
Module bevy::sprite

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Items for sprites, rects, texture atlases, etc.


Utilities for detecting if and on which side two axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABB) collide.


A 2d material that renders 2d meshes with a texture tinted by a uniform color

The GPU representation of the uniform data of a ColorMaterial.

The GPU representation of a ColorMaterial.

Adds the necessary ECS resources and render logic to enable rendering entities using the given SpecializedMaterial2d asset type (which includes Material2d types).

A component bundle for entities with a Mesh2dHandle and a SpecializedMaterial2d.

Component for rendering with meshes in the 2d pipeline, usually with a 2d material such as ColorMaterial.

A rectangle defined by two points. There is no defined origin, so 0,0 could be anywhere (top-left, bottom-left, etc)

A Bundle of components for drawing a single sprite from a sprite sheet (also referred to as a TextureAtlas)

An atlas containing multiple textures (like a spritesheet or a tilemap). Example usage animating sprite. Example usage loading sprite sheet.

A builder which is used to create a texture atlas from many individual sprites.




Materials are used alongside Material2dPlugin and MaterialMesh2dBundle to spawn entities that are rendered with a specific Material2d type. They serve as an easy to use high level way to render Mesh2dHandle entities with custom shader logic. For materials that can specialize their RenderPipelineDescriptor based on specific material values, see SpecializedMaterial2d. Material2d automatically implements SpecializedMaterial2d and can be used anywhere that type is used (such as Material2dPlugin).

Materials are used alongside Material2dPlugin and MaterialMesh2dBundle to spawn entities that are rendered with a specific SpecializedMaterial2d type. They serve as an easy to use high level way to render Mesh2dHandle entities with custom shader logic. SpecializedMaterial2ds use their SpecializedMaterial2d::Key to customize their RenderPipelineDescriptor based on specific material values. The slightly simpler Material2d trait should be used for materials that do not need specialization. Material2d types automatically implement SpecializedMaterial2d.


Type Definitions