Trait viz_core::ResponseExt

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pub trait ResponseExt: Sealed + Sized {
Show 18 methods // Required methods fn content_length(&self) -> Option<u64>; fn content_type(&self) -> Option<Mime>; fn header<K, T>(&self, key: K) -> Option<T> where K: AsHeaderName, T: FromStr; fn ok(&self) -> bool; fn download<T>( path: T, name: Option<&str>, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Self>> + Send where T: AsRef<Path> + Send; // Provided methods fn empty() -> Response { ... } fn with<B>(body: B, content_type: &str) -> Response where B: Into<Body> { ... } fn text<B>(body: B) -> Response where B: Into<Full<Bytes>> { ... } fn html<B>(body: B) -> Response where B: Into<Full<Bytes>> { ... } fn json<T>(body: T) -> Result<Response, PayloadError> where T: Serialize { ... } fn stream<S, D, E>(stream: S) -> Response where S: Stream<Item = Result<D, E>> + Send + 'static, D: Into<Bytes> + 'static, E: Into<BoxError> + 'static { ... } fn attachment(value: &str) -> Response { ... } fn location<T>(location: T) -> Response where T: AsRef<str> { ... } fn redirect<T>(url: T) -> Response where T: AsRef<str> { ... } fn redirect_with_status<T>(url: T, status: StatusCode) -> Response where T: AsRef<str> { ... } fn see_other<T>(url: T) -> Response where T: AsRef<str> { ... } fn temporary<T>(url: T) -> Response where T: AsRef<str> { ... } fn permanent<T>(url: T) -> Response where T: AsRef<str> { ... }
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The Response Extension.

Required Methods§


fn content_length(&self) -> Option<u64>

Get the size of this response’s body.


fn content_type(&self) -> Option<Mime>

Get the media type of this response.


fn header<K, T>(&self, key: K) -> Option<T>
where K: AsHeaderName, T: FromStr,

Get a header with the key.


fn ok(&self) -> bool

The response was successful (status in the range 200-299) or not.


fn download<T>( path: T, name: Option<&str>, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Self>> + Send
where T: AsRef<Path> + Send,

Available on crate feature fs only.

Downloads transfers the file from path as an attachment.

Provided Methods§


fn empty() -> Response

Creates a response with an empty body.


fn with<B>(body: B, content_type: &str) -> Response
where B: Into<Body>,

The response with the specified Content-Type.


fn text<B>(body: B) -> Response
where B: Into<Full<Bytes>>,

The response with text/plain; charset=utf-8 media type.


fn html<B>(body: B) -> Response
where B: Into<Full<Bytes>>,

The response with text/html; charset=utf-8 media type.


fn json<T>(body: T) -> Result<Response, PayloadError>
where T: Serialize,

Available on crate feature json only.

The response with application/javascript; charset=utf-8 media type.


Throws an error if serialization fails.


fn stream<S, D, E>(stream: S) -> Response
where S: Stream<Item = Result<D, E>> + Send + 'static, D: Into<Bytes> + 'static, E: Into<BoxError> + 'static,

Responds to a stream.


fn attachment(value: &str) -> Response

The Content-Disposition header indicates if the content is expected to be displayed inline in the browser, that is, as a Web page or as part of a Web page, or as an attachment, that is downloaded and saved locally.


fn location<T>(location: T) -> Response
where T: AsRef<str>,

The Content-Location header indicates an alternate location for the returned data.


fn redirect<T>(url: T) -> Response
where T: AsRef<str>,

The response redirects to the specified URL.


fn redirect_with_status<T>(url: T, status: StatusCode) -> Response
where T: AsRef<str>,

The response redirects to the specified URL and the status code.


fn see_other<T>(url: T) -> Response
where T: AsRef<str>,

The response redirects to the 303.


fn temporary<T>(url: T) -> Response
where T: AsRef<str>,

The response redirects to the 307.


fn permanent<T>(url: T) -> Response
where T: AsRef<str>,

The response redirects to the 308.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
