Trait viz_core::handler::Handler

source ·
pub trait Handler<Input>: Send + Sync + 'static {
    type Output;

    // Required method
    fn call<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        input: Input,
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Self::Output> + Send + 'async_trait>>
       where Self: 'async_trait,
             'life0: 'async_trait;
Expand description

A simplified asynchronous interface for handling input and output.

Composable request handlers.

Required Associated Types§


type Output

The returned type after the call operator is used.

Required Methods§


fn call<'life0, 'async_trait>( &'life0 self, input: Input, ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Self::Output> + Send + 'async_trait>>
where Self: 'async_trait, 'life0: 'async_trait,

Performs the call operation.



impl<F, I, Fut, O> Handler<I> for F
where I: Send + 'static, F: Fn(I) -> Fut + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, Fut: Future<Output = O> + Send,


type Output = <Fut as Future>::Output


impl<H, F, I, O> Handler<I> for After<H, F>
where I: Send + 'static, H: Handler<I, Output = Result<O>>, F: Handler<H::Output, Output = H::Output>,


type Output = <F as Handler<<H as Handler<I>>::Output>>::Output


impl<H, F, I, O> Handler<I> for AndThen<H, F>
where I: Send + 'static, H: Handler<I, Output = Result<O>>, F: Handler<O, Output = H::Output>, O: Send,


type Output = <F as Handler<O>>::Output


impl<H, F, I, O> Handler<I> for Around<H, F>
where I: Send + 'static, H: Handler<I, Output = Result<O>> + Clone, F: Handler<Next<I, H>, Output = H::Output>,


type Output = <F as Handler<(I, H)>>::Output


impl<H, F, I, O> Handler<I> for Before<H, F>
where I: Send + 'static, F: Handler<I, Output = Result<I>>, H: Handler<I, Output = Result<O>>,


type Output = <H as Handler<I>>::Output


impl<H, F, I, O> Handler<I> for OrElse<H, F>
where I: Send + 'static, H: Handler<I, Output = Result<O>>, F: Handler<Error, Output = H::Output>, O: Send,


type Output = <F as Handler<Error>>::Output


impl<H, F, I, O, E> Handler<I> for MapErr<H, F>
where I: Send + 'static, H: Handler<I, Output = Result<O, E>>, F: FnOnce(E) -> Error + Send + Sync + Copy + 'static,


type Output = Result<O, Error>


impl<H, F, I, O, R> Handler<I> for CatchUnwind<H, F>
where I: Send + 'static, H: Handler<I, Output = Result<O>>, O: IntoResponse + Send, F: Handler<Box<dyn Any + Send>, Output = R>, R: IntoResponse,


impl<H, F, I, O, T> Handler<I> for Map<H, F>
where I: Send + 'static, H: Handler<I, Output = Result<O>>, F: FnOnce(O) -> T + Send + Sync + Copy + 'static,


type Output = Result<T, Error>


impl<H, I, O> Handler<I> for MapInToResponse<H>
where I: Send + 'static, H: Handler<I, Output = Result<O>>, O: IntoResponse,


impl<H, I, O, F, E, R> Handler<I> for CatchError<H, F, E, R>
where I: Send + 'static, H: Handler<I, Output = Result<O>>, O: IntoResponse + Send, E: Error + Send + 'static, F: Handler<E, Output = R>, R: IntoResponse + 'static,


impl<H, O> Handler<Request<Body>> for CompressionMiddleware<H>
where H: Handler<Request, Output = Result<O>>, O: IntoResponse,

Available on crate feature compression only.

impl<H, O> Handler<Request<Body>> for CookieMiddleware<H>
where H: Handler<Request, Output = Result<O>>, O: IntoResponse,

Available on crate feature cookie only.

impl<H, O> Handler<Request<Body>> for CorsMiddleware<H>
where H: Handler<Request, Output = Result<O>>, O: IntoResponse,

Available on crate feature cors only.

impl<H, O> Handler<Request<Body>> for LimitsMiddleware<H>
where H: Handler<Request, Output = Result<O>>, O: IntoResponse,

Available on crate feature limits only.

impl<H, O> Handler<Request<Body>> for MetricsMiddleware<H>
where H: Handler<Request, Output = Result<O>>, O: IntoResponse,

Available on crate features params and otel and otel-metrics only.

impl<H, O, S, G, V> Handler<Request<Body>> for CsrfMiddleware<H, S, G, V>
where H: Handler<Request, Output = Result<O>>, O: IntoResponse, S: Fn() -> Result<Vec<u8>> + Send + Sync + 'static, G: Fn(&[u8], Vec<u8>) -> Vec<u8> + Send + Sync + 'static, V: Fn(&[u8], String) -> bool + Send + Sync + 'static,

Available on crate feature csrf only.

impl<H, O, S, G, V> Handler<Request<Body>> for SessionMiddleware<H, S, G, V>
where H: Handler<Request, Output = Result<O>>, O: IntoResponse, S: Storage + 'static, G: Fn() -> String + Send + Sync + 'static, V: Fn(&str) -> bool + Send + Sync + 'static,

Available on crate feature session only.

impl<H, O, T> Handler<Request<Body>> for TracingMiddleware<H, T>
where H: Handler<Request, Output = Result<O>>, O: IntoResponse, T: Tracer + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static, T::Span: Send + Sync + 'static,

Available on crate features params and otel and otel-tracing only.

impl<I, H, E, O> Handler<I> for FnExtHandler<H, E, O>
where I: Send + 'static, E: FromRequest + 'static, E::Error: IntoResponse, H: FnExt<I, E, Output = Result<O>>, O: 'static,


type Output = <H as FnExt<I, E>>::Output


impl<I, O> Handler<I> for BoxHandler<I, O>
where I: Send + 'static, O: 'static,


type Output = O


impl<I, O, S> Handler<Request<I>> for ServiceHandler<S>
where I: HttpBody + Send + 'static, O: HttpBody + Send + 'static, O::Data: Into<Bytes>, O::Error: Into<BoxError>, S: Service<Request<I>, Response = Response<O>> + Send + Sync + 'static, S::Future: Send, S::Error: Into<BoxError>,


impl<L, R, I, O> Handler<I> for Either<L, R>
where I: Send + 'static, L: Handler<I, Output = O>, R: Handler<I, Output = O>,


type Output = O


impl<T, H, O> Handler<Request<Body>> for State<(T, H)>
where T: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, H: Handler<Request, Output = Result<O>>, O: IntoResponse,

Available on crate feature state only.