pub struct Material2dBindGroupId(/* private fields */);

Methods from Deref<Target = Option<BindGroupId>>§

1.0.0 · source

pub fn is_some(&self) -> bool

Returns true if the option is a Some value.

let x: Option<u32> = Some(2);
assert_eq!(x.is_some(), true);

let x: Option<u32> = None;
assert_eq!(x.is_some(), false);
1.0.0 · source

pub fn is_none(&self) -> bool

Returns true if the option is a None value.

let x: Option<u32> = Some(2);
assert_eq!(x.is_none(), false);

let x: Option<u32> = None;
assert_eq!(x.is_none(), true);
1.0.0 · source

pub fn as_ref(&self) -> Option<&T>

Converts from &Option<T> to Option<&T>.


Calculates the length of an Option<String> as an Option<usize> without moving the String. The map method takes the self argument by value, consuming the original, so this technique uses as_ref to first take an Option to a reference to the value inside the original.

let text: Option<String> = Some("Hello, world!".to_string());
// First, cast `Option<String>` to `Option<&String>` with `as_ref`,
// then consume *that* with `map`, leaving `text` on the stack.
let text_length: Option<usize> = text.as_ref().map(|s| s.len());
println!("still can print text: {text:?}");
1.0.0 · source

pub fn as_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T>

Converts from &mut Option<T> to Option<&mut T>.

let mut x = Some(2);
match x.as_mut() {
    Some(v) => *v = 42,
    None => {},
assert_eq!(x, Some(42));
1.33.0 · source

pub fn as_pin_ref(self: Pin<&Option<T>>) -> Option<Pin<&T>>

Converts from Pin<&Option<T>> to Option<Pin<&T>>.

1.33.0 · source

pub fn as_pin_mut(self: Pin<&mut Option<T>>) -> Option<Pin<&mut T>>

Converts from Pin<&mut Option<T>> to Option<Pin<&mut T>>.

1.75.0 · source

pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &[T]

Returns a slice of the contained value, if any. If this is None, an empty slice is returned. This can be useful to have a single type of iterator over an Option or slice.

Note: Should you have an Option<&T> and wish to get a slice of T, you can unpack it via opt.map_or(&[], std::slice::from_ref).

    [Some(1234).as_slice(), None.as_slice()],
    [&[1234][..], &[][..]],

The inverse of this function is (discounting borrowing) [_]::first:

for i in [Some(1234_u16), None] {
    assert_eq!(i.as_ref(), i.as_slice().first());
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pub fn as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> &mut [T]

Returns a mutable slice of the contained value, if any. If this is None, an empty slice is returned. This can be useful to have a single type of iterator over an Option or slice.

Note: Should you have an Option<&mut T> instead of a &mut Option<T>, which this method takes, you can obtain a mutable slice via opt.map_or(&mut [], std::slice::from_mut).

    [Some(1234).as_mut_slice(), None.as_mut_slice()],
    [&mut [1234][..], &mut [][..]],

The result is a mutable slice of zero or one items that points into our original Option:

let mut x = Some(1234);
x.as_mut_slice()[0] += 1;
assert_eq!(x, Some(1235));

The inverse of this method (discounting borrowing) is [_]::first_mut:

assert_eq!(Some(123).as_mut_slice().first_mut(), Some(&mut 123))
1.40.0 · source

pub fn as_deref(&self) -> Option<&<T as Deref>::Target>where T: Deref,

Converts from Option<T> (or &Option<T>) to Option<&T::Target>.

Leaves the original Option in-place, creating a new one with a reference to the original one, additionally coercing the contents via Deref.

let x: Option<String> = Some("hey".to_owned());
assert_eq!(x.as_deref(), Some("hey"));

let x: Option<String> = None;
assert_eq!(x.as_deref(), None);
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pub fn as_deref_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut <T as Deref>::Target>where T: DerefMut,

Converts from Option<T> (or &mut Option<T>) to Option<&mut T::Target>.

