pub unsafe extern "C" fn vmaVirtualAllocate(
    virtualBlock: VmaVirtualBlock,
    pCreateInfo: *const VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo,
    pAllocation: *mut VmaVirtualAllocation,
    pOffset: *mut DeviceSize
) -> Result
Expand description

\brief Allocates new virtual allocation inside given #VmaVirtualBlock.

If the allocation fails due to not enough free space available, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY is returned (despite the function doesn’t ever allocate actual GPU memory). pAllocation is then set to VK_NULL_HANDLE and pOffset, if not null, it set to UINT64_MAX.

\param virtualBlock Virtual block \param pCreateInfo Parameters for the allocation \param[out] pAllocation Returned handle of the new allocation \param[out] pOffset Returned offset of the new allocation. Optional, can be null.