pub trait ValidateString: Send + Sync + Unpin {
    type Error;

    // Required method
    fn validate_str(s: &str) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
Expand description

Validate a string slice.

A type (preferably a ZST) that implements this trait has a function validate_str that can be called on any str-slice to validate it, according to the rules that the type claims to enforce.

There’s also the special implementations:

  • ValidateAll: that validates everything, and
  • (): that validates nothing.


In this example, the use of a regular expression to validate a simple email address is shown.

Here, I will use a simplified email scheme that just checks whether there are characters before and after an at-sign (@) all throughout the string slice.

use std::sync::OnceLock;

use regex::Regex;
use validus::prelude::ValidateString;

const REGEX: &str = r"^.+@.+$";

static RE_EMAIL: OnceLock<Regex> = OnceLock::new();

// This is my rule.
struct Email;

// And, this is how I implement it.
impl ValidateString for Email {
    type Error = ();

    fn validate_str(s: &str) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        // I use a `OnceLock` to lazily compile the regex.
        let re = RE_EMAIL.get_or_init(|| Regex::new(REGEX).unwrap());
        // ... then, `is_match` to check whether the string slice
        // matches the regex.
        re.is_match(s).then(|| ()).ok_or(())

// Now, I can call `validate_str` on a string slice.

// Very well. Now, a counter-example.
assert!(Email::validate_str("hello world").is_err());

// Note that, however, each implementation of `ValidateString`
// is meant to be used by `VStr`.

About Into

Using Into, you can express: “If RuleA validates a string slice, then RuleB also validates the same string slice.”

Specifically, if RuleA: Into<RuleB>, then VStr<RuleA> can be converted to VStr<RuleB> without the possibility of error using the VStr::change_rules method.

See VStr::change_rules and VStr::erase_rules for more information.

(There’s also VStr::try_change_rules, which is a fallible version of VStr::change_rules that works for any pair of rules.)

Into is incomplete

Idetally, all ValidateString implementations should implement Into<ValidateAll>.

However, this is not possible because of the orphan rule, so here’s a workaround:

See also

Required Associated Types§


type Error

Explain why the string slice is invalid.

(Transient errors are not allowed; all errors should be grammatical errors in the string slice itself.)

Required Methods§


fn validate_str(s: &str) -> Result<(), Self::Error>

Validate a string slice.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl ValidateString for ()

A special implementation that validates nothing.


type Error = ()


fn validate_str(_: &str) -> Result<(), Self::Error>