Leaves the original Option in-place, creating a new one containing a mutable reference to the inner type’s Deref::Target type.

let mut x: Option<String> = Some("hey".to_owned());
assert_eq!(x.as_deref_mut().map(|x| {
}), Some("HEY".to_owned().as_mut_str()));
1.0.0 · source

pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<'_, T>

Returns an iterator over the possibly contained value.

let x = Some(4);
assert_eq!(x.iter().next(), Some(&4));

let x: Option<u32> = None;
assert_eq!(x.iter().next(), None);
1.0.0 · source

pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> IterMut<'_, T>

Returns a mutable iterator over the possibly contained value.

let mut x = Some(4);
match x.iter_mut().next() {
    Some(v) => *v = 42,
    None => {},
assert_eq!(x, Some(42));

let mut x: Option<u32> = None;
assert_eq!(x.iter_mut().next(), None);
1.53.0 · source

pub fn insert(&mut self, value: T) -> &mut T

Inserts value into the option, then returns a mutable reference to it.

If the option already contains a value, the old value is dropped.

See also Option::get_or_insert, which doesn’t update the value if the option already contains Some.

let mut opt = None;
let val = opt.insert(1);
assert_eq!(*val, 1);
assert_eq!(opt.unwrap(), 1);
let val = opt.insert(2);
assert_eq!(*val, 2);
*val = 3;
assert_eq!(opt.unwrap(), 3);
1.20.0 · source

pub fn get_or_insert(&mut self, value: T) -> &mut T

Inserts value into the option if it is None, then returns a mutable reference to the contained value.

See also Option::insert, which updates the value even if the option already contains Some.

let mut x = None;

    let y: &mut u32 = x.get_or_insert(5);
    assert_eq!(y, &5);

    *y = 7;

assert_eq!(x, Some(7));

pub fn get_or_insert_default(&mut self) -> &mut Twhere T: Default,

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (option_get_or_insert_default)

Inserts the default value into the option if it is None, then returns a mutable reference to the contained value.


let mut x = None;

    let y: &mut u32 = x.get_or_insert_default();
    assert_eq!(y, &0);

    *y = 7;

assert_eq!(x, Some(7));
1.20.0 · source

pub fn get_or_insert_with<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Twhere F: FnOnce() -> T,

Inserts a value computed from f into the option if it is None, then returns a mutable reference to the contained value.

let mut x = None;

    let y: &mut u32 = x.get_or_insert_with(|| 5);
    assert_eq!(y, &5);

    *y = 7;

assert_eq!(x, Some(7));
1.0.0 · source

pub fn take(&mut self) -> Option<T>

Takes the value out of the option, leaving a None in its place.

let mut x = Some(2);
let y = x.take();
assert_eq!(x, None);
assert_eq!(y, Some(2));

let mut x: Option<u32> = None;
let y = x.take();
assert_eq!(x, None);
assert_eq!(y, None);

pub fn take_if<P>(&mut self, predicate: P) -> Option<T>where P: FnOnce(&mut T) -> bool,

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (option_take_if)

Takes the value out of the option, but only if the predicate evaluates to true on a mutable reference to the value.

In other words, replaces self with None if the predicate returns true. This method operates similar to Option::take but conditional.


let mut x = Some(42);

let prev = x.take_if(|v| if *v == 42 {
    *v += 1;
} else {
assert_eq!(x, Some(43));
assert_eq!(prev, None);

let prev = x.take_if(|v| *v == 43);
assert_eq!(x, None);
assert_eq!(prev, Some(43));
1.31.0 · source

pub fn replace(&mut self, value: T) -> Option<T>

Replaces the actual value in the option by the value given in parameter, returning the old value if present, leaving a Some in its place without deinitializing either one.

let mut x = Some(2);
let old = x.replace(5);
assert_eq!(x, Some(5));
assert_eq!(old, Some(2));

let mut x = None;
let old = x.replace(3);
assert_eq!(x, Some(3));
assert_eq!(old, None);

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for Material2dBindGroupId


fn clone(&self) -> Material2dBindGroupId

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Component for Material2dBindGroupIdwhere Material2dBindGroupId: Send + Sync + 'static,


type Storage = TableStorage

A marker type indicating the storage type used for this component. This must be either TableStorage or SparseStorage.

impl Default for Material2dBindGroupId


fn default() -> Material2dBindGroupId

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

impl Deref for Material2dBindGroupId


type Target = Option<BindGroupId>

The resulting type after dereferencing.

