pub unsafe extern "C" fn vmaCheckPoolCorruption(
    allocator: VmaAllocator,
    pool: VmaPool
) -> Result
Expand description

\brief Checks magic number in margins around all allocations in given memory pool in search for corruptions.

Corruption detection is enabled only when VMA_DEBUG_DETECT_CORRUPTION macro is defined to nonzero, VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN is defined to nonzero and the pool is created in memory type that is HOST_VISIBLE and HOST_COHERENT. For more information, see [Corruption detection](@ref debugging_memory_usage_corruption_detection).

Possible return values:

  • VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT - corruption detection is not enabled for specified pool.
  • VK_SUCCESS - corruption detection has been performed and succeeded.
  • VK_ERROR_UNKNOWN - corruption detection has been performed and found memory corruptions around one of the allocations. VMA_ASSERT is also fired in that case.
  • Other value: Error returned by Vulkan, e.g. memory mapping failure.