Macro validus::fast_rule

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macro_rules! fast_rule {
    ($name:ident, msg = $msg:expr, $func:expr) => { ... };
    ($name:ty, err = $err:tt, msg = $msg:expr, $func:expr) => { ... };
Expand description

Define a rule using a predicate with ad-hoc errors.

This is done by implementing ValidateString for your rule using the closure. Since ValidateString expects your closure to return Result<(), Error> (where Error refers to some choice of an error type), fast_rule converts your closure’s return type to Result<(), Error> so that true is mapped to Ok(()) and false is mapped to your error type or error message.

The error type is:

  • &'static str with the msg value if you don’t specify the err parameter.
  • Your error type err if you do specify the err parameter.

See also

  • easy_rule is more flexible in that it allows you to construct your own error instance so you can throw errors that are neither ZSTs nor implementing Debug + Display + Error.
  • ValidateString


use validus::prelude::*;
use validus::fast_rule;

// 1. String errors.
// The error type is &'static str.

// 1a. Define your rule. I called it Email.
struct Email;
// 1b. Implement ValidateString for your rule
// using fast_rule!.
fast_rule!(Email, msg = "invalid email", |s: &str| {
// 1c. Try it out.
let vv: &vstr<Email> = "hello@world".validate::<Email>().unwrap();

// 2. Your error type.
// fast_rule! implements Debug + Display + Error.
// Both the Debug and Display errors are made to display the string
// "invalid phone number".

// 2a. Define your error type. Make it a ZST.
// fast_rule! will implement Debug, Display, and Error for you.
struct BadPhoneError;
// 2b. Define your rule.
struct Phone;
// 2c. Implement ValidateString for your rule.
    err = BadPhoneError,
    msg = "invalid phone number",
    |s: &str| {
        s.len() == 11 && s.starts_with("07")
// 2d. Try it out:

let vv: &vstr<Phone> = "07123456789".validate::<Phone>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vv, "07123456789");
let vv: BadPhoneError = "123".validate::<Phone>().unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(vv.to_string(), "invalid phone number");