONS] [string]

[string]  String used to match addresses.

-i, --input-file <input-file>    File with strings to match addresses with.
Important: Write every string in a separate line.
-f, --force-flags                Use this flag to override the flags in the input file
or use in file to override cli flags for only that string.
Note: Cli -f is stronger than input-file -f.
-o, --output-file <output-file>  Crates a file that contains found wallet/s.
-p, --prefix                     Finds a vanity address which has 'string' prefix. [default]
-s, --suffix                     Finds a vanity address which has 'string' suffix.
-a, --anywhere                   Finds a vanity address which includes 'string' at any part of the address.
-t, --threads <threads>          Number of threads to be used. [default: 16]
-c, --case-sensitive             Use case sensitive comparison to match addresses.
-d, --disable-fast               Disables fast mode to find a prefix more than 4 characters.
-h, --help                       Print help
-V, --version                    Print version

Some Cli Usage Examples

Find a vanity address with prefix “Emiv” and appends the wallet details to -wallet.txt (if there is no wallet.txt it crates a new one)

$ btc-vanity -o wallet.txt Emiv

Gets all the inputs and flags (if available) from the inputs.txt text file sets the vanity mode anywhere for the strings which don’t have any vanity mode flag and appends all the wallet details to -wallets.txt with using 8 threads (if there is no wallets.txt it crates a new one)

$ btc-vanity -i inputs.txt -o wallets.txt -t 8 -a

Gets all the inputs and flags (if available) from the inputs.txt text file overrides all flags with the vanity mode to suffix, if a strings has it’s own -o <text’ file> flag it ignores it because of -f flag adn prints all the wallet details to stdout.

$ btc-vanity -f -s -i inputs.txt

Fun facts about btc-vanity docs

fun fact 1: The goal of v0.8.0 was writing docs and I did it but It never showed up because of a simple doc error ( and cargo said hey this is an unclosed HTML tag text)! There were no docs until I checked and publish v1.0.1.

fun fact 2: I’m dumb… and fast!. Apparently my docs are in queue so no worries :D


  • Cli With Using Clap Crate
  • Decoration Strings For Stylized Outputs
  • Custom Error Module For Better Error Handling And Output Styling
  • File Reading and Writing Module
  • Cli and Input File Flags Module
  • Key Pair and Address Generation Module
  • Vanity Address Generation Module