fn deref(&self) -> &<Material2dBindGroupId as Deref>::Target

Dereferences the value.

impl DerefMut for Material2dBindGroupId


fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut <Material2dBindGroupId as Deref>::Target

Mutably dereferences the value.

impl PartialEq for Material2dBindGroupId


fn eq(&self, other: &Material2dBindGroupId) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl Copy for Material2dBindGroupId


impl Eq for Material2dBindGroupId


impl StructuralEq for Material2dBindGroupId


impl StructuralPartialEq for Material2dBindGroupId

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for Twhere T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T, U> AsBindGroupShaderType<U> for Twhere U: ShaderType, &'a T: for<'a> Into<U>,


fn as_bind_group_shader_type(&self, _images: &RenderAssets<Image>) -> U

Return the T ShaderType for self. When used in AsBindGroup derives, it is safe to assume that all images in self exist.

impl<T> Borrow<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<C> Bundle for Cwhere C: Component,


fn component_ids( components: &mut Components, storages: &mut Storages, ids: &mut impl FnMut(ComponentId) )


unsafe fn from_components<T, F>(ctx: &mut T, func: &mut F) -> Cwhere F: for<'a> FnMut(&'a mut T) -> OwningPtr<'a>,


impl<T> Downcast<T> for T


fn downcast(&self) -> &T


impl<T> Downcast for Twhere T: Any,


fn into_any(self: Box<T>) -> Box<dyn Any>

Convert Box<dyn Trait> (where Trait: Downcast) to Box<dyn Any>. Box<dyn Any> can then be further downcast into Box<ConcreteType> where ConcreteType implements Trait.

fn into_any_rc(self: Rc<T>) -> Rc<dyn Any>

Convert Rc<Trait> (where Trait: Downcast) to Rc<Any>. Rc<Any> can then be further downcast into Rc<ConcreteType> where ConcreteType implements Trait.

fn as_any(&self) -> &(dyn Any + 'static)

Convert &Trait (where Trait: Downcast) to &Any. This is needed since Rust cannot generate &Any’s vtable from &Trait’s.

fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut (dyn Any + 'static)

Convert &mut Trait (where Trait: Downcast) to &Any. This is needed since Rust cannot generate &mut Any’s vtable from &mut Trait’s.

impl<T> DowncastSync for Twhere T: Any + Send + Sync,


fn into_any_arc(self: Arc<T>) -> Arc<dyn Any + Send + Sync>

Convert Arc<Trait> (where Trait: Downcast) to Arc<Any>. Arc<Any> can then be further downcast into Arc<ConcreteType> where ConcreteType implements Trait.

impl<T> DynEq for Twhere T: Any + Eq,


fn as_any(&self) -> &(dyn Any + 'static)

Casts the type to dyn Any.

fn dyn_eq(&self, other: &(dyn DynEq + 'static)) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal. Read more

impl<C> DynamicBundle for Cwhere C: Component,


fn get_components(self, func: &mut impl FnMut(StorageType, OwningPtr<'_>))


impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Qwhere Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Checks if this value is equivalent to the given key. Read more

impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Qwhere Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Compare self to key and return true if they are equal.

impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Qwhere Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Compare self to key and return true if they are equal.

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<S> FromSample<S> for S


fn from_sample_(s: S) -> S


impl<T> FromWorld for Twhere T: Default,


fn from_world(_world: &mut World) -> T

Creates Self using data from the given World.

impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for Twhere U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> ToOwned for Twhere T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> ToSample<U> for Twhere U: FromSample<T>,


fn to_sample_(self) -> U


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for Twhere U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for Twhere U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> TypeData for Twhere T: 'static + Send + Sync + Clone,


fn clone_type_data(&self) -> Box<dyn TypeData>


impl<T> Upcast<T> for T


fn upcast(&self) -> Option<&T>


impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self> where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

impl<S, T> Duplex<S> for Twhere T: FromSample<S> + ToSample<S>,


impl<T> Settings for Twhere T: 'static + Send + Sync,


impl<T> WasmNotSend for Twhere T: Send,


impl<T> WasmNotSync for Twhere T: Sync,