viz-core 0.8.4

The core traits and types in for Viz

Built-in Extractors

Extractor Description
Cookies Extracts the cookies from the request.
Form Extracts from-data from the body of a request.
Header Extracts a header from the headers of a request.
Json Extracts JSON data from the body of a request, or responds a JSON data to response.
Limits Extracts the limits settings.
Multipart Extracts the data from the multipart body of a request.
Params Extracts params from the path of a URL.
Query Extracts the data from the query string of a URL.
Session A session for the current request.
State Extracts state from the extensions of a request.
Websocket A WebSocket connection.

Built-in Middleware

Middleware Description
cookie Cookie
cors CORS
csrf CSRF
limits Limits
session Session
compression Compression
otel::tracing OpenTelemetry Tracing
otel::metrics OpenTelemetry Metrics


This project is licensed under the MIT license.
